Fates Supports/Silas Elise

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C Support

Silas: Hello, Lady Elise. I'm happy to report that I've successfully fulfilled your request. I located that starving family you mentioned and delivered a month's worth of food.

Elise: Wow, what a relief! Thank you, Silas! I'm sorry I asked you for such a big favor. Really, thanks a million!

Silas: Not to worry, milady. Helping others is a passion of mine.

Elise: Hee hee, you're so great. How can I ever thank you?

Silas: You have already thanked me. Twice. That is more than sufficient, milady.

Elise: Oh, don't be a goose. Surely there must be something you'd like as a reward? Come on, don't be shy! Tell me! Tell me! TELL ME!

Silas: Ah, um, I mean...are you certain?! If so, I suppose... Well, to be honest, I do have something in mind. Maybe...you could be my little sister for a day.

Elise: Huh?!

Silas: Well, this is a little embarrassing, but...seeing you and Avatar together makes me long for a sibling of my own.

Elise: That's really all you want? A sister for a day?

Silas: It is. Doesn't it sound like fun?

Elise: It sounds...like a blast! This is gonna be great!

Silas: So you'll really do it? Wow! Th-thank you, Lady Elise!

Elise: No problem! But, um...what exactly should we do on your sister day?

Silas: Hmmm...I hadn't thought it through that far. Let me give it some thought, and I'll get back to you.

B Support

Elise: Silas! Hi! Have you figured out what we're gonna do on Sister Day yet?

Silas: Well, I was thinking about it, and I believe I've got it figured out.

Elise: Oooh, yay! Go on, tell me all about it. Hurry! The wait is killing me!

Silas: Ha ha, well...I was thinking... we could get into an argument!

Elise: An argument? Really?! I don't understand...

Silas: That's what siblings do, right? And they say the more you fight, the closer you become!

Elise: I have never heard anyone say that, no. I'm gonna tell it to you straight, Silas. That is a really, REALLY dumb idea. Let's do something fun instead!

Silas: Oh...OK. You're probably right.

Elise: Do you have anything else in mind?

Silas: No...that's all I could come up with.

Elise: Oh...

Silas: What do you suggest, Lady Elise? Is there anything you and Avatar do that's especially sibling-like?

Elise: Oh! OH! We train together sometimes!

Silas: You train? Like, for battle?

Elise: Yeah! What do ya think?

Silas: I don't know... What if I hurt you? I could never forgive myself.

Elise: Why?

Silas: Why?! Because, um, hurting sweet little girls for fun is...you know...wrong.

Elise: Pfft. That's what I say to that. Training is a great way for siblings to bond. Trust me!

Silas: Oh dear...

A Support

Silas: Hello, Lady Elise.

Elise: Hi, Silas!

Silas: So I've been thinking about Sister Day, and I've made up my mind. If you wish to train together, then that's what we'll do.

Elise: Huh? Really?

Silas: Really. If some terrible accident happens, I'm prepared to pay the cost. People will throw stones, and I'll surely be hanged by my Nohrian friends... But if that is your wish, then so be it.

Elise: Hmm... So, yeah, about that...

Silas: Is something wrong?

Elise: Weeell, now that I think about it, maybe that's not the best idea.

Silas: Oh? What made you change your mind?

Elise: Well, I realized that all siblings bond in different ways. I've never trained with Xander once! So if you're gonna be my brother, Silas, we should think of something special. You're not mad, are you? I know you finally made up your mind and all...

Silas: No worries at all. We'll figure something out. This is harder than I thought...

Elise: Oh, I know! Why don't we ask around? Get some fresh ideas? OOH! We can even hold a tea party and all brainstorm and eat cookies! It will be so fun! People can share stories about how they bond with their siblings. We're bound to hear an idea that's perfect for us!

Silas: That's a wonderful idea, Lady Elise.

Elise: Isn't it? OK! Let's go invite everyone!

Silas: Yes, let's!

S Support

Silas: Lady Elise! I wanted to thank you for the other day. The tea party was delightful. I can't recall the last time I laughed so hard! I will always remember that day with great fondness.

Elise: I'm glad YOU had a good time. I'm a little bummed, to be honest. I was really hoping we could figure out a fun sibling thing to do together. I guess it's hopeless... *SIGH*

Silas: Actually...that's not a problem. I think I changed my mind about my reward.

Elise: Huh, really? After all that?! Well, what DO you want then?

Silas: Well, instead of a sister, I was wondering... *GULP* Well, I was hoping that... Maybe you would consent to be my wife instead.

Elise: ... ... ... Oh! I think I get it. You mean just for a day, like the sister thing. Right? That's no problem at all.

Silas: Actually...I meant forever. Though I more than understand if you wish to decline.

Elise: Silas...

Silas: I've had feelings for you for a while now. Lately, you're all I can think about. I thought just being near you would be enough, thus the sister idea. I probably should keep these emotions to myself, but I can't stand it any longer.

Elise: I had no idea...

Silas: Lady Elise, I'll only ask this once. If you say no I shall leave you alone forever. You are everything to me. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?

Elise: Oh my...what a beautiful ring. But I wonder...

Silas: May I inquire as to the cause of your hesitation? Am I not worthy of you?

Elise: No, it's not that! You're kind and faithful, and...and I have feelings for you too. But if we can't even think of sibling things to do, what will we do when we're married?

Silas: Oh, is that it? That's no concern at all! I was only lost for suggestions because I didn't want to tip my hand to you. When we're married, we can do whatever we please. Picnics, long walks, anything. My only concern in life will be to make sure you are as happy as possible.

Elise: Oh, Silas... Do you mean it?

Silas: With all my heart, milady. I know a lowly knight is unworthy of a fair princess, but please consider.

Elise: Don't speak that way about my future husband!

Silas: A-are you saying what I think you're saying?!

Elise: I'd be honored to share my life with you, dear Silas. I'm so happy!

Silas: Thank you, sweet Elise. This is the best reward anyone could ask for...