Fates Supports/Kana(M) Siegbert

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C Support

Siegbert: Enough studying for one day...

Kana(M): Wow, Siegbert! I barely saw you behind all these books!

Siegbert: I have made quite a mess, haven't I? Sorry, I'll tidy up.

Kana(M): No, I mean I can't believe that you are actually reading all of them!

Siegbert: You'll find me here every day, studying every topic under the sun. I have time for only three hours of reading—I know it's not enough.

Kana(M): Three hours?

Siegbert: Then I have to rush off to train for three hours in whatever skills I'm lacking in. After that, three more of physical fitness. Not my favorite, but it must be done.

Kana(M): I didn't realize you're so busy. Makes me look lazy.

Siegbert: I don't mean for it to make anyone look any which way. It's just my habit. If I don't stick to a strict schedule, I feel adrift—a little spacey. Really, I suppose my schedule is simply a crutch.

Kana(M): I could never do that. My brain would be mush in one hour!

Siegbert: You'd be surprised. Time flies when you busy yourself from dawn to dusk.

Kana(M): Th-that's all day long. You do this from the time you wake up?!

Siegbert: Yes, of course. How else will I grow up to be who I want to be—if I don't make the most of me? Sorry. I didn't mean that to rhyme. It sounds more fussy than I wanted. Note to self: study elocution tomorrow.

Kana(M): Um. Maybe I should try this schedule thingy?

Siegbert: I'm glad to help, if you'd like.

Kana(M): That'd be neat, Siegbert!

Siegbert: Delighted to help a fellow achiever, Kana!

B Support

Kana(M): Zzzzz...

Siegbert: Pardon, Kana?

Kana(M): Zzzz... *snore*

Siegbert: KANA!

Kana(M): Whurrrk? What? Who? Oh. Did I nod off, Siegbert?

Siegbert: I'm afraid so. You must be tired.

Kana(M): Er, yes. Extremely.

Siegbert: I'm not surprised with your new schedule. Waking at dawn, morning chores. Then battle tactics—both land and sea. Even equestrian training. I'm impressed, Kana. You've taken on a lot!

Kana(M): I just wanted to live and learn as fully as you do... But, uh... *yawn* I'm...I'm...

Siegbert: Your elocution is curtailed when articulating through a yawn? Is that what you meant?

Kana(M): Uh, no. But I've got to keep on trying to pack more into my day, Siegbert.

Siegbert: I think you dove in headfirst. Try dipping your toe in. A lighter schedule at first might be a better start.

Kana(M): *yawn* All right.

Siegbert: Oh, I know. How about no schedule at all, but instead keep a daily log? If you write down all the things you do, you'll want to do more to write down! I think that would be a much better way for you to begin all this.

Kana(M): I should write on a log?

Siegbert: In a log—you know, a booklet! It's the perfect motivational tool.

Kana(M): Then I can show it to Mama too. She'll see how hard I'm trying!

Siegbert: Oh? Every bit of motivation helps. Now, let's find you a log so you can start.

Kana(M): Let's go! Let's go!

A Support

Kana(M): I've been so busy since dawn, Siegbert! I've filled a page of my got-done log!

Siegbert: Really? It's amazing how much more one gets done if one wakes early.

Kana(M): I helped Mama make breakfast and did all the laundry myself too.

Siegbert: Soon you'll be ready to put together a schedule that makes you happy.

Kana(M): I've already done that too. Tomorrow I'll be studying battle tactics at this time! I don't know what I did all day long before I used your get-more-done tips.

Siegbert: Looks like I've created a monster!

Kana(M): Yes! I'm a goblin of productivity. Thanks for helping me, Siegbert.

Siegbert: Ha! I just hope you have time in your new schedule to spend time with me.

Kana(M): Of course! I've penned you in for a quarter to noon tomorrow. Just 15 minutes, but I'm sure we can make the most of it.

Siegbert: A short jog, perhaps?

Kana(M): Twice around the lake! Be sure to write me into your schedule though so you don't forget. I know how busy you are. I'm not nearly the do-it-all master you are.

Siegbert: Soon I'm sure the student will outdo the master. I look forward to it!

Kana(M): Oh, gosh. I don't mean it to be a competition. But if I'm a goblin of productivity, you'd better watch your back, Siegbert!