Fates Supports/Dwyer Velouria

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C Support

Dwyer: Oh, darn it—dropped one of my cookies. And I just got done baking these!

Velouria: Oooh! Dirt cookie! *gulp*

Dwyer: Hey, that was mine.

Velouria: It was a dirt cookie. You didn't mark it as yours.

Dwyer: I didn't think I needed to.

Velouria: Now you know.

Dwyer: But you can't just eat a cookie that someone drops.

Velouria: Are you calling me a thief?

Dwyer: No, I would never, ever, not in a million years call someone a thief. I'm only saying you shouldn't eat anything that falls on the ground.

Velouria: It wasn't there long. I ate it right away, fresh as a dirt cookie gets.

Dwyer: Freshness IS a virtue.

Velouria: I can smell when someone's being sarcastic.

Dwyer: I can smell when a cookie is too gross to eat because it's fallen in the dirt.

Velouria: If it bothers you so much, then give me one of your other cookies.

Dwyer: But I made these for me.

Velouria: So I can't eat dropped food. Or not-dropped food. I wish I had my dear, sweet, gentle papa here to set you straight. You're a monster.

Dwyer: I? A monster? And if your father is responsible for your filthy dirt-cookie habits...? I say he has much to answer for.

Velouria: *sniff, sniff* Yum. Too yum. ......

(Velouria leaves)

Dwyer: Wait, Velouria? Huh. She's gone. Why didn't you just give her a darn cookie, Dwyer?

B Support

Velouria: *sniff* *sniff, sniff*

Dwyer: Smelled me coming, did you?

Velouria: Ha! Take THIS!

Dwyer: Wh-whoa, no need to swipe at me like that, Velouria!

Velouria: To make dirt cookies, yes I do. I can smell what you're hiding.

Dwyer: I've got a new batch of freshly baked cookies. But I'm not hiding them.

Velouria: Take THAT!

Dwyer: Stop it. There's simply no need—

Velouria: But I want those cookies. They have to fall so they're dirt cookies. I'm no thief. I won't take them from you.

Dwyer: What a circuitous way to get a cookie. Too much trouble. Here, have one.

Velouria: Huh?

Dwyer: I baked a batch for us to share.

Velouria: Gimme. *munch, munch* Oooh! Delicious!

Dwyer: Your waggity tail is compliment enough for me, Velouria.

Velouria: Oh, you notice things like that? You're not the monster I thought you were.

Dwyer: I only fussed last time because you were eating my cookies off the ground. I take pride in my work.

Velouria: The dirt cookie was almost as delicious though. You shouldn't care. Now, I need to find you something nice to show my appreciation.

Dwyer: Unnecessary. Your tail-wagging is plenty appreciative.

Velouria: A gift for a gift. How about a teacup? I've heard you like tea. I have a nice cup in my treasure chest.

Dwyer: Your treasure chest? No, no, no. I only baked cookies.

Velouria: Wait here. I'll fetch the cup.

(Velouria leaves)

Dwyer: She really oughtn't...

(Dwyer leaves)

Velouria: Back again.

Dwyer: My, that was fast.

Velouria: Here, that teacup. Have you ever seen a cup so beautifully broken?

Dwyer: Er, broken? Hmpf. I mean, yes. I do see.

Velouria: The handle, cracked just so. Chipped all around. The hole in the bottom of the cup is the most gorgeous thing of all! It's one of my finest treasures. Now, all yours.

Dwyer: I'm...I'm flattered. Thank you, Velouria.

A Support

Dwyer: Have a moment, Velouria?

Velouria: For you? Sometimes.

Dwyer: Well then, I was just about to sit down to a nice cup of tea. Join me?

Velouria: Oh! A moisture ritual. I would be delighted to participate!

Dwyer: Here. Careful. It's hot.

Velouria: Thank you, Dwyer— OH! Spilled some. It's hot.

Dwyer: I...think I said that? Are you all right? Scalded anywhere?

Velouria: Kind of you to care. But I spilled only a little. I was startled, is all.

Dwyer: My fault entirely. Wait here. I'll get something to cool the tea a tad.

Velouria: Sorry to be a bother.

(fade to black)

Dwyer: There you go. A touch of chilled cream.

Velouria: ......

Dwyer: What's wrong?

Velouria: You're not who I heard you are. It's said you don't like to be put out.

Dwyer: Oh, yes. I don't go to much effort for anyone.

Velouria: But you're baking me cookies and inviting me to tea. Then fetching cream to cool my cup. That is much effort.

Dwyer: You're not anyone.

Velouria: I am Velouria.

Dwyer: Er, what I mean is that I never raise a finger for anyone I don't like. Besides, I think we're kindred spirits. I've heard you're a little on the lazy side.

Velouria: Oh, yes. Work is for fools.

Dwyer: But remember that teacup you ran off to get me from your treasure chest? You found the cup. You put it in your chest. You ran off. You gave it to me.

Velouria: None of that was work. It was enjoying what life brought me. Like you.

Dwyer: Oh? Like me? I see.

Velouria: *sniff, sniffity*

Dwyer: Erm...

Velouria: I detect the scent of awkwardness in the air. Where is it coming from?

Dwyer: Us, I think.

Velouria: Cover up the odor with something. Flowers. Or scatter dirt.

Dwyer: How about the tea? It's quite fragrant. Here, may I refresh your cup?

Velouria: Mmm-hmm. Oh, yes. The odor goes away. Thank you, Dwyer.

S Support

Dwyer: Velouria, may I waylay you for a moment?

Velouria: What do you want, Dwyer?

Dwyer: Just to give you this. I found it.

Velouria: A tattered scarf? How wonderful!

Dwyer: Do you like it? Good, I'm glad. I found it in the dirt just over there.

Velouria: Truly, I can't tell you how happy this makes me.

Dwyer: I'm happy that you're happy.

Velouria: *sniff* But, wait... *sniff, sniff* Dwyer... I smell something. Odd. Out of place. Doesn't fit.

Dwyer: Er, yes? Wh-what could it be?

Velouria: I smell a lie. You said you found it in the dirt—just over there.

Dwyer: Did I? I did. Yes, just over. Right about...there.

Velouria: The dirt on this isn't from here. It's from far, far off.

Dwyer: Oh. I forget how well you smell.

Velouria: *sniff sniff* Dwyer... This is from the mountain of treasure. What others call the heap. Where fools throw everything away. Did you get this from there? You'd never walk so far, Dwyer. It is a long way. You have lied to me.

Dwyer: Yes, yes. I confess. I went to the treasure mountain.

Velouria: Why? You can barely drag yourself from one side of camp to the other.

Dwyer: I heard that's where you can find many of your prized items—like that teacup.

Velouria: Why would you go to so much trouble to fetch me a treasure from the mountain? Wait! You smell like Dwyer. But you are not Dwyer! Give me back Dwyer!

Dwyer: It's me, Velouria. I did it so I could see a smile on your face.

Velouria: You want me to bare my teeth at you? B-but why?

Dwyer: I hope it might be the first of many smiles I see from you.

Velouria: I see. Is this how your people do this? You sniff my smile? I sniff yours?

Dwyer: Er, not exactly. I just wanted to show you how much I like being with you.

Velouria: You didn't have to travel all the way to the treasure mountain for that. Just show me you treasure ME.

Dwyer: How should I do that?

Velouria: Your people complicate everything. Here, just stand by my side.

Dwyer: All right. Done.

Velouria: Yes. And now don't ever leave it. See? Easy.