Fates Supports/Takumi Elise

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C Support

Elise: Hey, Takumi!

Takumi: Hm? You must be Princess Elise of Nohr.

Elise: Bingo! Wanna play something together?

Takumi: What? Why would I want to do that?

Elise: Because I want to!

Takumi: What kind of reasoning is that?

Elise: Don't think about it too much! Here, look! I brought some game stuff from Nohr. Isn't it cool?

Takumi: Hm? What is this? A board? And...ivory pieces... Ah, I see. It's a strategy game. You fight with these pieces on this board, right?

Elise: Wow! Right again! It's called chess.

Takumi: It reminds me of a game we play in Hoshido—shogi. I bet they're very similar. Er, I mean— Not that it matters! I don't care about your stupid Nohrian games! I will NEVER play with someone like you!

Elise: What? Don't be such a baby! Let's plaaay!

Takumi: No! Go find someone else! I'm leaving.

(Takumi leaves)

Elise: Takuuuuumiiiiii! ...Hmph. FINE. Be that way! Jerk.

B Support

Elise: Takuuumiii! Takuuuuuuuuuumiiiiiiiii!

Takumi: You again? Why are you following me around so much? I want nothing to do with you! Have you not heard a word I've said?

Elise: Who? Anyway, I brought some stuff I think you'd really like!

Takumi: Stuff I'd really like? Is this some kind of trick?

Elise: Nope! See? Books from Nohr! To be honest, these are too hard for me to understand... But I thought you'd love 'em!

Takumi: Let's see... Books on Nohr's history, its topography, its culture... An encyclopedia of famous historical figures...and a book on Nohrian weaponry. Y-you were right. I find these fascinating.

Elise: I knew it!

Takumi: I can't believe it. This is an incredible opportuni— No. No, no, no, NO! I swore I would not associate with you! Stop doing this! Here, you can keep your books!

Elise: H-hey! Watch where you're going!

Takumi: S-sorry— Er, but I told you to stay away! I'm leaving! Now!

(Takumi leaves)

Elise: Takumi...

A Support

Takumi: Um...Elise?

Elise: Takumi?! What are you doing here? I thought you never wanted to talk to me again! Did you need something?

Takumi: Um...so...the thing is...

Elise: Oh! I got it! You want to play a game with me! Just hang on. I'll get some games for us to play! Or did you want to read together? I've got a great fairy-tale book! It's my favorite!

Takumi: N-no! That's not why I'm here. I came to... ah...apologize.

Elise: What? Apologize? What for?

Takumi: What for? Because I pushed you the last time we met. And I ran off without giving you a real apology. It's been eating at me. I understand if you're not willing to forgive me.

Elise: Huh? Are you still upset about that? But you barely touched me!

Takumi: Y-you mean...

Elise: Yeah. Besides, it was an accident. You just bumped into me trying to escape. Don't even sweat it, kid!

Takumi: Really?

Elise: Yup! Anyway, while you're here, let's play a game! Ooh, and I've been looking for someone to share some sweets with! Have you ever had Nohrian sweets before? These are my favorites! They're to die for!

Takumi: What?

Elise: Hold on just a sec!

(Elise leaves)

Takumi: O-OK... Well, I guess I could stick around for a little while. It's the least I could do, really...

S Support

Elise: Takumi! Guess whaaaaat! I brought the tea party to you this time!

Takumi: Princess Elise...

Elise: Unfortunately, Mrs. Pigglesworth will be unable to join us today. But fear not! That just means more cakes for us!

Takumi: I...would rather not today. If that's all right.

Elise: Oh, then how about chess? Or did you want to read more about Nohr?

Takumi: No. Neither.

Elise: What? Why not? Are you too busy?

Takumi: No, it's not like that. I just don't feel up to it today.

Elise: Takumi...do you not like me anymore?

Takumi: ...

Elise: O-OK. I just thought we'd finally started getting along. I'm sorry.

Takumi: No, that's not it. I'M sorry. Here, just hear me out.

Elise: OK...

Takumi: I know I was cold to you at first, but that is the farthest thing from what I feel now. The more time we spent together, the more I was drawn to you. I do still like you, Elise, but now I find I like you as more than just a friend.

Elise: Oh!

Takumi: And...this is why I can no longer spend time with you.

Elise: What?! Why not?!

Takumi: Because when I am around you, my blood heats up and my heart aches terribly. I can't be around you anymore if we are not together. It's too painful. I am sorry. This is just the way it has to be.

Elise: What? You didn't even ask me what I thought about all this! What if I like you too, you big dummy? We CAN be together! You just had to ask...

Takumi: T-truly? ...Thank you, Elise. It makes me so incredibly happy to hear you say that. But still...we are both royalty from opposing kingdoms. We cannot be together. Too many would hate us—would do anything to destroy us. There are too many obstacles in our way.

Elise: So? You're OK with living the rest of your life according to what others will think? You're OK with hurting me for the sake of some closed-minded dummies?

Takumi: I-I don't want to! But—

Elise: Then you've got to at least try. Don't give up! I never will!

Takumi: ... OK! I understand! I must do what my heart demands and take what follows! If I must run away with you, I will! I promise!

Elise: Me too! We'll be together forever! I just know it!