Fates Supports/Jakob Charlotte

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C Support

Charlotte: Oh, Jakob!

Jakob: Ah, hello, Charlotte. Did you need something from me?

Charlotte: Um, I... Well, I was just thinking how I'd love to learn how to properly make tea... Would you be willing to teach me?

Jakob: I can teach you—it wouldn't be too much trouble.

Charlotte: Truly? It's not an inconvenience, is it?

Jakob: It is what it is, but you learning to brew tea correctly is worth the trouble.

Charlotte: Oh, thank you so much! Heehee... You really are kind, Jakob. Even if you act cold all the time.

Jakob: Heh.

Charlotte: Hmmm? Is something the matter?

Jakob: No. Well, actually... I'm not certain how to phrase this... I sense deceit when I'm around you.

Charlotte: Excuse me? I don't understand...

Jakob: It doesn't matter. I honestly don't care who you are trying to deceive.

Charlotte: D-deceive, what a terrible... How could you say such a thing?!

B Support

Charlotte: Why hello there, Jakob.

Jakob: Oh, it's you.

Charlotte: Um, I wanted to talk about our conversation the other day...

Jakob: Ah, yes. You wanted to learn how to properly brew tea, correct?

Charlotte: Yes! Please, teach me all you know! Would it be all right if we got started right away? It's just the two of us here right now, and we've got plenty of time.

Jakob: We may as well.

Charlotte: Teehee. I really appreciate it, Jakob.

Jakob: Hmmm? What's that? It looks like a bee flying around your head...

Charlotte: What?! I hate bees!

Jakob: It's right behind you.

Charlotte: I don't see it! Ahhh! Please, Jakob—take care of it!

Jakob: Why don't you deal with it yourself?

Charlotte: I...I can't! I'm scared! Bees terrify me.

Jakob: Like I care.

Charlotte: Please... Oh, would you hurry up and do something, you good-for-nothing butler! If I get stung, I'll make you suffer!

Jakob: Hah, just as I thought.

Charlotte: Ahhh, um... I mean... Teehee, I was just kidding! Wouldn't it be awful if I actually said that?

Jakob: Why do you feel the need to act like someone you aren't? You can stop now—you can't fool me with your little act.

Charlotte: Ugh, it seems that's the case...

A Support

Jakob: Charlotte.

Charlotte: Jakob... I won't bother pretending around you since you already know it's an act.

Jakob: It's better that way.

Charlotte: I still can't believe you saw through it. I thought it was working.

Jakob: It was not. Tell me though, why do you put on such an act? You expend a lot of energy flattering most of the men you encounter.

Charlotte: Isn't it obvious? I want to be popular and well liked.

Jakob: Heh. That's a pretty simple reason, I guess.

Charlotte: Of course. It makes sense, doesn't it? It's certainly better to be popular than not. By acting a little alluring, a little helpless, all the men are suddenly very nice to me.

Jakob: That would seem to work on most men. However, I am immune to it.

Charlotte: I hate to break it to you, but you aren't the first person I've failed to deceive. It's actually nice to drop the act, though. It can be really tiring. Sometimes I wonder if it was better when I was just direct and didn't hide myself. I may look pretty and sweet, but I'm really strong. It tends to intimidate people, so I hide it.

Jakob: I'm sure. And on top of that... I can appreciate the way you flatter the men around you, and why you do it.

Charlotte: What? Are you making fun of me?

Jakob: Not at all. You've adapted your skills to the world around you. That shows real wisdom. There's no need to stop or feel embarrassed.

Charlotte: Heehee... That's a refreshing way of putting it. But it makes sense. It's another weapon I can use to stay alive in this world.

Jakob: Exactly.

Charlotte: I guess I shouldn't be surprised that someone similar to me would understand.

Jakob: Similar? What do you mean?

Charlotte: You're exceptionally cold to anyone except your liege, aren't you? Just like me, you adjust your mood to match the people around you.

Jakob: ...You and I are nothing alike. I'd prefer you not make such assumptions.

S Support

Jakob: Charlotte, I need to speak with you about something.

Charlotte: What is it?

Jakob: I would appreciate it if you stopped working to become more popular among men.

Charlotte: Excuse me? What's this all of the sudden? You were telling me just the other day that I was smart to make my charm a tool.

Jakob: I realized that I'd be bothered if you were... more than popular...with another man.

Charlotte: Explain yourself, Jakob.

Jakob: Charlotte, I've fallen in love with you.

Charlotte: What?!

Jakob: I think I could see us living a long, happy life together.

Charlotte: Hang on just a minute! Don't get so carried away. This seems really sudden...

Jakob: It isn't sudden at all, actually. I told you before that I approved of how you live. You were right before; we are alike. It makes sense that I would develop feelings for you. Do you understand?

Charlotte: I...I don't know! You say it isn't sudden, but it seems so to me!

Jakob: It's simple. I fell for you, and I've told you how I feel. That's all.

Charlotte: I-I understand that, but... My head is still spinning...

Jakob: There is nothing more I can tell you. You have to decide now.

Charlotte: Really? You're so pushy...

Jakob: I have to be. I don't believe that any other woman compares to you at all. If I don't act, another man may come along and earn your affection.

Charlotte: You are actually nice beneath that cold attitude you put on... OK. But! I have one condition. I'm not going to stop trying to be popular. The more allies I have, the better. But I swear that you're the only person I love.

Jakob: Tsk. ...If you must. I suppose I wouldn't be happy if you weren't happy.