Fates Supports/Kiragi Forrest

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C Support

Kiragi: Hey, Forrest. How goes it?

Forrest: Prince Kiragi! Well met. It is a pleasure to make the acquaintance of a fellow prince.

Kiragi: Same to you! But, uh, could you do me a favor and drop the "Prince" for me?

Forrest: As you like. I hope you don't mind my asking, but... what is the reason for your appearance?

Kiragi: Huh? My appearance? Do I look funny?

Forrest: Well, for starters, your hair looks as though it houses several large rodent clans. And your clothes! They're covered in some kind of unnatural grime. And is that a hole I see in your trousers?! Those poor, poor garments...

Kiragi: Oh, is that it? Heehee. Yeah, these clothes have seen their share of fights and hunting trips.

Forrest: And your hair?

Kiragi: I got bad bedhead? Heh heh.

Forrest: A waste, if you ask me. A fine, royal waste. If you but put some thought into your attire, you would be a splendid prince! Why do you neglect your appearance so?

Kiragi: Oh, I don't look prince-y enough for you? Is that it?

Forrest: It has nothing to do with your royal status. I just feel it's a waste to dress like this unless one is reduced to extreme poverty.

Kiragi: Er, well, I mean...it's hard to move around in fancy clothes.

Forrest: You mean on the battlefield?

Kiragi: That too, I guess. But I was thinking more about hunting.

Forrest: Ah, I see. Come to think of it, you do seem to enjoy roving the mountain trails.

Kiragi: Sure do! You should come with sometime!

Forrest: Very kind of you to offer, but I believe I'll pass.

Kiragi: Aw, don't say that! It's always good to try new things, right? Plus you'll get firsthand experience of why fancy clothes might be bad for hunting!

Forrest: I-I suppose such knowledge would be beneficial to any tailor worth his salt. Very well. I will go with you. But I don't have a good feeling about this...

B Support

Kiragi: Ahhhh! It's so refreshing out here. Nothing like mountain air at the crack of dawn! Right, Forrest?

Forrest: *sigh* What do you mean "dawn"? The sun hasn't risen! It's practically still last night! When you said we'd go hunting, I never imagined we'd be out this abominably early. What possessed you to visit this cruelty upon me? Did I wrong you somehow?

Kiragi: Nope! Hunters just have to get up early to catch the animals at the right time. So buck up and rub the sleep out of your eyes! Get it? Buck? Heehee. Hunting puns!

Forrest: You ARE aware that sleep is a necessity, are you not? Without proper sleep, your hair will lose its sheen and your skin will dry out!

Kiragi: Hey, look! It's a wild mountain hare! Guess I just found us breakfast!

Forrest: B-breakfast?! That sweet, fluffy little bunbun?! What did he ever do to you? You would never truly hurt such an adorable, harmless old bunny, would you?

Kiragi: What? Of course I would! He's our prey! We should be grateful that nature has provided us with such plenty. Now, ready...aim...FIRE!

Forrest: N-no...

Kiragi: Woohoo! I got 'im! And I bet we could get some fish in the creek nearby. Nothing like surf and turf, am I right?

Forrest: I don't think I'll ever eat meat again... And what's this about fish? We didn't even bring any fishing gear!

Kiragi: We don't need any! The creek's shallow. We can just catch them with our hands!

Forrest: But that would mean getting our feet wet, and these boots are brand new...

Kiragi: You bet it does! And new is good. Means we can really break 'em in! Now, c'mon! Move your feet, not your lips!

Forrest: *sigh* Very well.

Forrest: *pant pant*

Kiragi: Almost there! It's just on the other side of this crag!

Forrest: *pant pant* Well, this has certainly been an interesting morning... I almost drowned in the river trying to catch those fish... Then I fell out of three different trees, each taller than the last... THEN I tore my favorite pair of stockings on those blasted thornbushes... And to top it all off, I was attacked by a horde of insane, blood-hungry chickens! Where did they even come from?! There aren't any farms around here! And NOW you want me to climb this cliff? I'm beginning to doubt whether I should have ever even agreed to come with you.

