Fates Supports/Kiragi Sophie

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C Support

Sophie: ...

Kiragi: Hey, Sophie. What are you up to?

Sophie: Kiragi! Hi! I'm just cleaning out the stables and reflecting on my mistakes. Should only take another seven hours or so!

Kiragi: Er, is that...healthy? I'm sure you haven't done anything too bad...

Sophie: I'm never going to get better if I don't recognize how I failed in the past.

Kiragi: What happened?

Sophie: I got distracted, which allowed one of the horses to eat twice his normal feed.

Kiragi: Oh. And you were put on cleaning duty as punishment? That seems a little unfair. Horse feed isn't THAT valuable.

Sophie: Oh, no. I decided to do this myself in order to make up for my mistake.

Kiragi: Ohhh, OK. That's pretty admirable of you, actually!

Sophie: Thanks! I appreciate it! But the stables are so big, I'm starting to really regret my decision. It's taking so much longer than I thought it would.

Kiragi: Er... Maybe I could help out?

Sophie: That would be so amazing! But...I don't think I can accept your offer. If I don't do it myself, it'd sort of ruin the whole point.

Kiragi: Yeah, I guess you're right...

Sophie: Ughhhhh! Why in the world did I think this was a good idea in the first place?! I'm such an idiot! GRRRRAHHHHHH!

Kiragi: Uhhh...Sophie?

Sophie: Oh no! Now I broke the door too! What should I do?!

Kiragi: Sophie, watch out! You're going to knock over the lamp!

Sophie: AIIIEEE!

Kiragi: Stop! J-just don't move, OK?

Sophie: OK... Whew! That was a close one.

Kiragi: Good grief. Here, look, I'll lend you a hand. If you keep working alone, this place might not still be standing in the morning.

Sophie: Erk. Good point...

B Support

Sophie: Dum da dumdum da dumdumdum! ♪

Kiragi: Oh, hey, Sophie! I see you're cleaning the stables again. What'd you do this time?

Sophie: Hey! What's that supposed to mean?! I didn't mess anything up, if that's what you mean. It's just my turn on stable duty.

Kiragi: Oh. Er, whoops. I guess I just assumed— N-never mind... I'm sorry. But...um...are you sure it's a good idea to be doing this alone? I mean, last time, you almost burned the whole place down...

Sophie: Hey, watch it! I'm not always that clumsy, OK? Sheesh. You mess up one time... Buuut I guess I do owe you for your help, so I'll let it slide this time. Thanks again.

Kiragi: Haha. I'm just glad I could help. I could lend a hand today too, if you'd like.

Sophie: Are you sure? I don't want you to waste your whole afternoon...

Kiragi: Don't worry. It's fine. I didn't have anything to do today anyways.

Sophie: Woohoo! OK. I've got a bucket you can use round back. I'll just go grab it, and— No. No no no no no no no no no no no no.

Kiragi: Uh...Sophie? You OK?

Sophie: The...the back gate. I left it open...

Kiragi: Oh no. The horses! Are they still there?

Sophie: No...they're gone. They're all gone!

Kiragi: *snicker* Er, I mean, oh no! We've got to find them! Haha.

Sophie: Y-yeah... Agh... Why does this sort of thing always happen to me?

Kiragi: I'm—heh—I'm so sorry—heehee. Heeheehee. Bwahahahahaha!

Sophie: Kiragi! Hey! How can you be laughing at a time like this?

Kiragi: Hahahaha! I'm sorry! It's just that the most ridiculous things happen when I'm around you.

Sophie: Th-that's not something to laugh about!

Kiragi: I know, I know. But it's just— I mean how do you even—? Ahahahaha! Hoo, boy. I don't know why I'm laughing so much!

Sophie: Hey! This is serious! Come on! If you've got time to stand there and laugh, you've got time to look for the horses!

Kiragi: R-right! OK, let's go! *giggle*

A Support

Sophie: Phew. OK. We're finally done with the stables. Next is...polishing the armor. Blah. Lately it feels like all we've been doing is working.

Kiragi: Aw, c'mon, Sophie! There's no need to mope around like that. Work can be fun! You just have to have the right attitude.

Sophie: How are you so cheerful? It's my fault you're even in this mess in the first place. If you hadn't helped me look for the horses, you'd never have been blamed!

