Fates Supports/Odin Selena

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This content was originally provided by Griffonite.

C Support

Selena: *sigh*

Odin: Selena! A spell of gloom has ensnared you! Hold and allow me to dispel it! Depart or be destroyed, evil magic! Release Selena from her torment! *gasp* It remains unaffected! I must prepare another chant...

Selena: I'm fine, Odin. I was just feeling lonely.

Odin: Lonely, you say?

Selena: Yeah.

Odin: What has brought on such feelings of desolation, my friend?

Selena: I can't really say it aloud, but... I miss our homeland. You know the one. It's so very out of reach... I guess I'm just a little homesick.

Odin: Ah, yes. Homesickness is a mortal affliction. Be careful lest it overtake you.

Selena: Do you ever feel that way?

Odin: No. That demon has yet to lay its infernal hands upon me.

Selena: Oh. I wish I was the same. *sigh* If only there was something I could do to feel better...

Odin: Hm. I have no choice, then.

Selena: Huh? What was that?

Odin: Oh nothing! See you later!

Selena: He's so odd...same as always.

B Support

Odin: Selena. You're looking a little happier today! Not quite so...severe. Heheh. Get it?

Selena: Don't even joke like that, Odin! Do you want us to— Ugh! Never mind. Anyway, yes, I'm feeling much better today. I had a nice dream about all our old friends.

Odin: Oh? And what exactly transpired in this dream reunion?

Selena: We were in a hot spring. I think it was one we've been to before. My hair was dyed, and I was wearing a cute outfit...

Odin: Oh? That sounds like fun.

Selena: It was. You were there too, actually.

Odin: I was? What was I doing?

Selena: I think you were wearing a cute outfit too. You were trying to be cool, as usual. But...it's strange. People actually thought you were! Cool, I mean. Even I did.

Odin: Mwahahaha! Naturally! Though maybe I should dial it back a little next time...

Selena: Huh? Did you say something?

Odin: No! Of course not! In any case, I'm glad you're no longer feeling homesick.

Selena: I mean, it's not like it's completely gone. I still feel that way. Just a little less so...

Odin: I see. Then I must act again tonight. Good day, Selena!

(Background fades)

(Background changes to night)

Selena: Zzzzzz... Zzzzzz...

Odin: Selena? Stir now, if you wish to live! ...Excellent. No reaction. She seems to be deep in slumber once more. Now then, to fashion a new dream for her, I must cast my greatest spell yet— Odin's Oneiric Onslaught! Yes, now I shall free your mind from all its worries... Let's see...this time I'll make her dream of the harvest festival. And the festival will culminate with the unveiling of my new spell. Which in turn will lead to my becoming the supreme leader of the entire world! Ooh, that's a good plot! Yes, that'll do. Let's get to it, then. I call to ye, dark beasts that roam the realm of unconsciousness! Lend me your strength—mold a new reality for the mind of this dreamer! Grant...me...thy...POWER!

A Support

Selena: Hey, Odin! I have a question for you. Just answer honestly, and I PROMISE I won't get mad.

Odin: Um...what's on your mind, Selena?

Selena: Did you happen to sneak into my bedroom the other night?

Odin: What?! How dare you! I would never—

Selena: REALLY? Then how do you explain this scrap of paper I found by my pillow? It says "new spell ritual notes." I found a bunch of weird half-burned herbs too. YOU are the only one in the world who carries stupid things like this around!

Odin: I can explain!

Selena: I KNEW IT! WHAT WERE YOU DOING IN MY BEDROOM?! By the gods, if you were doing anything gross, I will destroy—

Odin: No! Of course not! What kind of monster do you think I am?!

Selena: Then what were you doing?! Tell me or I'm going straight to Lord Leo. Maybe even Lord Xander!!

Odin: No, don't! I'll tell you! Just calm down... The truth is... I was casting a spell to give you good dreams.

Selena: What?

Odin: When you woke up this morning, how did you feel? Were you happy?

Selena: Well... yeah. I was. I had another dream about being with our old friends again.

Odin: At the harvest festival, right?

Selena: ...How did you know that?

Odin: Because that's the dream I created for you. I knew you were feeling homesick...so I conjured a sweet dream for you.

Selena: What? How did you do that? I've never heard of such a spell!

Odin: Heh. For one such as I, a spell like that is mere child's play. My magic can alter the fabric of reality— so much easier the fabric of dreams. All I needed to do was hold those herbs while chanting the plot of the dream.

Selena: I would normally never believe you actually have power like that, but... Hmm. In both dreams, everybody loved you and thought you were the coolest guy ever. And in the harvest-festival dream, you were voted ruler of the entire world.

Odin: Ah, such sweet words. If only I could have seen these things myself.

Selena: It was so ridiculous and impossible, I should have known.

Odin: Hey!

Selena: Anyway, I guess I'll forgive you for creeping in my room. You were only trying to help. But if you ever change my dreams without my permission again, I will END you. Understand? And if I do give you permission, you're not allowed to make yourself seem cooler.

Odin: *sigh* But that was the fun part...

S Support

Odin: Hearken to me, goddess of mine heart! I bring glad tidings!

Selena: Ugh, what now?

Odin: I know this is sudden, but I must tell you before the darkness overcomes me.

Selena: Oh, calm down. Out with it already!

Odin: I... I want you to marry me, Selena.

Selena: ...You what?!

Odin: I awoke this morning possessed by a single thought: I love you. My heart was aflutter with admiration of your beauty and grace. I realized then and there that I had to marry you. Selena Oh, wow. I can't believe it worked. Not how I intended it to, though. (I just whispered random stuff into his ear while he slept to get back at him...)

Odin: Selena? What's wrong?

Selena: N-nothing. It's nothing!

Odin: Perfect. Then allow me to present you with this Ring of Eternal Joy. With this, let us join our lives and our hearts for now and ever!

Selena: Look, Odin, this is very sweet, but I can't accept it. See, uh, your feelings... they aren't real.

Odin: What? Of course they are! They're more real than anything I've ever felt! I beseech you—

Selena: Hey, whoa! None of that! No beseeching! I'm serious. Your feelings aren't real. Maybe you should just take a day or two and think about them some more.

Odin: What do you— Ohhh. I see. You think it was that little dream spell you tried to use on me.

Selena: H-how did you know about that?

Odin: I was awake the whole time. It was quite amusing! You aren't entirely wrong, however. I AM proposing to you because of that spell. Before you left, you put your hand on my cheek so tenderly... It was only for a moment. But I knew what it meant.

Selena: Y-you mean... Then you know...

Odin: Yes. And it was at that moment that the amorous spirits sang to me. The heart of Odin Dark is scarred with the millionfold deaths left in his wake... Those of his enemies...his family...his friends...his entire world. And the only one in possession of the precious salve of love is you. Selena the Moonborn, will you have me?

Selena: Nope.

Odin: Whuh?! But I thought... I thought we were meant for each other. Is it possible the touching of my face was simply the tracing of an arcane rune? Oh, you are a clever one, she-witch, but I will NOT be ensnared by your devilry!

Selena: Odin. Cut it out. I want you to be serious about this.

Odin: Oh...

Selena: Now, please. Ask me again. Ask me like you want me to truly be yours forever.

Odin: OK... Here I go! Selena...I love you more than anything else in this world. In any world. ...Will you marry me?

Selena: ...Very well. I love you, Odin.

Odin: And I love you, Selena. I promise I will remain by your side forevermore. Through time, through space, through different worlds. Nothing will separate us.

Selena: Thank you. And I make the same vow to you, my love.