Fates Supports/Shiro Asugi

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C Support

Shiro: Hm? What's all that noise?

Thief: Grrr. Step aside, punk!

(Thief leaves)

Shiro: Wait! Was that—?!

Asugi: Shiro! Did you see someone running through here?!

Shiro: Yeah, he went that way! Was it—

Asugi: Yeah! A thief! He was trying to get into our war chest!

Shiro: And you're chasing him? Let me come with you!

Asugi: No, you'll just get in the way!

Shiro: Oh yeah? Then I'm definitely coming!

Asugi: Whatever! Enough talk! We've got a thief to catch.

(Asugi leaves)

Shiro: *pant pant* Damn it all! He got away.

Asugi: *pant pant* Mother of all criven-hopping blister-arse—

Shiro: Asugi, what the hell was all that about?! I would have gotten him if you just quit trying to push me off the road!

Asugi: I had to. It was too narrow for me to just pass you. You'd never have caught him. I think all that ham in your skull weighs you down.

Shiro: What, so now you're saying it was MY fault?!

Asugi: Yes! That is exactly what I'm saying!

Shiro: How dare you?!

Asugi: How dare YOU say it was ME?!

Shiro: Look, you little— You know what? No. Not going to do this.

Asugi: If you've got something to say, then say it! What is it, huh?! Mad you didn't get your way? Well, I'm not your damn retainer! So don't expect me to just scrape and bow, you royal sack of shallots!

Shiro: Don't worry, I don't. And I wasn't going to say anything like that anyway.

Asugi: Well, then what WERE you going to say?

Shiro: Forget it. There's no point arguing over what happened here. I'm going back to camp to give my report. I'll see you later.

Asugi: Hmph. Fine. Like I care.

B Support

Shiro: Asugi.

Asugi: What do you need?

Shiro: About the thief that got away the other day...

Asugi: You're still on about that? I thought we already settled it. No point in arguing over who was right.

Shiro: Yeah, I know. Which is why that's NOT what I came here to talk about.

Asugi: Oh? Then please, enlighten me.

Shiro: I don't want to argue over who messed up. I want to figure out how we can do better. So if something like this happens again, we'll be able to handle it.

Asugi: Ah, I see. Yeah, I think that's good. Don't torture ourselves over it. Just learn from it.

Shiro: So, you said that I should have just let you pass. Did you have any other suggestions?

Asugi: Well, see, I thought about it more, and there's actually a better solution. One of us should have continued to chase him while the other tried to cut him off.

Shiro: Ah, I see. The thief would have been heading to the nearest exit. And if you know where he's headed, you can ambush him before he gets there.

Asugi: Yeah, exactly.

Shiro: Then next time anything like this happens, let's do that. I'll admit, you were right about being the faster one, so you should do the chasing. And while you do that, I'll try to head them off at the exit. Sound good?

Asugi: Yeah, perfect. Stick to the plan, and we'll bag ourselves the next thief for sure. You know, you might have some brains knocking around up there after all. I'm impressed.

Shiro: Heh. I'll pretend that that's a compliment. Just remember the plan. I'll be counting on you, ya hear?

Asugi: Right back at you.

A Support

Shiro: Asugi!

Asugi: Hey there. What's going on?!

Shiro: We've discovered an enemy spy in our camp!

Asugi: What?! And where is he now?!

Shiro: We think he's hiding somewhere among the tents on the eastern edge of camp. He's probably going to try to make a run for the forest!

Asugi: I see. Well, this isn't quite the situation we'd imagined, but—

Shiro: Way ahead of you. We're gonna have to put our little plan to the test. You smoke him out. I'll surprise him at the gate. All right?

Asugi: Sounds good to me. Let's go!

(Shiro leaves)

Asugi: *pant pant* Stop right there, you dastard!

Thief: D-damn it! Just a little bit farther, and I'll be home free...

(Asugi leaves)


Thief: What?! Where did you come from? Well, wherever you were hiding, I'm gonna gut you real good, all the same!

Shiro: Think so, huh? Well, take this, scum!

Thief: Aaaaagh!

Shiro: Yield. You cannot win with a wound like that.

Thief: F-fine... I surrender.

Shiro: Good. Asugi! We got him!

(Thief leaves)

Asugi: *pant pant* I'm...right here. Good to see...you got him.

Shiro: Well done, Asugi. Your plan worked without a hitch.

Asugi: Heh. I couldn't have done it without you.

Shiro: You know, we make a pretty good team.

Asugi: Yeah, we do. Maybe I should start swearing the retainer's oath now, eh? How about it, Shiro?

Shiro: Heh. Don't go saying things you don't mean, Asugi.

Asugi: Haha. You got me.

Shiro: Besides, that might be the right fit for our fathers, but I don't think it is for us. We work better as partners. Not as lord and servant.

Asugi: Whatever you think is best. I suppose it wouldn't kill me to accept you as my equal.

Shiro: Haha. Yeah, yeah.

Asugi: Now, let's haul this guy back. Can't very well just leave him here like this. I don't have any strength left, though. Think you can carry him? Eh? Partner?

Shiro: Oh, so THAT'S how this is gonna be, huh? Heh. Fine. Next time, though, YOU get to drag the prisoner back.

(Asugi leaves)

Thief: I...I can't feel...my legs...