Fates Supports/Avatar(M) Saizo

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C Support

Avatar: Hm...? ... I have the strangest feeling someone is watching me... ... Hello? Is someone there...? S-Saizo?! I nearly jumped out of my skin... Why were you lurking in the shadows?

Saizo: Hmph...took you long enough to notice. If this was the battlefield, you'd be dead.

Avatar: What?! Why would I be looking over my shoulder here in camp? And what in the world were you doing spying on me?

Saizo: Keeping a very close eye on you.

Avatar: Huh?

Saizo: It wasn't long ago that you lived as royalty of Nohr. How convenient that we should be drawn into your orbit now. The moment you try anything, I'll be the first to know.

Avatar: Except you won't, because I'm not going to try anything! My brother didn't put you up to this, did he?

Saizo: Hmph. This has nothing to do with Lord Ryoma. I'm doing it on my own initiative. Though we fight side by side at times, I'm not prepared to trust you yet.

Avatar: I see.

Saizo: If you take even one step out of line, I will act accordingly. Remember that before you get any cute ideas.

Avatar: I never intended to. Isn't there anything I can do to win your trust?

Saizo: Prove yourself to me. I'm keeping thorough surveillance notes on you, you know.

Avatar: Yes, the "Surveillance Notes—Avatar" on your notebook suggested as much. Do you...keep books like this on a lot of our soldiers?

Saizo: That's classified. All you need to know is that I'm watching you. Always.

Avatar: Even when—

Saizo: ESPECIALLY then.

(Saizo leaves)

Avatar: Saizo, wait! OK, I can't see you, but you're not gone, right? You're still watching? Saizo...? Gods, this is going to be difficult.

B Support

Avatar: Ugh...I can feel his eyes on me again. Saizo, are you always this vigilant when it comes to me? Don't you get tired? I know I get exhausted, being under constant watch. No response? Nothing? *sigh*...

(Avatar leaves)

Saizo: ...

(Saizo leaves)

Avatar: Ah, but enough bellyaching. I need to get these things inside. I just wish they weren't so heavy. One...two... Nrrghh!

Saizo: All right.

Avatar: Gah! Warn me next time, Saizo!

Saizo: I don't make a habit of advertising my presence. You should learn to sense it. Something seems wrong, though. You've been looking pale and fatigued lately. Not that we really need you, but... I worry that you'll drag the others down if you try to fight in that condition.

Avatar: Oh, haha...sorry. I'm just tired out from looking over my shoulder all the time.

Saizo: What?

Avatar: You still don't trust me, do you?

Saizo: You've given me no reason to. I'm sure you'd love for me to stop watching you, but I know better. I have one eye, and it's staying fixed directly on you. ...Though I'm forced to admit this is a problem I can't overlook.

Avatar: What problem? What are you talking about?! Whoa!

Saizo: Quiet. Where do you need these?

Avatar: Those are my things! I can carry them perfectly well myself.

Saizo: That's not what I saw. You are, however tenuously, an ally. I'm not so cruel as to let you lug these around by yourself. It is dishonorable to turn a blind eye to one in need of help. Are you impugning my honor?

Avatar: N-not at all... Thank you, Saizo.

Saizo: Don't think this means you're off the hook. More importantly, hurry and tell me where this trunk goes.

Avatar: Oh, er...that shed over there.

Saizo: Understood. This will only take a moment...

(Saizo leaves)

Avatar: Was he in such a hurry to leave because he was embarrassed...? Hah. Saizo, embarrassed... There's a mental picture for you.

A Support

Avatar: Saizoooooo! Helloooooo? If you're watching, come out so we can talk!

(Avatar leaves)

Saizo: ...

(Saizo leaves)


Saizo: What do you think you're doing? Don't give my presence away like that.

Avatar: Ah, hello, Saizo. I knew you couldn't be far off.

Saizo: What are you playing at, calling upon your watchman? This is very irregular.

Avatar: I'm not playing at anything. I just never had the chance to thank you for carrying my things. To remedy that, I brought some mint candies. Would you like one?

Saizo: C-candies...

Avatar: Is something wrong?

Saizo: I don't need your sweets! Eat them yourself.

Avatar: S-sorry... I had no idea. I thought you might like them, but clearly I don't know you very well. My apologies, Saizo. I'll find someone else to share them with.

Saizo: Stop biting your lip that way. You're making me feel guilty.

Avatar: That's easy for you to say, but...

Saizo: *sigh* All right. I'll come clean...

Avatar: What?

Saizo: I hate sweets.

Avatar: Really? Oh, come to think of it, I recall Ryoma mentioning that once. I had completely forgotten...

Saizo: It's not as if they're poison. They're just not to my taste.

Avatar: If that's why you refused the candy, is it safe to assume you don't hate me?

Saizo: ...

Avatar: I know you can't trust me because I was raised in enemy territory. But clinging to that conception of me is counterproductive. It may take time before we reach a true understanding of each other... But until then, could you try to have faith in me?

Saizo: ...Hmph. I'd already come to the same conclusion.

Avatar: What?

Saizo: My surveillance on you is over, effective today. You have free rein from now on.

Avatar: Does this mean you trust me?

Saizo: I wouldn't go that far. It just means that I don't think a simpleton like you could be scheming anything.

Avatar: "Simpleton"? Don't hold back, Saizo... I'm glad you're starting to accept me, though.

Saizo: I still expect you to remain on your best behavior, of course.

Avatar: Of course. I wouldn't want to lose your trust, now that we're friends.

Saizo: Friends? Where did you get that idea?

Avatar: It seemed clear to me. Do you disagree?

Saizo: Think what you like. I'm leaving.

(Saizo leaves)

Avatar: Saizo...! Haha, very well. If he's given me leave to think what I like, I'll consider us friends.