Fates Supports/Shiro Caeldori

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C Support

Shiro: Lamps out at bedtime, everybody! Only you can prevent fires!

Caeldori: Shiro! Not so loud. You'll wake the poor people just getting to bed.

Shiro: Aw, c'mon! I've always wanted to say that.

Caeldori: "Only you can prevent fires," though? We're on perimeter patrol tonight, not fire watch.

Shiro: Don't be so tense! I bet some sloganeering would relax you.

Caeldori: But it's dark out! This isn't the best time to go shouting your head off. What if there was an enemy scout in the area? He'd hear us coming a mile off.

Shiro: Sure, but listen... They picked us for this job because everyone knows how good we are, right? Between the two of us, there's nothing we can't get done.

Caeldori: Yes. Our prowess is well known around the camp...

Shiro: You don't sound too happy about that.

Caeldori: What if we only get these assignments because of our parentage? The thought keeps gnawing at me.

Shiro: If that's all people see when they look at us, there's nothing we can do about it. We grew up in the shadow of our fathers, always trying to be as good as them. It makes sense that their influence would swing the other way, too.

Caeldori: I wouldn't mind it so much if I knew we were chosen on our own merits. But I don't want to get the plum duties because of nepotism.

Shiro: Eh, it doesn't matter to me. It just means we've gotta prove ourselves by doing a good job!

Caeldori: Haha! I guess that's true.

(Caeldori leaves)

Samurai: It's the night watch! Come quick! We heard reports of someone suspicious lurking in the area!

Shiro: So they're here... Let's go, Caeldori!

Caeldori: Right behind you! We'll deal with this quickly and efficiently!

B Support

Shiro: Lamps out, everyone! Fire safety is everyone's responsibility!

Caeldori: At it again, huh, Shiro?

Shiro: Hahaha! Why not? We caught those thieves on our last patrol, didn't we?

Caeldori: We got a lot of praise for that one. I guess that went some ways toward getting recognition for our own merits.

Shiro: Yep! Even if we benefit a little from our folks' influence... that shouldn't stop us from taking pride in what we accomplish on our own.

Caeldori: That's true. Sometimes I wonder, though... What would we be doing now if we'd been born in a different time?

Shiro: Hmmm...that's a tough question. I don't know.

Caeldori: Our greatest strengths are in battle. But what use are martial virtues in a world at peace?

Shiro: What would you want to be doing?

Caeldori: Huh?

Shiro: Never mind what you're good at. If you could do anything, what would it be?

Caeldori: My ideal job, hm? I think I'd like to care for animals. That might be fun.

Shiro: Oh, like a farmhand or something?

Caeldori: Maybe. I haven't given it much thought.

Shiro: Oh. Well, I'm sure it would be fun! You're good at taking care of things.

Caeldori: Haha, thank you. What about you? I guess you'd be busy ruling Hoshido...

Shiro: Yeah, a crown prince doesn't have much say in it. But I like getting outdoors, so maybe a hunter or fisherman would be good for me. Or a lumberjack! Yeah, that's my answer!

Caeldori: Hahaha! I didn't expect to hear a prince wish he could be a lumberjack today.

Shiro: But for now, all we can do is try to restore peace as soon as we can. Then maybe later the day will come when we can make good on those dreams.

Caeldori: Yeah. That's worth fighting for.

Shiro Caeldori A:

Shiro: I feel like we're getting pretty good at this night-patrol thing.

Caeldori: Definitely. Well...? Aren't you going to holler about fire safety tonight?

Shiro: Why, Caeldori...do you miss my hollering?

Caeldori: That's NOT why I asked!

Shiro: Well, who am I to say no? ONLY YOU CAN PRE— Holy smoke!

Caeldori: Wh-what's that smell?!

Shiro: I-I just told you! It's smoke! FIRE! EVERYONE, OUT!

Caeldori: Over there! I can see the flames!

Shiro: Ugh...I can't believe there's ACTUALLY a fire! (weapon clang) Caeldori, go get the bucket brigade! I'm going to the site to see what I can do there!

Caeldori: I'm on it! Just don't take any unnecessary risks, Shiro!

Shiro: I won't!

(Shiro leaves)

Caeldori: Shiro... $Wc

Shiro: Owww! Hot hot hot!

Caeldori: I warned you not to take any stupid risks!

Shiro: No need to get upset. It's just a little burn.

Caeldori: Why would you run into a burning barn?! It's because of things like this that I told you to be careful!

Shiro: Hey, I didn't do it for nothing! I went to help a foal who was trapped inside. You should be happy I got him out in time!

Caeldori: I know, I know... *sob*

Shiro: Caeldori? Are you crying?

Caeldori: I'm not crying!

Shiro: Haha! At least no one was hurt. And you should be happy I saved the foal for you!

Caeldori: For me?

Shiro: Think about it. That's one more animal you might look after someday. You should be thanking me!

Caeldori: ... Haha, oh, Shiro...what are we going to do with you?

Shiro: Hah! I finally got you to smile!

Caeldori: Just don't ever make me this worried about you again!

Shiro: I'll try my best.

S Support

Shiro: Hi, Caeldori! Are we on for patrol today?

Caeldori: No, not today.

Shiro: Then what's up?

Caeldori: There's something I want to tell you.

Shiro: You don't have to be all ominous about it...or do you?

Caeldori: I noticed something about you on all the patrols we went on. You're kind, pleasant, and trustworthy. I don't know why it took so long to see...

Shiro: Wow...that's some high praise!

Caeldori: And when you saved the foal from the fire that night... There was that moment when I was so scared for you. It was right after that when I realized how much I like you, Shiro.

Shiro: Caeldori...

Caeldori: This might feel like it's coming from nowhere for you, but... I wanted to make myself plain.

Shiro: It's funny, 'cause I've been thinking the same thing about you.

Caeldori: Huh?

Shiro: That night we talked about the future... I don't think I could have opened up like that for anyone but you. That's when I noticed how I felt about you. I just wish I'd had the guts to say it first...

Caeldori: No, it's fine! I don't mind at all!

Shiro: That's what I'd expect to hear from my patrol buddy. Haha! That must be what brought us together.

Caeldori: Yeah, I'm sure it was.

Shiro: Well, Caeldori...I think we've got a good future in store. Let's keep fighting for it.

Caeldori: I'm with you all the way.