Fates Supports/Peri Siegbert(PC)

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C Support

Siegbert: Mother... So this is where you were.

Peri: Do you need something, Siegbert? Because this isn't a great time.

Siegbert: You seem tired. Is everything OK?

Peri: No! It isn't! I'm dead on my feet! And still they aren't giving me a moment's peace! It's a real pain in the neck!

Siegbert: I see... Mother, I think I know the perfect way to help us both!

Peri: You do?! I'm all ears!

Siegbert: I'd like to give you a shoulder massage.

Peri: I don't get it. How will that help you?

Siegbert: Like you, I've been feeling some aches and pains. One of the healers here showed me some pressure points to relieve the pain, but I can't really find the spots when I try to massage myself. If I could practice on your shoulders, you could tell me when I find the spots.

Peri: Aaah, I get you. OK, go ahead and give it your best shot.

Siegbert: Excellent! Thank you, Mother. Here, try and relax...

Peri: ...Whew... That was just what I needed. The exact opposite of a pain in the neck! Thank you, Siegbert. But weren't you feeling sore too?

Siegbert: No need for concern, Mother. I'm the one who should be thanking you. Now that I know where to apply pressure, my pain will be a thing of the past.

Peri: Hmm... Good point! Still, I have to thank you. You've inspired me to buckle down and try harder. Starting tomorrow!

B Support

Siegbert: Ugh...

Peri: Something been giving you grief, Siegbert? How about a nice massage!

Siegbert: It's nothing, Mother. Don't worry about it.

Peri: Quit fidgeting! You're only making this harder on both of us.

Siegbert: I'm fine, really! I don't want to be seen like this.

Peri: I know I didn't just hear you say you're ashamed of your mother!

Siegbert: *sigh* Fine...

Peri: Much better. But I'm curious... Is there more than one pain in your neck?

Siegbert: Nothing you need to worry about— I'm sure I can handle things on my own.

Peri: You're a terrible liar.

Siegbert: Well... Lately I find myself lost in thought a lot. I can't help thinking that I'm not strong enough yet. Or wondering if I have what it takes to protect the people.

Peri: Hmm... There's a lot of enemies who'd wipe the floor with you right now. Whether it's because they're smarter or just plain tougher... Doesn't it make your heart swell up to think about?

Siegbert: Mother, you aren't really helping...

Peri: No, no, it's a good thing! Knowing that there's always someone stronger... That means there's always someone whose style you can copy! You're just a kid, Siegbert. No one expects you to know everything. Knowing that you know so little is a good enough starting point. That's what I think.

Siegbert: So knowing my limitations... That will help make me stronger. Thank you, Mother. I feel a bit better already.

Peri: Sure thing. Just don't worry SO much about it that you let your guard down!

A Support

Siegbert: Mother, have you got some free time?

Peri: Hi, Siegbert! What's going on?

Siegbert: Well, I'd like to give you another shoulder massage.

Peri: Ooh, are you practicing to become a professional masseur?

Siegbert: N-no, of course not! I just wanted to repay you for the advice you offered me the other day.

Peri: Oh, that? Was it good advice after all?

Siegbert: Very much so. I've been able to apply that open-mindedness to several situations. I've learned from villagers what it is to live diligently. And from my comrades, I've learned what it's like to face strong enemies... I've witnessed all different kinds of strength from the people I've encountered. And I've become acutely aware of my own shortcomings. But now, instead of grinding to a stop when I find a fault in myself... I want to push forward and overcome the obstacle.

Peri: Well, listen to you, Siegbert. All grown up.

Siegbert: I'm sure I'll still find things to be worried about... But that's also a necessary waypoint on the path to growing stronger... For now, I think I'll puff out my chest and brood a little, like Father.

Peri: I was about to suggest that myself! But don't get carried away... If you need help, my son's problems are my problems. Got it?