Fates Supports/Odin Laslow

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C Support

Odin: Now I, Odin Dark, shall unlock the eighth scroll, calling forth the fivefold fires! Eternal embers of the soulrealms, rise up from your slumber and consume my foes! KABOOM! KAPOW! "Aiiieeee! Not that, Odin! Anything but thaaa— FWOOM!" Heh. Pathetic. Did nobody ever teach you to be afraid of...the Dark?

Laslow: Odin? Are you still not through yet? You've been at it for hours!

Odin: Ha! Do not feign surprise. I know you were spying on me. As my archrival, you hunger for my secrets and watch in hopes of learning them. You...Laslow of the Azure Skies!

Laslow: I think I prefer "Indigo." Can we make it "Indigo Skies"? In any case, why are you still engaged in such foolishness? It's as childish as ever, and you're not getting any younger, my friend.

Odin: Fie and vexations upon you! I am no child! I am a conjurer of...conjurings! Er, wait. No. That isn't right. Let me try again. *ahem* You'd best watch your tone. I prey upon fools' blood, and you've an overabundance. (NAILED IT!)

Laslow: Ugh, it's no use. You're even worse than before. I suppose I'll just have to tell Lord Leo you skipped training today. Again. Such a shame. You look terrible in irons.

Odin: H-hey! Wait up! Come on, Laslow! Think this through!

Laslow: What is there to think through? You are failing in your duties as retainer. I'm afraid I've no choice but to report you.

Odin: I see. How dutiful and virtuous you are. Yes, a man of your integrity would never object to my telling Lord Xander anything. Particularly not about his irreproachable retainer skipping training to flirt with girls? I'd say it's been one...two...three—oh no! It's been every day this week, in fact! Scandalous!

Laslow: Wha— You wouldn't dare!

Odin: Then swear upon your sword you won't report me to Lord Leo!

Laslow: ...Fine. Maybe we should both just get some training done today. Say, how about we have a quick round? It's been a while.

Odin: Very well, but you will regret those words. Prepare yourself for the void! ...Heh. It really has been a while. Feels just like old times, doesn't it? It's as though we've gone back in time.

Laslow: Yeah, it really does feel that way... Hm, I wonder where everyone is? All our old friends, I mean...

Odin: Probably having a bunch of feasts and fun and forgetting all about us.

Laslow: ...

Odin: I'm joking! It's a joke! You've gotta learn to relax more, buddy. Now, come on! Today is a special day. For today you learn what "wrath" means! I unveil to you the forbidden tome: Genealogy of the Infinite Pain! It'll hurt so bad, your grandchildren will be wincing years after your death!

Laslow: I see. Then I suppose it is time to stop kidding around. I will unveil a secret dueling form, derived from the ancient scrolls of the masters. I give you the Sacred Dance of the Mystic Blade!

Odin: No... Can it be?!

Laslow: Yes! Bow before the Sacred Dance of the Mystic Blade!

Odin: So...I see you've come to understand the importance of secret techniques.

Laslow: Verily! I learned it from the teachings of the sage Hyoo-Moring Yor Frends.

Odin: Very good! I expect no less from Laslow of the Azure Skies! Now, taste my vengeance!

Laslow: Let us begin, Odin Dark!

B Support

Odin: Hail, friend! Our last sparring match was quite something. Your Sacred Dance of the Mystic Blade was quite impressive. Perhaps we should begin charging others to watch the spectacle. We could even get costumes! What do you think, Laslow of the Azure Skies?

Laslow: Laslow of the Azure Skies...

Odin: Hm? Are you displeased with your epithet? I shall ponder another, then. But first I must away to my chamber of nominal contemplations...

Laslow: No, that's not it. Something just struck me, all of a sudden. The name "Laslow." It's so familiar now...

Odin: It makes sense. It's been a long time since you've answered to another name. The same goes for Selena and myself. It's hard to fathom, isn't it?

Laslow: Heh. You were hopeless at first. Always saying our old names. Yet you seem to keep track of all those weapon and attack names, no problem. Any reason these ones tripped you up?

Odin: Hey! It was the first time I'd ever had to change my name. I eventually learned. After all, if someone had heard me slip up, it would have aroused suspicion. I couldn't risk us losing our positions as retainers. Our mission was at stake. We must remain close to these people. And so, yes, I eventually learned. It pains me to this day to know we flay our identities so carelessly.

