Fates Supports/Kaden Peri

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C Support


(Peri leaves)

Kaden: What's all that screaming about? Peri?! What's wrong?!

Peri: KYAAAA! KADEN, HELP MEEE! There's a caterpillar on my back!

Kaden: OK, OK! Just hold still! There we go! Got him.

Peri: *sniffle* Thanks, Kaden. Now...end it.

Kaden: What? You mean kill it? Why?! He's not bothering anybody...

Peri: He's bothering ME! NOW KILL THE DASTARD.

Kaden: But I don't wanna. What do you have against bugs, anyway?

Peri: They're icky. They're all wriggly and they get everywhere and ruin your food! *shudder* I get chills just thinking about them.

Kaden: Does that mean you hate butterflies, too?

Peri: Huh? No, I wub widdle butterflies! They're adorable.

Kaden: OK...and you know that caterpillars turn into butterflies, right?

Peri: What?! No way! Though now that you mention it, I guess I remember my tutor saying that. But I'm not sure. I sort of stopped paying attention when he said "caterpillar." I always get so distracted if I'm not interested in something right away.

Kaden: Then you haven't seen it happen before, have you? I gotta show you!

Peri: Huh? Show me what?

Kaden: Show you what it looks like when a caterpillar becomes a butterfly!

Peri: Ewww, I don't wanna see that! That sounds gross!

Kaden: It isn't, I promise! Here, I'll just hold onto this little guy and tell you when he's ready.

Peri: Didn't you hear me? I don't want to see it!

Kaden: Heh. I'm so excited for you! This is gonna be amazing!

B Support

Kaden: Peri, c'mere! I wanna show you something.

Peri: I told you, I don't want to see that icky caterpillar!

Kaden: C'mon, don't be like that! You won't even have to worry about it moving anymore.

Peri: What? It can't move? Why not?

Kaden: Here, just take a look! And to think, this guy's gonna be a beautiful butterfly someday soon.

Peri: Blech! It looks even ickier than it did before!

Kaden: Huh? But it's in a cocoon. There aren't even any wriggly bits. You really hate all kinds of bugs, huh? What do you do when we're on the march? We go through forests with tons of bugs all the time.

Peri: I just ask the people around me to kill all of the bugs they see!

Kaden: What? You just have them all killed? That's really not necessary.

Peri: Whatever. It's not MY fault they fly too close to me.

Kaden: Most of them are harmless, though. They're just doing their best to get by...

Peri: What does that have to do with me? And why do you talk so much about bugs?! If you keep it up, I'm gonna get really mad! And you won't like that!

Kaden: ACK! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! But I bet you'll change your mind once you see this guy emerge from his cocoon. Anyway, I'll see ya later, Peri! I'm gonna go frolic! *frolic*

(Kaden leaves)

Peri: You're not listening to me! I HATE ALL BUGS! ALL OF THEM!

A Support

Kaden: Peri, Peri! Look! It finally happened! The caterpillar turned into a butterfly! Isn't he beautiful?

Peri: ...

Kaden: Hey, what's the matter? It's not like you to just stare off into space like that. ...Do you still think it's icky?

Peri: ... I won't kill any more caterpillars from now on.

Kaden: Woohoo! So you're not scared of them anymore?

Peri: Yeah. They're not scary. They're just... disgusting.

Kaden: Oh. Well, at least that's progress! But you know what would be even better? If you stop killing EVERY kind of bug that doesn't try to bite you. Eh? Ehhhhh? What do ya say?

Peri: Nope.

Kaden: What? But why?

Peri: Do you ask spiders why they bite? Birds why they fly? Cakes why they're delicious? It's in my nature. I can't stop killing bugs any more than I can stop killing people!

Kaden: Er, about that—

Peri: Besides, you'll be there to take care of them, right?

Kaden: Huh?

Peri: Because I'll call for you each time a bug bothers me! Then you can save them. But if you don't come quickly enough, I'll just have someone else kill them for me.

Kaden: Wh-what? OK, fine! But then you have to promise!

Peri: Huh?

Kaden: You have to promise you won't hurt any bugs ever again. At least so long as I answer your call quickly enough.

Peri: *grumble* Fiiiine. But you'd better run each time I call! Or else—squish! Hehehehehe.

Kaden: I will. I promise!

Peri: Teehee. Good. Then I'm counting on you, Kaden.

Kaden: I won't let you down!

S Support

Peri: Thanks for shooing another bug away for me!

Kaden: Don't mention it. I'm just surprised at how often bugs come after you. You've been calling me, like, three times a day since we made our deal.

Peri: Yeah! See? They ARE evil! *shudder* Just hearing them gives me the creeps!

Kaden: Yeah, I know. But you seem to have gotten a lot better.

Peri: Yeah. Seeing that caterpillar transform showed me they're not ALL evil. Besides, you always come running when I call, so I sort of have to keep my promise.

Kaden: Haha, I do my best.

Peri: I wish I could call you when there were no bugs around, though. I love it when you're near me because, um... because I love you, Kaden.

Kaden: Wh-what?!

Peri: What do you mean, "what"?! Is that a problem?

Kaden: N-no! Not at all! I just wasn't expecting it.

Peri: Really? You didn't notice it at all? How oblivious can you be?! I've been trying to show you for so long now...

Kaden: I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please don't cry!

Peri: Does this mean you don't love me back? But...I thought— Oh, no. No no NO NO! WHY DON'T YOU LOVE MEEEE?!

Kaden: Now hold your horses! I didn't say that I don't love you! I just didn't not say I don't love you! Er, wait...

Peri: S-so you do? Does that mean you'll marry me? Oh, I'm so glad! I thought I was going to have to take your heart myself!

Kaden: Take my heart?

Peri: Yeah! If you weren't going to give it to me, how else was I gonna get it? I even had my knife ready to cut it out. But I'm so glad we're getting married instead!

Kaden: ... ... M-me too, my love.

Peri: Yippee!

Kaden: But! I do have one condition. As long as we're together, you can't keep taking lives so casually. OK?

Peri: Why not? Do you...not like girls who do that?

Kaden: Ahh, yeah, I guess you could say that. After all, I'm a kitsune. We're also a little misunderstood and different than humans. Bugs are the same way. OK? So no killing them if you don't have to.

Peri: Hmmmmmm. OK! I'll do it for you, Kaden! But I'll need you to help teach me what to do instead. I'm not sure I'll know how to solve most of my problems without murder...

Kaden: OK! I can do that! I bet we'll make a great team!

Peri: Heehee! Hooray!