Fates Supports/Silas Selena

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C Support

Selena: Hey, Silas. I hear you've got the strongest work ethic around camp.

Silas: Well, I don't know about that, but I do try to give my all whenever I can.

Selena: Typical. People like you always act so sweet and humble, and it makes me sick.

Silas: What...? I'm not being humble. I really do have to try harder than most people.

Selena: MOST people, sure. But not ALL people. Lots of folks think that about you, but they're wrong.

Silas: I-I wasn't arguing the point... I take it you're laying a claim on the strongest work ethic in the army?

Selena: Not yet. But we're going to find out.

Silas: We...we are?

Selena: I'll be the judge of whether you really work hard or you're just faking it. If you're any lazier than me, it's not fair that everyone thinks you work the hardest. So we'll have a competition to see how hard you're REALLY prepared to work.

Silas: This feels like the start of something extraordinarily tedious...

Selena: Are you complaining already?! We haven't even started yet!

Silas: No! I just don't understand what we're fighting about.

Selena: What, you're backing out?

Silas: C-certainly not now...

Selena: So you're accepting my challenge, RIGHT?

Silas: Why me...? All right, you're on. Agreeing to this is clearly going to be the fastest way to get it over with.

Selena: That's right. I'll be back later to go over the challenge, once I figure out what it is. Here's a hint, though: I'm going to win.

Silas: Right...

B Support

Selena: Hey, you came. I was sure you'd chicken out and stay home!

Silas: Trust me, there are a lot of things I'd rather be doing right now. But I don't back down from a challenge once I've taken it.

Selena: Well, you talk big, at least. OK, the first event starts right here, right now.

Silas: "First event"? This isn't something we can settle now and get on with our lives?

Selena: Of course not! A standard competition goes for three rounds.

Silas: That's new to me...but if those are the terms of our duel, fair enough.

Selena: The first event: practice swings. The rules are simple. We keep taking swings, counting together, and the first one to tire out loses!

Silas: ...Huh. I was bracing myself when I heard you say it's simple, but...it really is.

Selena: Of course it is! Why wouldn't it be?! There's nothing complex about working hard! You put in effort, you get the reward! Don't you even know that much?!

Silas: Well...when you put it that way, I guess I agree.

Selena: Good. Now hurry up and get ready.

Selena: And...GO! One!

Silas: Two!

Selena: Three!

Selena: 627! You're pretty good at this...

Silas: 628! You haven't yet seen me at my best.

Selena: 629! If it gets too tough, give up. I won't judge.

Silas: 630! Stop joking. You'll make my sides ache.

Selena: 631! It was worth a try!

A Support

Selena: You put up a pretty good fight in round one.

Silas: Don't remind me. I thought I was dreaming when I saw the sun begin to rise... Though it wasn't as dreamlike once our orders to deploy came in.

Selena: Yeah, that was a shame. We'll have to count it as a draw. Now, for the second event...

Silas: Wait. Before we plunge back into this, I have to know something first. Why are you so obsessed over which of us has the stricter work ethic?

Selena: Um...

Silas: Of course, if you don't want to tell me, that's quite all right...

Selena: N-no...it's fine. If you really want to know... I just don't have any confidence in myself.

Silas: No confidence? You?

Selena: You'd be surprised. The truth is, there's a lot I'm no good at. My mother was incredible, but she's gone now, and I'm nowhere near as good. I always got compared to her—people went so far as to say I was her defective kid. I couldn't stand that...

Silas: So you felt that you had to try harder?

Selena: Don't tell anyone, OK?

Silas: Your secret's safe with me.

Selena: All right, enough of that. Let's get the second round started.

Silas: You know, I don't think that's necessary. I hereby relinquish the title of hardest- working soldier to you.

Selena: Huh?

Silas: It was clear to me after hearing your story. You said you have to work hard because things don't come naturally to you. Whereas I'm from a noble house. I've had many things simply handed to me... So of the two of us, I think you've probably had to work harder for what you have.

Selena: W-well, that all SOUNDS good. But I can't let it go at that... We have a duel to settle! I can't let the whole thing drop just because we talked it out!

Silas: A-all right, if you insist... What's the next event in our competition?

Selena: Up next is...a cross-country race!

Silas: ...OK, then. I guess we'll be running until dawn.

Selena: You know it!

S Support

Silas: That race was intense...

Selena: I can't believe you didn't give up. We ran to places I'd never seen before...

Silas: I heard Avatar was ready to move out, but he/she couldn't find us anywhere.

Selena: I never want another scolding like the one we got when we returned... Worst of all, the match was another draw!

Silas: I have to hand it to you, you have a more intense work ethic than anyone I've met. That's why I feel comfortable giving this to a true hard worker.

Selena: Ooh, did you get me a medal?

Silas: Not quite. Just open it.

Selena: This is a ring.

Silas: Yeah. An engagement ring.

Selena: Whoa there...you're asking me to marry you?!

Silas: That's exactly what I'm doing. I mean it, too.

Selena: ... ...No way.

Silas: What? Why...?

Selena: It's hard to explain...but I need to go home someday, and that's a long way from here.

Silas: I don't understand... Aren't you a Nohrian soldier? One of Camilla's retainers, as I recall.

Selena: If I ever do get to go back...would you come with me?

Silas: ... Well, I'd certainly be willing to try. I knew I'd have to put work into our relationship, after all.

Selena: Silas...

Silas: I'd go to considerable lengths for you, Selena. I'd run farther and fight harder to support you than I would to compete with you.

Selena: You make a good case. I accept.

Silas: ...Huh. That was unexpected.

Selena: Did you not want me to say yes?

Silas: No, I did, but...I thought it would take more effort than that.

Selena: W-well...I thought you'd be sad if I turned you down. And you must have done a lot of research to buy a ring this fine... I hate to see a hard worker's efforts go to waste.

Silas: Is that right? That's very considerate of you...

Selena: One thing, though. Let me get this out of the way up front. If we ever have a child, I'd better still be first in your heart.

Silas: ...What?

Selena: Of course you should love your own child—that's fine. You just need to love me more. Promise me that, or you can take this ring back to where you bought it.

Silas: ...In that case... I'll work harder at loving you than you could possibly imagine.