Fates Supports/Kiragi Kana(M)(PC)

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C Support

Kana(M): Hey, Papa. There's something I wanted to ask you about, if that's OK...

Kiragi: Sure, Kana! What's eating you?

Kana(M): Well, see, it's Mama. She's always treating me like I'm a child.

Kiragi: Of course she is! You're her son, after all.

Kana(M): I know that! I just mean I'm not as much of a child as I used to be. I want to help out more. But whenever I try, she just tells me to go play with my friends instead.

Kiragi: Oh, I gotcha. You want responsibilities!

Kana(M): Yeah! I want to be someone she can rely on. Do you have any ideas for things I could do to make her happy?

Kiragi: Hmm... Usually I just bring her tasty fruits I find up in the mountains.

Kana(M): And that makes her happy?

Kiragi: Yep! She loves it!

Kana(M): Oh...

Kiragi: Huh? Did I say something wrong?

Kana(M): I guess I was hoping for more ideas. Like, things that I could do for her too...

Kiragi: More ideas, huh? Lemme think...

Kana(M): Oh, I know! Let's have a contest, Papa!

Kiragi: A contest? What kind of contest?

Kana(M): Yeah! We'll have a contest to see which of us can make Mama happier! Between the two of us, I'm sure we can come up with all sorts of things! Whoever gets thanked the most wins! Heehee.

Kiragi: Ooh, that sounds neat. All right, let's do it!

Kana(M): Woohoo!

Kiragi: But remember—Avatar is my wife. I'd do anything for her. So if you think you're gonna beat me, you're sorely mistaken, kiddo!

Kana(M): No way! I'm gonna beat you fair and square.

Kiragi: Good. Then let the games begin!

B Support

Kana(M): Hey, Papa! I've been making so much progress on our contest! How about you?

Kiragi: I'm not sure. I haven't done anything special yet, but she's thanked me a lot. Let's see. I've got a tally of all of them so far... Here we go!

Kana(M): WOW! That's a lot! And you got all these already? That's crazy!

Kiragi: Haha. I hadn't really thought about it, but yeah, it is quite a few. I guess I do more for your mother than I thought. Looks like this little competition isn't going to be so hard after all.

Kana(M): Oh yeah? Not if I have anything to say about it! Here, see! I recorded all mine, too. And the total is...um...

Kiragi: Wh-what?! You've got just as many as I do!

Kana(M): I do? I do! Haha! Take THAT, Papa! Kana's gonna beat you big-time! I don't have a job, so I can spend all day helping out for Mama!

Kiragi: Well, aren't you a clever one? So what is it exactly that you've been doing?

Kana(M): Mostly I've been trying to help out around the camp. I spend each morning making arrows for the fletchers. Then at lunch I chop the bear meat for the mess cook and hand out the food. Oh! And at night, I make sure the mounts are all fed and outfitted for the next day. Plus I do a bunch of other little things whenever I have time!

Kiragi: Y-you do all that? Every day?

Kana(M): Yup!

Kiragi: That's...impressive. More than impressive. You're really growing up, aren't you?

Kana(M): Huh?

Kiragi: Oh, it's just...I think I might have been treating you like a child too... Wasn't that long ago you were still soiling your underthings. And now, all of a sudden, you're making real, important contributions to the army.

Kana(M): Heehee. I've been working real hard. Soon, there'll be nothing I can't do!

Kiragi: Heh. I believe it! I'm sure Avatar is very grateful for all the good work you've been doing too.

Kana(M): "Good work"... Hm. I just realized...she hasn't actually been saying "thank you" to me very much. She just tells me "good work" and smiles. It's kind of a sad smile, come to think of it...

Kiragi: Aw. I wouldn't overthink it too much... More importantly, this means you've been cheating! I knew you couldn't beat my tally! But I guess I'll let it slide...this time.

Kana(M): Haha. I guess you're right. I'll just have to work even harder for Mama tomorrow! I'm not gonna lose to you, Papa! I won't sleep until Mama thanks me twice as much!

Kiragi: (Hrk...this might be tougher than I'd thought...)

A Support

Kana(M): *grumble*

Kiragi: Hey there, Kana.

Kana(M): Hi, Papa...

Kiragi: Hey, what's wrong? I figured you'd still be gloating over your victory in our little contest.

Kana(M): Oh, I'm still sort of happy about that, I guess, but... I was trying to help out for Mama earlier, but she made me stop. She said I should be spending more time playing around with my friends. She still thinks I'm just a kid. Haven't I shown her I can help out with stuff too? Or am I messing up? Is she just pretending I'm doing a good job?

Kiragi: Ah, is that it? Well, don't worry too much about it, yeah? Your mother really does think you're doing a wonderful job. And she's very proud.

Kana(M): Then why would she rather I not help with anything anymore?

Kiragi: She's just sad that you're growing up, is all.

Kana(M): Huh? Why?

Kiragi: She doesn't want you to miss out on being a child. And, more than that, she doesn't want to lose her baby boy. Parents are fickle creatures. They don't want their kids to stay kids... But they also don't want them to grow up and become independent. They feel like they're not needed anymore. And it hurts.

Kana(M): I still don't think I get it...

Kiragi: Heh. Yeah, it doesn't make much sense, does it? But that's all right. All you need to do for now is just do us a favor, OK? Keep helping Mama, but don't work yourself quite as hard. Take breaks to see your friends and play games and stuff. You know. And every now and then, try to spend some quality time with your mother. Think you can handle that?

Kana(M): B-but...

Kiragi: Hm? Do you not want to spend time with your mother?

Kana(M): No, that's not it! It's just...I feel like that stuff is for babies.

Kiragi: No, Kana. It's not for babies. It's for children. And she wants you to be a child for just a little while longer. Both of us do.

Kana(M): Papa...

Kiragi: Kana, we know you're growing up and that you want to be reliable. You're going to be a great man someday. Everyone knows it. But for now...just relax. Enjoy yourself. At least a little bit, here and there.

Kana(M): OK. Thanks, Papa. I'll think real hard about everything you've said.

Kiragi: Good! You know... I think maybe you and your mother should spend some time together tonight. Have a relaxing night in, just the two of you.

Kana(M): Wait! Aren't you gonna stay with us?

Kiragi: Me? Oh, no no no. I've got to do some preparations for the big hunt tomorro—

Kana(M): But, Papa! Don't you need to take a break sometimes too? I thought you wanted me and Mama to be happy!

Kiragi: Gah... Um. Well, when you put it like that... OK, sure. I suppose I can stay in tonight.

Kana(M): Yaaay!

Kiragi: I suppose it's been a while since we had some quality time as a family. Heh. This must be what happiness feels like.