Fates Supports/Orochi Oboro

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C Support

Oboro: *siiiigh*

Orochi: Oboro? What's gotten into you?

Oboro: Yikes! Make some noise next time so I know you're coming, Orochi!

Orochi: Sorry to startle you. But I wasn't really skulking around... You must have been pretty distracted not to notice me.

Oboro: Oh. I guess I was. *sigh*

Orochi: Where's the upbeat Oboro I remember? Do you need someone to tell your troubles to?

Oboro: Eh, you'd just laugh.

Orochi: Preposterous! I've never laughed at someone going through hard times.

Oboro: Well...I don't know...

Orochi: Seriously, don't worry about it. Tell me what's on your mind.

Oboro: All right, here goes. I was passing by the weapon shop in town and saw a set of heavy, black armor. Seeing it reminded me of Nohr, which made me grimace.

Orochi: Grimace? Is that what you call that horrible demon face you make?

Oboro: Y-yeah...that's the one. And then, this little kid not far off saw me and burst into tears. Just thinking about it makes me sad! You should have seen his face...

Orochi: Pfffft... Hahahaha! That's priceless!

Oboro: Hey! You promised you wouldn't laugh! I knew I shouldn't have said anything.

Orochi: Haha...oh, don't get so upset! I get a kick out of that face you make. It's very you.

Oboro: Ugh, I hate it. It terrifies people. It's like a bad habit I just can't kick.

Orochi: Hm... You know, maybe there is something I can do to help.

Oboro: There is? Like what?!

Orochi: Yeah, I know just what to do. Consider it my apology for laughing at you.

Oboro: I think I'll take you up on that!

Orochi: Haha, leave it to me!

B Support

Orochi: Oboro! I've found a way to keep you from making that awful face!

Oboro: You're kidding me. How?

Orochi: Actually breaking you of the habit would be almost impossible, so... I thought we'd try covering it up. Ta-da!

Oboro: What are these? A bunch of masks...?

Orochi: Yep! Aren't they something? You can't scare any children if your face is hidden behind one of my masks! These are some of my best work. They're all beautiful—and look how cute this one is! Pick out any one you like!

Oboro: Uh, sure...

Orochi: What's wrong? You don't think it'll work?

Oboro: No, it's just that the masks are...well... kind of weird. Like this one. Why are the eyebrows so thick? It looks angry. And I don't know what to make of the heavy rouge on this one's cheeks.

Orochi: Wh...what are you getting at...?

Oboro: This one's teeth are polished gold! I can't wear these!

Orochi: I worked for three days and nights on these masks, and that's all you can say?!

Oboro: That long? Wow.

Orochi: At LEAST that long! I went without sleep, all to solve your problem.

Oboro: Hahaha...!

Orochi: Are you laughing at me?!

Oboro: Sorry...I couldn't help it. I was picturing you fighting off sleep to paint these.

Orochi: And how is that funny?!

Oboro: I do appreciate it, though! Thank you.

Orochi: There it is! That's the face!

Oboro: Was I making it again just now?!

Orochi: No, no! Last time, that kid saw you looking scary and demonic, so he cried. Next time that happens, just smile at the little guy!

Oboro: You think it'll be that easy?

Orochi: With an adorable smile like yours? It'll be easier than falling off a log!

Oboro: Hmm, OK. I'll try it. Thanks for the advice, Orochi!

Orochi: Anytime! But I did work hard on these masks... Be sure to try them too!

Oboro: Uh, yeah. I'll do that.

A Support

Oboro: Hey, Orochi! Guess what!

Orochi: You found a four-leaf clover?

Oboro: Even better! You had the right idea about my problem!

Orochi: How so?

Oboro: I bumped into that kid who I freaked out last time. I smiled at him...and he smiled back!

Orochi: Way to go, Oboro!

Oboro: We got to talking a little, and I ended up challenging him to a stare-off. I won, of course!

Orochi: A stare-off, huh? Sounds like you've found a way to make that face work for you.

Oboro: Yeah! I feel silly when I think about how anxious I was. The kid loved your masks, by the way. He was howling on the floor.

Orochi: Th-those masks are fine art! It would be one thing for the kid to nod at them in respectful silence... But he laughed?!

Oboro: They must have been more charming than you knew! Anyway, both your advice and your masks helped. I'm feeling much better now.

Orochi: I still wish the masks had been better appreciated... But I'll settle for seeing you smile.

Oboro: Thank you, Oboro.

Orochi: You know, if you ever need more masks like those, I'd always be happy to—

Oboro: I'll let you know!