Fates Supports/Rinkah Charlotte

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C Support

Charlotte: Hey, you! Could I borrow you for a minute?

Rinkah: Hm? What do you want? Hang on... You seem different than usual. Don't you normally speak with a soothing voice while flirting with every man here?

Charlotte: Wow, rude. And it's not flirting. I'm comforting them. And it'd be a waste for me not to! I'm so cute, after all. Teehee!

Rinkah: Lay off the act, and just tell me what you need.

Charlotte: You're all kinds of abrasive, aren't you? That's why I called you over. You're always acting so self-important. Maybe the honorable-warrior act worked where you're from, but you should stop it. Acting tough won't get you anywhere.

Rinkah: ...

Charlotte: That's a unique look you're giving me...

Rinkah: I understand now. You've been putting on an act all this time. This is your true self.

Charlotte: What of it? Everyone pretends to be something else.

Rinkah: There were people like you where I come from, too. They were the lowest of society, looked down on by everyone. I suppose it is lucky for you that we're here, and not there.

Charlotte: You punk! Talking to me like that... Grrrrr...

Rinkah: You asked to talk to me. Don't get mad if you don't like what I have to say. I'm off.

(Rinkah leaves)

Charlotte: He-hey! Wait right there! You're going to say all that and then just run away?!

Rinkah: I've never run from anything in my life. If you have something to say, speak.

Charlotte: Let's settle this disagreement in a test of our abilities.

Rinkah: Go on.

Charlotte: You aren't afraid?

Rinkah: Psh... Don't be silly. There's no chance I'd be scared of the likes of you. How do we decide who the winner is?

Charlotte: When we next train, we train together until one of us is too exhausted to continue. The winner is the last one standing.

Rinkah: Fine by me. I won't lose to you. I know you're all talk.

Charlotte: Tsk... You're in for a surprise.

B Support

Rinkah: *huff* *huff*

Charlotte: Phew... Why don't you admit that I'm better?

Rinkah: You idiot... We aren't nearly finished... I'm just...getting started!

Charlotte: *huff* *huff* You say that, but you can't even...speak without gasping for air!

Rinkah: Ha! You're one...to talk...

Charlotte: Always...have to have the last word, huh?

Rinkah: ... But really, I must admit... I did not judge you correctly. I truly thought you would have given up by now. You're a tough punk, I'll give you that.

Charlotte: I'm not a punk. My name is Charlotte.

Rinkah: Sorry. Charlotte, of course. I can tell you earned your skills through hard work and training. There's no way a slacker could have kept up with me. You're a solid warrior.

Charlotte: ...Hm, hmpf.

A Support

Charlotte: Ha! Hai-yah!

Rinkah: You project a lot of energy when you train.

Charlotte: Hello, Rinkah.

Rinkah: The skill you displayed in our competition before was the real deal. You've worked incredibly hard to become as strong as you are.

Charlotte: It's that obvious? My family wasn't well off when I was young. I learned the value of hard work. I try my hardest because they count on the money I send them.

Rinkah: You send them money?

Charlotte: I want to help my family live an easier life. That's why I work so hard.

Rinkah: I see... I'm sorry; I was completely mistaken about you. I thought you were a selfish woman unconcerned with how you affected others.

Charlotte: Ouch!

Rinkah: Don't be like that! The way you act, I'm sure I'm not the first person to think that. Regardless, the misunderstanding is all cleared up. You're actually pretty great!

Charlotte: I suppose I can forgive you for the mistake.

Rinkah: From now on, let's be friends. We can work together to help each other succeed. No more secrets, OK?

Charlotte: Ouch! No need to slap my back so hard.

Rinkah: Hah, don't be so stuck up!