Fates Supports/Keaton Nyx

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C Support

Keaton: Oh! Well, if it isn't Nyx!

Nyx: Keaton...

Keaton: You're still so tiny! Are you getting enough meat? You've gotta eat if you want to grow up nice and big!

Nyx: ...

Keaton: Oh—are you a vegetarian? Well, hmm. Maybe drink lots of milk? I'm sure there's something you can do.

Nyx: Two things...

Keaton: Wh— Huh?

Nyx: First, you've no call to make judgments about a woman's body. Some are slender. Some aren't. Some are tall. Some aren't. So be careful, and consider her feelings before you speak.

Keaton: O...oh...OK. I'm sorry, I guess...

Nyx: Second. I will never grow, no matter how much I eat. This body is a curse.

Keaton: A curse? Huh? You're losing me.

Nyx: ... I should have expected that this would be somewhat difficult for you.

Keaton: Wait, no, I really don't get it! Are you making fun of me? Is that it? Help!

B Support

Keaton: Nyx! Hey, Nyx!

Nyx: Keaton...

Keaton: Look! I brought you some pork! It's all yours, so eat as much as you want!

Nyx: ...

Keaton: Aww, did I leave you speechless? That's OK, I don't need thanks. Dig in, and grow up big and strong!

Nyx: Please don't rub my head. Keaton... I'm grateful for all of this. I truly am.

Keaton: Grateful? For this? W-well, truth be told, I wasn't really doing it for you... It just so happened I had some left over, is all!

Nyx: But didn't I make it plain? No matter how much I eat, I will remain this way. Forever.

Keaton: Ohhh! Huh...

Nyx: Do you understand now?

Keaton: So all the stuff you eat... If it's not making you taller or stronger... where does it all go?

Nyx: ... This is not an appropriate line of discussion to have with a lady.

Keaton: S-sorry!

Nyx: It's a curse...

Keaton: A curse?

Nyx: Yes...one that can never be lifted. I did terrible things. Long ago...when I was a child in mind as well as body.

Keaton: So that's it... And there I was, running my fool mouth. I'm real sorry, Nyx. That sounds like a horrible curse! It must be hard on you.

Nyx: I don't pay it much mind anymore. I'm used to it by now.

Keaton: But with this curse of yours... What happens if you eat a lot right before a battle? How do you handle that?!

Nyx: ...

Keaton: I don't know what I'd do with myself! I eat so much that just imagining it gives me the willies pretty fierce.

Nyx: I suspect you may need more time to grasp my situation...

A Support

Nyx: From an early age, I showed promise in the use of the dark arts. I used the blackest, most forbidden spells as freely as I pleased.

Keaton: OK...

Nyx: I ended the lives of many innocents. Until one day, I cast a certain spell that took its toll on me... I found myself frozen in this state, never to age another day. Do you understand now?

Keaton: So what you're saying is...you're gonna stay a kid? Forever?

Nyx: Yes! At last, you understand me.

Keaton: Yeah, I get it now. Whew, though...that's a doozy of a curse. It's way worse than when I thought the curse turned everything you ate into—

Nyx: Yes, well. It's much too late now. This is the price I must pay for my crimes.

Keaton: Oh, I dunno...now that I think about it, I'm kinda jealous.

Nyx: Jealous? Of me?

Keaton: You're stuck as a kid forever, right? That means you can act a fool and no one can ever get mad! No one will ever say "Act your age," because you ARE! Think of all the things you could get away with if you wanted!

Nyx: ... I try not to make a fool of myself.

Keaton: Really?! What a waste! Don't you realize how much candy you could be eating?!

Nyx: What a revolting idea. Why would anyone deliberately overstuff themselves?

Keaton: W-well, sure, but... You honestly can't think of anything only a kid's allowed to do?!

Nyx: Nothing that interests me, no. I have the mind of a fully grown adult. The ability to act like a child is of no use to me whatsoever.

Keaton: Oh...well, suit yourself...

Nyx: Still, I've never heard anyone envy my condition. You're a strange one...

Keaton: Hahaha! I could say the same about you! If you ever DO feel the urge to romp around, call me up and I'll join you!

Nyx: Hmhmhm. Very kind of you.

S Support

Keaton: Hey, Nyx.

Nyx: Ah, Keaton.

Keaton: Out of curiosity, is there anything you want?

Nyx: That's an odd question. Are you planning to give me a gift?

Keaton: N-no! Don't be dumb! It was just a simple question! It didn't mean anything! Hmph!

Nyx: Is that so?

Keaton: So, nothing, huh?

Nyx: An adult's body, of course.

Keaton: Oh...

Nyx: Not what you had in mind?

Keaton: N-no... That's fine...

Nyx: Hmhm. You seem stymied.

Keaton: Rrrrgh...

Nyx: Though when I wish for an adult's body... What I really wish for is a normal life, like the people around me.

Keaton: What's a normal life?

Nyx: Hmm... That's a surprisingly difficult question to answer. But what I want out of life, that I can't have as I am... is to love and be loved and have a proper family. I suppose that's what I mean when I say "normal."

Keaton: Is that all? You can have that now!

Nyx: ...You're quite wrong about that.

Keaton: Well, what's stopping you?

Nyx: With this body, it wouldn't matter who I loved... They could never love me back.

Keaton: I-I...

Nyx: Hm?

Keaton: But I love you!

Nyx: What?!

Keaton: It doesn't matter to me what you look like! I love you! The actual you, standing there! S-so... Wanna get married?

Nyx: Keaton...isn't this a bit rushed?

Keaton: No, just listen! You want a family, right? I'll take care of it! I'll do whatever you want to make sure you're happy all the time. I'll make you so happy that you forget about being stuck as a kid!

Nyx: Keaton...are you certain? This isn't a passing phase... You will grow old, but I will always look just the way I do now.

Keaton: It's really not such a big deal for me. As long as I have you, I'm satisfied.

Nyx: ... ...Thank you, Keaton.

Keaton: So what do you say?

Nyx: I say yes. I will marry you.