Fates Supports/Selena Sophie(PC)

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C Support

Sophie: Moooooooother!

Selena: What do you want, Sophie?

Sophie: Look! I found some of those flowers you love! Ones just like what you have!

Selena: Wow, these are pretty. I'll take those, thank you very much.

Sophie: Heehee. I'm glad you like them!

Selena: Hang on, though. I'd like to know just where you found them.

Sophie: That's what's so amazing! They were really close by! I can go back and get you more, if you want. There's a bunch more!

Selena: Oh no... Are you telling me... Did you pick the flowers I JUST planted?

Sophie: Wh-what...? Oh no! That explains why I hadn't seen these flowers there before! I'm so sorry, Mother!

Selena: Well, whatever. Top marks for effort.

Sophie: Can...can I go back and plant these again? They'll grow back their roots, right? Awwwww! Why am I always screwing up things like this?!

B Support

Sophie: *sigh* Why am I such a klutz?

Selena: You look a little down in the mouth there, Sophie.

Sophie: Hey, Mother... Do you think I'll always be a klutz? Earlier today, I went to the market and got a bunch of apples for myself and Avel. When I got back, I decided to see if he could catch one in his mouth, but... I let go in the windup, and the apple hit an old lady behind me instead! Also, Avel fell over. I don't know why that happened.

Selena: Ahahaha! You're a real piece of work!

Sophie: Mother! Don't laugh at me.

Selena: But just listen to yourself!

Sophie: I'm seriously worrying about my future here, Mother!

Selena: All right, all right. Don't get snippy. Let's start over. Why are you so bent out of shape over being klutzy?

Sophie: I'm not a little clumsy! My life is one long series of mistakes and blunders!

Selena: But you can just fix them, can't you? And you usually do, from what I've seen. I can't remember you ever giving up.

Sophie: But... But...

Selena: And you know, people take pity on a klutz. It's not hard to exploit that.

Sophie: Now you're just making things up, Mother.

Selena: So what if I am? It's good advice.

Sophie: *sigh* Thanks for cheering me up, though.

A Support

Sophie: Moooooooother!

Selena: Hi, Sophie. You're annoyingly hyper today.

Sophie: I sure am! What you said the other day really cheered me up.

Selena: That's what you're saying did it, huh? Not the eight hours of sleep you got between then and now?

Sophie: Why do you always have to tease me?

Selena: Heeheehee...because you're so cute when you pout.

Sophie: Oh, that does remind me, though... I made a small mistake at breakfast today. I...accidentally gave the horses the soldiers' meals.

Selena: *sigh*

Sophie: But once I realized my error, I rushed to make fresh meals for everyone. Suddenly, they all joined in to help! It made me really happy.

Selena: Wow. Those are some loyal friends you've got there.

Sophie: Yeah, I think so too!

Selena: Why do you think they stick with you through thick and thin like that?

Sophie: Maybe they were worried that I would burn everything?

Selena: See there? You're making another mistake, thinking that. Those soldiers get fired up when they see you giving it your all. The way you never give up, even when things don't go your way.

Sophie: Really? I don't know...

Selena: I wouldn't worry about being clumsy if I were you. Just power through it. That's what people like to see from you. They don't even notice the clumsiness!

Sophie: OK, Mother! I think I can do that. Oh! Also, I think I found some flowers nearby that I'm sure you'll like. We can go check them out together!

Selena: Fine, fine. Just promise me one thing.

Sophie: Don't worry! They aren't the ones you replanted. I didn't pick any in advance, either—just in case!

Selena: You read my mind, kid.

Sophie: All right! Let's go!