Kiragi: Eh, nothing to be done about it now. Besides, they couldn't risk not punishing someone who might have done it. Horses aren't easy to replace. I'm just glad we were able to find them all, you know?

Sophie: Yeah, I know. I still just feel so bad about getting you involved. And it was all thanks to you that we even managed to get those horses back at all! That's two times you've helped me now. I can't even begin to thank you enough.

Kiragi: Haha! No sweat! Finding those horses was child's play with MY tracking skills. Plus, I like working with the weapons and armor and stuff, so this is all just gravy. You don't have to worry about me, OK?

Sophie: Thanks. But I'm still going to worry. I don't like feeling like I'm just a burden on you. Hm. Maybe I can pay you back somehow!

Kiragi: Pay me back?

Sophie: Sure! I'll do you a favor or two in return for all you've done for me. I could buy something for you! Or maybe I could cook something! Er, maybe cooking isn't the best idea. I'm not a great cook...

Kiragi: Huh? How so?

Sophie: I don't know. I just know that my cooking turns out terrible. Just yesterday I accidentally used powdered sugar instead of flour on my chicken. And then I got these burns trying to pull the dumplings out of boiling water... And I think I misread something, because I added two pounds of salt to the dessert.

Kiragi: Pffffffffsh! Ahahahahahaha!

Sophie: Hey! You're laughing at me again!

Kiragi: Haha! *snort* S-sorry! I can't help myself. Here, don't worry about repaying me. You've already done it!

Sophie: Huh? What did I do?

Kiragi: You made me laugh! If you just keep telling me stories like that, I'll keep helping you out with stuff! Deal?

Sophie: Really? That's all it would take?

Kiragi: Yep!

Sophie: All right! Well then, let's see... Did I ever tell you about the time I got caught in Avel's stirrup? He dragged me for five miles before I was able to get my foot out of that thing!

Kiragi: No way! That's—*snicker*—that's terrible!

Sophie: Heehee. Hearing you laugh like that almost makes me forget the multiple fractures I endured! I spent eight months in the infirmary! Now, wait 'til you hear the next one...

S Support

Kiragi: Hello, Sophie. Do you have a moment?

Sophie: Sure, Kiragi. What's up?

Kiragi: Hrm... How shall I go about this?

Sophie: Huh? Something the matter? Oh, wait—it's about my repaying you for all of the trouble I got you in, isn't it?! I knew it! I knew that those silly little stories wouldn't be enough! I'm sorry, Kiragi. You must be so annoyed with me!

Kiragi: What?! No! It's not about that, my dear Sophie. I loved your stories!

Sophie: Oh, OK! So what is it?

Kiragi: Well, you see, I need to ask you something.

Sophie: Oh! Do you need to borrow money?! I don't have much, but I guess I can scrape together a little bit!

Kiragi: No—what? No, that's not it either! Just hear me out, OK? I...ah...I've enjoyed our time together very much.

Sophie: Um. Thanks? So...if you're not here to ask me about that, then why are you being so formal?

Kiragi: W-well, that is a very good question. A very good question indeed...

Sophie: Kiragi...your face is red. Are you OK? You look like you're going to be sick!

Kiragi: Gah! I'm FINE! It's not that. I just— I just needed to tell you something! I...I love you, Sophie!

Sophie: What?!

Kiragi: When I'm with you, I can't stop smiling. And every day I see you is so much fun! Even cleaning the stables was fun 'cause we got to spend so much time together!

Sophie: A-are you sure, Kiragi? If we were always together, I'd probably get you into even more trouble all the time! And I'm such a klutz, I don't think I'd be very good at romance-y stuff, you know? What if I just messed it all up?

Kiragi: Huh? No, you don't get it! I like that stuff about you, Sophie! You're fun, and you're funny, and you're genuine and charming! I think you're the cow's brows!

Sophie: Really? 'Cause I feel the same way about you! Heehee.

Kiragi: Y-you do?!

Sophie: Yeah, I do! You're so generous, and you're always trying to help me out. And when I'm upset because I messed up, nothing makes me happier than your smile! And I think it's so important to have someone like that in your life!

Kiragi: Sophie...

Sophie: So...thank you, Kiragi. I—I want to be with you too!

Kiragi: Woohoo! I'll never leave your side from now on, no matter what! Together, we can take on anything! Even cooking and stable chores!

Sophie: That's right!