Fates Supports/Azama Avatar(F)

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C Support

Avatar: Ah, what a beautiful day for a walk... Hmm, looks like I'm not the only one out here. Hello, Azama. Are...are you taking a nap...sitting up?

Azama: Ah, Lady Avatar. Good to see you. No, I was just meditating.

Avatar: Hmm, I've never heard of that. Can you describe what's involved?

Azama: Certainly. I'll just need you to be silent for a few moments.

Avatar: No problem.

Azama: ... ... ...

Avatar: (This is getting weird.) (Is he ever going to say anything?) (Wow, this forest is actually pretty noisy. I can hear all kinds of animals...)

Azama: And there you have it. Meditation.

Avatar: That's fascinating! I had no idea what I was missing out on. I can hear the gentle burbling of the stream and even the swaying of the trees. It's so relaxing...

Azama: Yes, isn't it?

Avatar: Oh! Pardon me, I realize now that I must be interrupting your peace and quiet.

Azama: Oh, that's quite all right! I wouldn't expect anything less of an unenlightened person.

Avatar: Excuse me?

Azama: Yes?

Avatar: You know what? Never mind. Well, thanks for the meditation lesson. I learned something today.

Azama: Oh ho! I'd expect you learn something just about every day... Since you seem to know so very little!

Avatar: Seriously?

Azama: But I do think it's great that you're trying to learn new things.

Avatar: What?

Azama: Oh, look at the time. I'd love to continue expanding your mind, but I'm afraid I have more pressing matters.

(Azama leaves)

Avatar: What a strange guy...

B Support

Avatar: Hello, Azama. Pardon me for interrupting, but I have a small favor to ask.

Azama: Ah, Lady Avatar. How may I be of assistance?

Avatar: I was just wondering if I could meditate with you for a little while. I've tried a few times on my own, and for some reason it isn't the same.

Azama: Certainly. As long as you remain quiet, you can sit here for hours.

Avatar: Great! I just wanted to feel that strange connection with the forest again. The peaceful chirping and bubbling water... Sorry, I'll be quiet now.

Azama: Shut up.

Avatar: I said I was about to stop talking! There's no need to be rude about it.

Azama: I mean it. Silence yourself. NOW.

Avatar: Gods! What's that noise?

Azama: Please wait here. This will only take a moment or two.

(Azama leaves)

Avatar: Azama?! Where are you going? What is that monstrous sound?

Azama: And there we go.

Avatar: What is THAT?

Azama: Oh ho! It's a bear, of course.

Avatar: Is it...dead?

Azama: Sadly, yes. It's a matter of course that one encounters bears in the forest. Unfortunately, from time to time, it becomes necessary to kill them. You know, the whole "eat or be eaten" thing. Isn't life funny?

Avatar: I can't believe you just killed a bear! Was it about to attack us?

Azama: Naturally. That's what bears do!

Avatar: Well, thank you for protecting me.

Azama: Oh, please. It was nothing. I'm just happy that we've been blessed with this wonderful food source. Now, if you don't mind, it's best to flay the beast immediately. That way we can get the meat back to camp and into the kitchen while it's fresh.

Avatar: Actually, I kind of DO mind. You're going to flay it here? Right now? I ventured out here for some peace and quiet... And now I'm watching a bear be eviscerated.

Azama: Ha ha ha! I know! Isn't life wonderful? Here, give me a hand with these intestines. They're remarkably heavy!

Avatar: Gods...

A Support

Avatar: Good day, Azama. I thought I might find you here again. I just wanted to thank you once more for protecting me the other day.

Azama: Really, it was nothing. You're welcome.

Avatar: And, I must admit... The bear stew that the cook prepared was delicious. I also would like to apologize for refusing to carry any bear intestines back to camp.

Azama: Again, please don't concern yourself with such trivialities. Apology accepted.

Avatar: So, will it be another day of meditation for you?

Azama: Yes. I wish I could spend my whole life doing this. It's a good distraction from the ultimate and total futility of war.

Avatar: I see. So you don't believe there's value in defending our friends and family?

Azama: Oh ho! That's an interesting argument. I agree that it can be sad when another entity leaves this plane of existence. But I am comforted by the very nature of the universe! We are all mere manifestations of a much larger consciousness, of course.

Avatar: I don't know. Call me old fashioned, but I think this "plane of existence" is pretty special. Still, perhaps it IS wise to take some comfort in the absurdity of life.

Azama: Yes, that's exactly it! You know, you're much wiser than you look. Or act.

Avatar: Well, thank you. I think.

Azama: Now, if you don't mind... I would like some quiet time out here.

Avatar: Oh, yes—of course. I'll be quiet...but would you mind if I sat here awhile with you?

Azama: Be my guest.

S Support

Avatar: Aha! I knew I'd find you here.

Azama: Avatar! What's the matter? You look upset.

Avatar: Well, I've been worried about you. I haven't seen you around. And I was beginning to think that maybe you encountered another bear...

Azama: Oh ho! Bears pose no more threat to me than I do to a mountain. But I appreciate your concern. I am doing just fine...if a little sleep deprived.

Avatar: Oh? What's been interrupting your sleep?

Azama: Well, I've been spending my time making this.

Avatar: A...bear suit?

Azama: Ha! Now that would be a sight! No, this is a pelt. It's for you.

Avatar: For me? But...why?

Azama: Please, take it. It's warm, and it has protective qualities.

Avatar: Well, thank you! It is quite soft. I've never worn anything like this before.

Azama: It pleases me to hear that. This is also my first time proposing marriage!

Avatar: *gulp* What?!

Azama: Ahaha! I'm happy to have caught you by surprise like that. You see, I've never really cared about any one person so much as I care about you. At first, I dismissed you as just another ignorant soul in need of enlightenment. But you have proven to have quite an inquisitive mind—a beautiful curiosity! It made me want to do something special for you...to show my appreciation.

Avatar: But...marriage. It's so sudden!

Azama: Yes. Well, what can I say? I'm in love with you. And we don't have much time. Our physical bodies have such a pitiful life span... It would be a shame to waste time on something as foolish as courtship!

Avatar: You're actually making a whole lot of sense right now. Although I'm not entirely convinced I didn't just join a cult...

Azama: Haha! So, is that a yes? Never mind. You don't even need to answer. I can tell by your face that you're ridiculously in love with me!

Avatar: Hey, stop teasing! But yes, it is a yes.

(Confession Scene)

Azama: I am so happy to have found you on this plane of existence! Nirvana awaits...