Knoll (Cipher)

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Knoll - Series 22

Knoll: Watcher of Darkness
Class Summoner (Advanced) Cost 4(3)
Symbol Legendary Weapons None Affinities Male Tome None None None
Attack 60 Support 20 Range 1-2
Quote "I'll do what I can to help you. I feel like that is what Prince Lyon would want."
Skill 1 Pursuing the Heart of Darkness ACT Once Per Turn Choose up to 2 of your Orbs, and look at them.
Skill 2 Gleipnir, the Magic Tome ACT Once Per Turn [Send 1 Orb to the Retreat Area] Choose up to 2 of your opponent's Bond cards, and flip them face-down.
Skill 3 Peace in Darkness ACT Once Per Turn [ Flip 2 Bonds ] If you have 2 or fewer cards in your hand, draw 2 cards.
Card Code B22-047R Illustrator Akira Egawa
Knoll: Survivor of the Court Mages
Class Shaman (Base) Cost 1
Symbol Legendary Weapons None Affinities Male Tome None None None
Attack 30 Support 20 Range 1-2
Quote "My name is Knoll. Until recently, I was one of Grado's top researchers in arcane matters."
Skill Knowledge of Elder Magic CONT The Support skills of cards that are supporting enemies with a Deployment Cost of 1 are unable to come into effect.
Support Skill Attack Support Sealspell Emblem Support Until the end of this combat, any Support skills that your opponent's Support card possesses are unable to come into effect.
Card Code B22-048N Illustrator Akira Egawa