Fates Supports/Kaden Orochi

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C Support

Kaden: Here, kitty. Here, kitty, kitty! Come on out. Nothing to be afraid of.

Orochi: Trying to lure out a cat, Kaden? Good luck with that.

Kaden: I know. I know. But I'm trying to repay a debt.

Orochi: Oooh, intriguing. Repaying a debt... by catching a cat... Hmm.

Kaden: Someone in town shared some food with me the other day. Turned out he'd lost his cat. He asked me to find the critter. No luck so far.

Orochi: What do you mean—no luck? You found me. Lucky indeed.

Kaden: What have you got there? A cat-shaped talisman? What a coincidence!

Orochi: Hmm, yes. This talisman has the special power to attract cats. Hold it in the palm of your hand and walk around. That cat will come to you.

Kaden: *sniff* Smells good too. Oh, I get it. The scent on this thing attracts the cats, right?

Orochi: Clever, clever. You guessed it. But there's just one th—

Kaden: Thanks for your help. Gotta run and find that cat!

Orochi: But, Kaden—

Kaden: Talisman thingy, get to work! Bye, Orochi.

(Kaden leaves)

Orochi: Silly Kaden. He's going to find much more than just that cat...

B Support

Kaden: Get away! Off with you! And you! And you and you! And you!

(Kaden leaves)

Orochi: Exactly as I predicted. Kaden's in a world of trouble. He really shouldn't have run off with that talisman before I explained everything.

(Orochi leaves)

Kaden: Orochi! Orochi! Orochi!

(Kaden leaves)

Orochi: Yes, Kaden?

Kaden: Your talisman has—get off—attracted every cat—off, off—within a hundred miles!

Orochi: You look like the center of attention at a cat convention. Did you find the specific cat you needed to find?

Kaden: Maybe? I can't tell. Too many cats! Your talisman is so powerful! I'm going to drown in cats, Orochi. Help!

Orochi: Silly Kaden. Simply throw the talisman away from you.

Kaden: Huh? Oh, right... Phew! Hey, that worked like a charm.

Orochi: Now, watch as the cats go. Is the one you want there somewhere?

Kaden: Yes! There—that one!

Orochi: Easily caught too. He's rubbing his nose all over the talisman. The catnip inside it will have that little dear dazed within moments.

Kaden: What's catmint?

Orochi: Catnip, Kaden. It's a special herb that makes cats swoon.

Kaden: The mint attracted the cats?

Orochi: Nip, Kaden—nip. But yes, the catnip drew them all in.

Kaden: Oh, don't I feel stupid. I thought the talisman enchanted the cats.

Orochi: Truth is, I've never seen my catnip talisman work so well. I think you have some quality that cats find enticing too. Ah, well. Now you can return that cat to its owner and repay your debt.

Kaden: Thanks a bunch, Orochi.

Orochi: Then you can repay ME. I've got some odd jobs you can help me with.

Kaden: Oh? No problem. Kaden always repays his debts!

A Support

Orochi: Well, thank you, Kaden. That's the last of the odd jobs I need you for.

Kaden: Ha! My debt to you is repaid then, right? Somehow I thought the jobs would be odder—knowing you, Orochi.

Orochi: They could have been. But I like you too much to ask your help with such things. Honestly, the image of you, knee deep in cats... Heh! I think that was repayment enough. I'll get a chuckle out of that for years.

Kaden: I'm glad you thought it was funny. I was miserable. Hey, did you give me an extra-strong talisman just to toy with me?

Orochi: Whyever would Orochi do that? Heh.

Kaden: You being straight with me? That catmint was sure strong...

Orochi: Catnip, Kaden. It's a powerful herb, no matter how you use it. You've never heard of it, eh? Maybe it doesn't grow where you're from.

Kaden: Nope, never. And I hope I never come close to the stuff again. Although, I'm glad you got such a kick out of all that. Maybe I would next time too!

Orochi: You do look at the bright side of life, don't you? Hmm. I'd be glad to lend you the talisman if you'd like to play with the cats again.

Kaden: Is that why you have it? You like to play with cats?

Orochi: Oh, yes. Orochi is definitely a cat lover. I'm cautious not to overuse it. I want them to love me—not just the catnip.

Kaden: How smart you are, Orochi. You keep your talisman. I'd prefer to make friends with all of those li'l kitties on my own.

Orochi: I think you'll do just fine. You have a particular charm, Kaden.

Kaden: Hey, thanks. You do too!

S Support

Kaden: Cute, cute, cute! There's no such thing as too many kitties.

Orochi: Hello, Kaden. Looks like you've joined the cat-fancier club.

Kaden: Their fur is so soft—almost as soft as my own. Oh, and these smooshy paws. Adorable!

Orochi: I feel just the same. When I play with cats, I forget all about the thorniness of life.

Kaden: So, have I joined the club? To that I say a most hearty MEOW.

Orochi: Meow, indeed! Oh. How silly.

Kaden: What's so silly about saying "meow"? Too much of a meowthful?

Orochi: Stop that.

Kaden: Sorry, Orochi. Couldn't help myself.

Orochi: Heh. All right. You know, Kaden, you're a bit like a cat yourself. Something about you puts me at ease just the same way. Perhaps it's that you're part animal.

Kaden: Huh. Really? I make you happy when I'm around?

Orochi: Happy. Can one as complex as Orochi succumb to pure bliss?

Kaden: Ha! Sure you can. I'd be glad to stay by your side if I can help you be happy.

Orochi: You'd do that for me?

Kaden: Orochi...I would curl up on your lap, nuzzle your arm, and purr. If only you'd have me.

Orochi: I would, honestly. But I suspect you're just having a little fun right now...

Kaden: A little fun? I want to have a lotta fun! Like a cat—making you happy!

Orochi: You're being serious, aren't you?

Kaden: Absolutely. You and I, Orochi. Purr-fect, isn't it!

Orochi: Are you professing your love, or just finding excuses to make puns?

Kaden: Uh, both! So, whaddya think? Would it be such a cat-astrophe to love me?

Orochi: Sheesh. Yes, if you keep up with these awful puns. Besides, what sort of fox meows and purrs? But you do make me laugh, you naughty tomcat. So you vow to love Orochi? This isn't some jest?

Kaden: I will always love you, starting...meow.