Berwick Saga Swords

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This content was originally provided by Othin.


Used by Reese, Ward, Elbert, Volo, Ruby, Arthur, Kramer, Faye, Clifford, Faramir, Sherpa, Larentia, Marcel, Enid, Alvina, Paramythis, and Spoilers among playable characters. Also used by Christine and Esteban after promotion.

Item Mt Prec Wt Rank Range Dur # Cost Rep Auto Effect
Bronze Sword 6 5 5 1 0 D - 400 1 - -
Shortsword 4 6 3 1 0 C - 600 1 - -
Scimitar 9 5 4 2 0 C - 700 1 - -
Longsword 9 6 5 2 0 C - 1200 2 - -
Wind Edge 6 5 5 4 0 C - 1800 2 - Wind damage +5
Broadsword 11 6 6 5 0 C - 2000 2 - Critical +6%
Scimitar+ 7 4 7 6 0 E - 1000 1 - +1 strikes
Killing Edge 10 6 5 6 0 C - 2400 3 - Critical +18%
Saber 8 6 3 7 0 C - 1200 2 - Critical +7%
Altium Sword 10 5 7 8 0 A - 2000 2 - -
Levin Sword 5 4 5 8 0 D - 3000 3 - Thunder damage +9
Rapier 7 7 3 7 0 C - 3200 4 - Critical +12%, negates shields
Albatross 12 4 12 12 0 C - 1000 1 - Critical +33%, 50% chance of damaging self
Holy Sword 10 5 5 13 0 C - 3700 - Light damage +7, Dark resistance +3
Mithril Sword 13 6 4 14 0 B - 4500 5 - -
Knight Sword 8 5 6 15 0 B - 4800 5 - +1 strikes
Estoc 3 8 2 10 0 B - 5000 5 - x2 strikes, negates shields
Grímhild 14 8 7 5 0 C - 5300 6 - Critical +24%
Harperia 9 7 3 2 0 B - 6200 - +1 strikes, Critical +18%
Flame Sword 8 5 4 7 0 C - 6200 - Fire damage +7
Infernal Edge 6 6 4 3 0 C - 7400 - Fire damage +10
Colichemarde 7 7 4 7 0 C - 7600 - x2 strikes, Critical +12%, negates shields
*Cutlass 8 6 3 20 0 B - - 5 Faye +1 strikes, Critical +12%
*Cutlass+ 12 6 4 20 0 B - - 6 Faramir +1 strikes, Critical +18%
*Raze Étoile 13 5 3 30 0 D - - 7 Initial owner absorbs damage dealt
Lady Sword 10 8 3 - 0 D - 3800 4 Females Critical +33%
*Gram 13 8 4 - 0 B - - 7 Reese +1 strikes, Critical +18%, functions as a Miracle Charm
*Nothung 15 6 5 - 0 C - - 8 Reese Light damage +15, Dark resistance +15, recovers some durability every Chapter
Verian Sword 8 6 4 1 0 D - 800 1 - -
Old Imp. Sword 7 4 8 1 0 F - 300 - Unused
Imperial Sword 9 5 6 1 0 D - 600 1 - -
*Vajra 8 5 10 30 0 S - - - Critical +3%, reduces damage taken by 66%
*Vritra 16 8 5 - 0 S - - 8 Faye Critical +18%, negates the damage-reducing effect of Vajra, functions as a Miracle Charm

Berwick Saga Items