Kiragi: Well, to be fair, you did hit one of those chickens first. A few times. And as for coming with me, well... *snicker*

Forrest: Those were accidents! And what's so funny, Kiragi?

Kiragi: You'll see. Everything you had to go through today will be worth it in a second. OK?

Forrest: What could possibly be worth all this? I swear, I haven't felt so beat up since— Oh! My word!

Kiragi: Whew! I was worried we wouldn't make it in time. Isn't the sunrise beautiful from here?

Forrest: I must admit, I've never seen one quite so breathtaking.

Kiragi: Yeah. There's truly nothing like it. Sorry I kept pushing you to go faster... I just didn't want you to miss this. I would have told you, but I didn't want to ruin the surprise, you know?

Forrest: It's OK. You did the right thing. Thank you. I will remember this morning for the rest of my life. Of that I have no doubt.

Kiragi: So...still wishing you hadn't come?

Forrest: Of course not! Again...thank you, Kiragi.

Kiragi: Anytime, friend-o!

A Support

Kiragi: Morning, Forrest.

Forrest: Good morning, Kiragi. Thank you for taking me on that hike the other day. The scenery was gorgeous.

Kiragi: Heehee. Glad you liked it! Here's to many more hikes in the future!

Forrest: Haha. Yes, of course. I was wondering, however... Don't you think it would be fair if I chose what we did together next?

Kiragi: Huh? Where's this coming from?

Forrest: Well, I went hiking with you—against my inclinations—just as you requested. And now...I was wondering if you would return the favor.

Kiragi: Y-you don't mean...

Forrest: Oh, but I do! I've envisioned the perfect outfit for a prince like you, Kiragi.

Kiragi: B-but I don't need any fancy clothes!

Forrest: Kiragi...we did what you wanted to do. This is what I want to do. Please, I implore you. Surely you don't mean for this to be such a one-sided friendship, do you?

Kiragi: Aw, man... Fine, fine. All right. So...what exactly are you going to make me wear?

Forrest: A little something of my own devising, of course. I call it the Ultimate Princely Hiking Outfit, Mark II!

Kiragi: A hiking outfit?

Forrest: Precisely. Our hike yesterday gave me a lot of ideas for more-robust types of clothing. It has been a refreshing change of pace from the usual finery, I must admit.

Kiragi: Oh, really? That's great, Forrest! I had no idea.

Forrest: And rest assured, these clothes will all be appropriate for many mountain trips. No ruffles, ribbons, or bows. Nothing transparent or easily torn. No silk. What we need is good, strong fabrics. Well-tanned, high-quality leather. Things that repel water and dirt, so you always look fresh. At the same time, we want to make sure that it is not too rigid.

Kiragi: Because it'd be harder to get around with that stuff, right?

Forrest: Yes. Climbing and swimming require one have a full range of motion. Your boots, for example, should be made of a slightly softer, flexible leather. As soft as we can get away with, without sacrificing too much durability. You won't be very flashy, but my outfit will serve its purpose. And, of course, I have taken pains to include some small stylistic choices. The color, for example, will flatter you but also suggest the beauty of the mountains. Deep, rich earth tones will do wonderfully, I believe. Does this sound satisfactory to you?

Kiragi: Yes! Of course! This sounds amazing, Forrest! When you first said it'd be the perfect outfit for a prince like me, well... Let's just say I was worried. I don't go in for samite and ribbons, you know?

Forrest: Silk and ruffles are not the only colors in my palette. What is important is not the elements, but rather the sum of their parts. A master tailor puts unity of purpose before all else!

Kiragi: Oh, man! I can't wait to try it out!

Forrest: I am glad you have finally come to see the light. And you are in luck. I must insist that we test them as soon as possible with a hike. It will allow me to make observations on the limits of the design. And, of course, I will be on the lookout for any oversights that must be fixed.

Kiragi: Thanks, Forrest! You're the best!

Forrest: Heehee. I'm glad everything turned out this way. It seems we have more in common than we ever would have thought!