Laslow: I assure you, whatever name we go by, our identities are as true as ever. It does feel strange, however...hiding these things from the others. Lord Xander and Lord Leo are good people. It's sad knowing we will have to part ways.

Odin: Yes. 'Tis almost enough to tempt one into staying, is it not?

Laslow: Yes... Almost... Odin...what are we doing? We should not be making friends with these people. It will only make leaving harder. And it will be hard enough as it is...

Odin: What's this? Sadness? What happened to that iron resolve of yours?

Laslow: It's fine! I'm not sad! It's just... it's been on my mind lately. Anyway, it's your fault for getting so serious all of a sudden.

Odin: Do not blame me for your own failing of courage, Laslow of the Azure Skies.

Laslow: I'm not blaming you, Odin. Perish the thought! I'm just saying you were being all mopey, and I felt I had to commiserate.

Odin: Mopey? Do you wish to start something?! I'll have you know this tome here contains a forbidden technique! It will turn your insides squishy and set your body aflame!

Laslow: Oho! I bet it doubles your lame factor too! Shall we test it out?

Odin: ...

Laslow: Wait, what's that say? "Book of Dark Spell Names"?

Odin: No! Stop! Give it back!

Laslow: That's supposed to set me aflame? Curious. Very curious.

Odin: Do you have to look so smug all the time? Come on! Although I guess it's better than all the grimacing you were doing earlier... ...Heh. Just like old times again, eh? Seems to be happening a lot lately.

Laslow: Haha. I suppose it is. Except...

Odin: Except?

Laslow: Never mind. It's nothing. Oh! Look at the time! We should get going before we miss the war council.

Odin: Oh, you're right! Let's hurry!

A Support

Laslow: Hello, Odin.

Odin: What's wrong, Laslow? Has the darkness taken hold of you on this day?

Laslow: Odin... Do you think we're still the same people we were back in our time? I mean, how do we know our old memories are truly real?

Odin: What do you mean?

Laslow: I've just been thinking about it. We've been here for a long while now. We've been absorbed in our duties as Lord Xander and Lord Leo's retainers. We've made friends and had all kinds of experiences. It's been a whole new life. Sometimes our past just seems so...unreal.

Odin: Ah, I get it. You feel disconnected from your old life.

Laslow: I suppose so. I just can't shake this feeling lately. We've nothing left of our old lives except each other and our fading memories. I can't help but wonder if my memories of our old world are just a dream of sorts.

Odin: Don't be silly. We're the same people. We existed. That world existed. And when we're done here, we're going back. You're just overthinking things. I know we're in over our heads, but that's no reason to start doubting your reality. Besides, if anything is part of a dream, it's this world.

Laslow: *sigh* Now I'm starting to wonder if anything is real.

Odin: ...

Laslow: Do you ever think of our original world anymore? The one we were born in?

Odin: I do. Mostly at night. I...have trouble sleeping sometimes because of it.

Laslow: Ah. So you too, then.

Odin: I also think of the other world. Of seeing my mother for the first time since... Gods, it was wonderful seeing her alive and well after what happened in our time. Oh, and helping our parents and the others defeat the dragon!

Laslow: That was a wonderful world. It was such a happy place, too. I mean, after Grima fell. Ah, remember looking for that tiara and then getting chased by a bear? Ha! We made some good memories there, didn't we?

Odin: Aye. And none of them were dreams. So cheer up!

Laslow: Yeah. You know, when we talk like this, it's hard to deny it was all real. I'm glad we didn't get separated this time. If you guys weren't here, I don't think... I don't think I could bear it.

Odin: Laslow...

Laslow: Thank you for being here for me. You've made good on your promise.

Odin: No problem! But, erm...what promise was that?

Laslow: Well, it was a long time ago. Remember that harvest festival we went to? When I was troubled about how we were fighting real people instead of Risen. You said you'd always be a shoulder for me to lean on. And you have been.

Odin: Ah, I remember that! Well, I meant every word. In any case, we'll be moving out any minute now. Let's get going, Inigo.

Laslow: Wh-what did you just call me?

Odin: What's wrong, Inigo of the Indigo Skies? Did you miss hearing your real name? Haha, calm down. It's fine, just this once. No one else is here. Severa can't get mad about something she doesn't know, right? Er. Probably.

Laslow: Haha! I guess not. Thank you...Owain. I feel much better now.

Odin: Ah, he smiles! Perfect! I love seeing my archrival happy.

Laslow: Haha, I feel the same, old friend. That, at least, will never change.