Fates Supports/Avatar(F) Ophelia

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A Support

Ophelia: Hi, Mother!

Avatar: Morning, Ophelia. You're in an awfully good mood today.

Ophelia: Thanks to you, I am. You pulled me free when I had sunk into a whirlpool of despair.

Avatar: Oh really? Well, I'm glad to hear that I helped.

Ophelia: Now that I have moved past that darkness, I need you to teach me everything. Battlefield strategy, culinary techniques... whatever wisdom you can spare.

Avatar: Oh my. May I ask, why the sudden interest?

Ophelia: Well, it's pretty simple. Someday, I may be chosen, like you, right? If that happens, I need to make sure that I'm ready.

Avatar: Heehee, that's a good point.

Ophelia: More importantly, generations to come should benefit from your experience. I need your help, Mother. I must become stronger. With your guidance, I can develop the tenacity and skill to back up my words. Maybe then I could inspire and help people.

Avatar: Hmm. Well if you feel that strongly about it, I'd be happy to teach you what I know.

Ophelia: Thank you, Mother! Can we begin with some chores?

Avatar: Of course. Shall we start by washing the dishes?

Ophelia: All right. How about these plates here? AHH!

Ophelia: Aw, Mother, I broke the plates. Again. I'm sorry.

Avatar: Oh my, Ophelia, you were quite up front with the apology this time.

Ophelia: A true chosen one doesn't try to hide from their mistakes, right?

Avatar: Heehee, that's true! How splendid, Ophelia.