Chapter 6: Fire Emblem

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Chapter 6: Fire Emblem

Bloom Palace

The party is standing around Tiki as she performs the ritual to take in the Dragonstone shard to recover her memories.

Tiki: ...

Itsuki: Are you all right?

Tiki: Mhm, I'm okay... But I found it! I found a way to fight the Shadow Dragon!

Itsuki: What is it?

Tiki: The Divine Dragon.

Mamori: Divine...?

Tiki: Yes, Mamori. Only one thing can oppose the power of shadow, adn that's the power of light... the Divine Dragon's power. But if we want to call forth the Divine Dragon, we have to perform the Opera of Light: Fire Emblem.

Mamori: Fire Emblem...?

Tiki: It's a story... and the roles can only be played by those with the power to save the world. A story of the heroes that rose up in our world, against the Shadow Dragon. Their battle, written as theater.

Yashiro: Aha. So this performance... This opera is a sort of counter-ritual to call upon the Divine Dragon. Theater has its roots in ancient religious rituals, so using it for magic invocation does seem plausible...

Tiki: Um, I don't really know... but I think that's how it is. But there's something we have to do first.

The screen goes blanka nd Tki performs a ritual and a different colored gate shows up behind Tiki.

Mamori: What's that gate, Tiki...?

Tiki: Beyond this gate is a land just like the world we once lived in. The heroes who fought against the Shadow Dragon, a long time ago... Their power rests in there.

Itsuki: Their power...?

Tiki: Mhm. If you can inherit their power, then we should be able to complete the Opera of Light. ...But to test whether you're worthy or receiving their power... you have to overcome three trials.

Yashiro: Nothing will stand between me and crushing Gharnef. If they aim to test us, then let us be tested.

Itsuki: Whatever these trials are, we'll pass them.

Tiki: I know you can do it, everybody. Good luck.

The screen goes black and gameplay resumes. Itsuki receives a new Topic in Main Story.

Maiko: I've heard about the situation. Who would've thought there'd be a gate to some trials in the Bloom Palace itself?

Maiko: Good luck on the trials. You won't have to worry about work. I've made all the proper arrangements.

Inside the Idolasphere

Itsuki: So, this is the resting place of the heroes' power...

Tharja: Hm. The kid's got an eye for detail, I'll give her that.

Caeda: What do you mean?

Tharja: This... illusory world... it's built out of Tiki's own memories of the one she left behind.

Caeda: ...So that's what she meant--a world that looks just like ours.

Navarre: The irony stings. Even if this is our homeland, our lost memories leave us strangers to it.

Tsubasa: All of you must feel so... mixed up about all this...

Itsuki: ...Let's go.

Tsubasa: Yeah. We have to stop Gharnef and save the world.

>The screen goes blank and gameplay resumes.

To be added...