Fates Supports/Kaze Xander

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C Support

Kaze: Hei! Ha! Hya!

Xander: Is that you, Kaze?

Kaze: Yes, Prince Xander. I apologize for not seeing you sooner. I was training.

Xander: You need never apologize for training, as doing so benefits us all. I admire your dedication.

Kaze: Thank you, milord. Heh. It's a funny thing, fighting at your side. When we first met, I never would have dreamed it possible.

Xander: I feel the same. Fate is a tempest that leads us down the most unexpected of paths.

Kaze: Too true. Say, do you remember our first meeting? When I was captured and taken to Nohr... I was prepared to die, right in front of you, and expected it fully. And yet...I live on, somehow. I am very thankful for that.

Xander: You do. And it is all thanks to Avatar and Leo. If you wish to express your gratitude, you ought to tell them.

Kaze: Perhaps. But you cooperated with them as well. You did not have to do even that. It may have meant your life, after all. You deserve my gratitude as well.

Xander: It was what Avatar desired. And even as your enemy, I knew it would have been a waste.

Kaze: A waste?

Xander: Yes. I watched you fight, remember? You moved gracefully, even when wounded. I felt that if you had joined our army, you would have been a tremendous asset. To murder you on the palace floor like a dog would have been...dishonorable.

Kaze: It is a great honor to be held in such esteem by one of your position. I thank you very much for the compliment.

Xander: There is still much we could learn from each other, I think. I believe it would be beneficial for us to fight side by side on the battlefield. Is this agreeable to you?

Kaze: Of course. I look forward to it, Prince Xander.

Xander: As do I.

B Support

Xander: Kaze. Would you be willing to fight me?

Kaze: You...want me to fight you?

Xander: Yes. I would like to cross blades with you, see how you handle yourself in a duel. What do you say?

Kaze: I see... Understood. I would be happy to oblige you.

Xander: I must warn you that I will not hold back. Come at me with everything you've got!

Kaze: Very well.

Xander: Hm?!

Kaze: Prince Xander? Is something wrong?

Xander: I apologize. I proposed the battle, yet I lost my focus as we started.

Kaze: Thank nothing of it, milord. May I ask what caught your attention?

Xander: Your eyes... Something in your expression is different than when we last fought.

Kaze: Is that so? Perhaps it is a difference in my resolution.

Xander: Oh?

Kaze: Yes. Before, I fought only for my country. For duty. But that has changed since I met Lord/Lady Avatar. I now fight for my companions, regardless of what kingdom they call home. I have found it is easier to give my life for people than to give it for duty.

Xander: I see. I imagine that resolve of yours will allow you to achieve incredible things.

Kaze: Prince Xander...

Xander: I am honored to have the opportunity to spar with someone like you. Now, let's give this fight another shot.

Kaze: Very well. Here I come!

Xander: Hya!

A Support

Xander: Hello, Kaze. Thank you for our sparring session the other day.

Kaze: The pleasure was all mine. Your skill with a blade is unparalleled.

Xander: I'm not so sure. It's rare that a sparring session ends in a draw for me.

Kaze: I am sure I was just fortunate. I look forward to our next battle.

Xander: As do I. I learned much from watching you fight.

Kaze: Oh?

Xander: Yes. I try to maintain proper determination whenever I enter the battlefield. But seeing the unwavering focus in your eyes caught me off guard. It made me realize that, somewhere in my own heart, I must still harbor doubt.

Kaze: Doubt dwells in the hearts of all men, Prince Xander. But for what it's worth, I believe you have the strength to overcome it.

Xander: Wise words, my friend. All I can do is continue striving to better myself. Doubt is no excuse not to trust the path I believe in and push forward. It is because of you I was able to reconfirm these thoughts. Thank you, Kaze.

Kaze: I am humbled to hear you say that.

Xander: I thank the gods we were given this chance to get to know one another. Even if we must part ways one day, I will always treasure our friendship.

Kaze: As will I. It has been an honor to fight alongside you. May we continue to do so for a long time to come.

Xander: Agreed. I'm counting on you, Kaze.

Kaze: The feeling is reciprocal, milord.