Fates Supports/Camilla Velouria(PC)

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C Support

Velouria: Mom? Where are you, Mom?! *sniff* *sniff* *SNIFF* Ooh, I think she's this way...

Camilla: Hello, Velouria. What brings you here?

Velouria: Mom! There you are! I knew my nose wouldn't fail me in my time of need.

Camilla: Were you looking for me for some reason?

Velouria: Mom... May I have a hug? A big one? Right now?

Camilla: Ah, is that all you wanted? Of course, child. Come to Mother.

Velouria: *sniff* *sniff* Mom, you smell so sweet. Just like a flower!

Camilla: Do I indeed? Then sniff away to your heart's content.

Velouria: *SNIFF* *SNIFF* I'm getting sleepy just being in your arms, Mom... *sniff* *sniff*

Camilla: Naturally. One is always most comfortable in the arms of family.

Velouria: Mom... Don't ever go anywhere... I want to stay with you...forever... *sniff* *sniff* Zzz...

Camilla: You needn't worry about that, my child. I'll be here for you when you wake.

Velouria: Zzz... I love you, Mom... Zzzzzz...

B Support

Camilla: Velouria, dear, where have you gone? Your dinner's getting cold.

Velouria: ...

Camilla: I recognize that look... What's gotten you in such a mood?

Velouria: Mom, I've been thinking... You shouldn't be here.

Camilla: Whatever do you mean?

Velouria: I want you to go somewhere far away from here. Somewhere safe. If you stay here, something bad might happen!

Camilla: I am aware. It is the risk we all take, being at war.

Velouria: I know! That's why you have to go far away from this place!

Camilla: By myself? Without my retainers, my husband...my daughter?

Velouria: I don't like the sound of it either, but it's the only way to keep you safe. Missing you is a lot better than losing you forever.

Camilla: It's out of the question, I'm afraid. Especially for me. My work is far from over. An entire army depends upon my presence here.

Velouria: I don't care about the others—only you! You're my mom... I need you to be safe.

Camilla: I'm sorry, Velouria, but I must see this thing through to the end.

Velouria: I don't understand...

Camilla: Velouria... I do all this for you, my child. My only purpose is to wrest this world into order, that you might live in peace.

Velouria: ...

Camilla: You worry about me, because you are sweet and gentle. But I... I must remain firm.

Velouria: Mom... May I hug you for a while?

Camilla: Nothing would delight me more.

Velouria: You smell so nice, Mom... Don't...don't ever leave me... *sniff*

Camilla: Never. I'll always be with you...come what may...

A Support

Velouria: Mom... MOM?!

Camilla: Whatever is the matter, Velouria?

Velouria: I need to hug you some more.

Camilla: A need I'm always happy to meet. Come here, my darling child.

Velouria: You smell more like a flower every day, Mom.

Camilla: You have your own beautiful fragrance. Soft and warm, like baking bread.

Velouria: Mom...I'm sorry for saying such funny things the other day. I won't ever tell you to go away again. I think I understand why you refused.

Camilla: Come now, you needn't apologize. I know you said those things out of love.

Velouria: I decided I'm going to get stronger. Strong enough to protect you! You're the most important mom in the whole world, so I have to watch over you.

Camilla: I hope you know I feel the same about you, dearest. Every victory is one step toward ensuring that no one ever brings harm to you... For you are unique in the world—the only daughter I have.

Velouria: Is it OK if I hug you a little longer?

Camilla: Haha, you're insatiable today.

Velouria: Can I hug you tighter and tighter until we both explode from love?

Camilla: Hmhm... Stay sweet, my darling.

Velouria: My mom, the camellia... I love you so much... I'll love you forever and ever, Mom...

Camilla: Thank you, dearest. I love you too.