Fates Supports/Jakob Rinkah

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C Support

Jakob: Ah! If it isn't the famous Rinkah, the Fire Tribe's frostiest daughter!

Rinkah: If you don't need anything, then go away.

Jakob: It's my business where I decide to spend my time. I don't recall anyone making you my superior officer.

Rinkah: Uh-huh. You talk awfully big for a lapdog.

Jakob: Did you just call me a lapdog?

Rinkah: So what if I did?

Jakob: No matter. I refuse to waste my energy trading childish insults with you. Good day, Rinkah.

(Jakob leaves)

Rinkah: That was too easy... I don't like this.

B Support

Jakob: Marvelous! Absolutely delectable!

Rinkah: ...

Jakob: Mmm! Oh, yes! Quite so! I must say, I've truly outdone myself this time.

Rinkah: ...

Jakob: This might be the best tea this side of the continent!

Rinkah: You're annoying me.

Jakob: Pardon? Did you say something, my sweet?

Rinkah: I SAID that you're ANNOYING me! You've been banging on about that tea for an hour now! Hasn't it gotten cold?!

Jakob: Of course! And yet even still, it is ambrosial! But why should I be quieter for you? It's not my problem you're annoyed. All you have to do is ignore me, after all.

Rinkah: If you want to talk to yourself so badly, go do it somewhere else!

Jakob: It's my business where I talk to myself. If you don't like it, perhaps you should go somewhere else.

Rinkah: I was here first!

Jakob: Hm. This is strange. I thought your clan encouraged aloofness and independence. So why are you talking to me so much? I must be more charming than I'd thought!

Rinkah: Are you making fun of me?

Jakob: I thought that much was obvious. Perhaps I should be less subtle in the future.

Rinkah: I won't stand for this! Insult me again, and I'll beat you to a bloody pulp! Do you hear me?

Jakob: Now, now. Calm down. Here, have some tea.

Rinkah: Grrrrrrrrrr.

Jakob: You should really learn to control that temper of yours. It will be difficult for you to remain aloof if you let little things like this bother you.

Rinkah: Sh-shut up! I don't want to hear about it! Least of all from you.

Jakob: Hold! Don't do anything rash, now. How would your tribe look if their princess began assaulting her comrades over trifles?

Rinkah: I...will...kill...

Jakob: Ah-ah-ah! None of that. Now sit and take this tea!

Rinkah: ... *gulp* Th-this is actually pretty good.

Jakob: Of course it is. I made it, after all.

A Support

Jakob: Rinkah.

Rinkah: Butler.

Jakob: You must have it so hard.

Rinkah: Um. What?

Jakob: It would be too much for me, staying aloof among so many annoying people...

Rinkah: Heh. You know that you're one of those annoying people, right?

Jakob: Me? Annoying? I am scandalized by the accusation.

Rinkah: Uh-huh. So, what did you want? Why are you here?

Jakob: Well, you don't waste any time on pleasantries, do you?

Rinkah: Heh. Everyone here's always so eager to get to know each other. It can be difficult finding time to be alone.

Jakob: Yes, I imagine it must be trying for you.

Rinkah: Trying? No, I don't find it so. It's often very pleasant.

Jakob: Oh?

Rinkah: It's true, my tribe shuns most interaction with the outside world. But that doesn't mean we don't enjoy being around others.

Jakob: Really?

Rinkah: We just prefer solitude to idle chatter and empty relationships. If a friendship runs deep, we don't oppose its development.

Jakob: I see. That is very wise. Were only the whole world like that.

Rinkah: Truly. But thankfully, few people here seem to approach friendships superficially. So, contrary to how it might appear, I actually enjoy the company.

Jakob: I see. I'm glad to hear it. Does this mean, I might consider you a friend?

Rinkah: Heh. Perhaps.

(Rinkah leaves)

Jakob: Haha. What a charming woman.

S Support

Jakob: Rinkah? You're coming to see me this time? What's going on? Are you ill?

Rinkah: No. There's something I wanted to talk with you about.

Jakob: Oh? What is it?

Rinkah: Do you have feelings for any of the women in camp?

Jakob: Wh-what? Why do you want to know?

Rinkah: Just answer the question.

Jakob: Ah...yes. There is one I have feelings for.

Rinkah: I see. So you're taken, then?

Jakob: No. She isn't aware of my feelings for her. To tell you the truth, I believed she would never return them. She is quite...aloof.

Rinkah: Aloof, huh? So you like the hard-to-get type?

Jakob: Not particularly. But there is something special about her. I admire her strength, I think. She is a fiercely independent woman.

Rinkah: I see. You may want to consider sharing these feelings with her. I'm sure she would be flattered.

Jakob: Perhaps, perhaps. But while we're swapping secrets, I have a question for you. Do you have your eyes on any of the men we serve with?

Rinkah: What?! Th-that's preposterous!

Jakob: I see I've hit a nerve. Tell me, does he make the most delicious tea you've ever had?

Rinkah: What are you trying to say, you—you—

Jakob: I thought as much. I will have to think on this.

Rinkah: Think on WHAT, exactly?!

Jakob: Whether or not to become a member of the Flame Tribe, of course. How else would I be able to someday marry the woman I love?

Rinkah: You mean...

Jakob: Oh, don't be coy. I think we both know what I'm talking about. It is nice to finally be able to admit it, though.

Rinkah: You idiot! You spoiled it! You didn't even let me tell you myself yet!

Jakob: O-oh, my. You mean— You really— I was only teasing!

Rinkah: WHAT?!

Jakob: No, I mean, I was serious about my feelings! I just never thought you could possibly feel the same!

Rinkah: Oh, for the love of— Will you shut up and let me talk already? I love you, Jakob! I love you more than anyone else. And I want you to be mine. There. I said it.

Jakob: Rinkah...

Rinkah: And there's no need for you to join the Flame Tribe. I know it wouldn't suit you. So...I suppose I'll just have to propose to an outsider. Such things aren't unheard of. But you'd better treat me right, you understand? This is a serious decision.

Jakob: Of course, my love. I will serve you always— I swear it.

Rinkah: Heh. Good. So, to celebrate, how about you brew us up some of that famous tea of yours?

Jakob: At once, my darling. Anything for you.