Fates Supports/Azama Rinkah

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C Support

Rinkah: Hey, heretic! Wait up!

Azama: Rinkah, that's not a great way to try and start a conversation.

Rinkah: Why? Isn't that what you are?

Azama: Choose your words carefully. A heretic is someone at odds with their faith. Like a monk who lives a relaxed and slothful life, more concerned with desire over duty.

Rinkah: Wait a second. That sounds like you're just describing yourself.

Azama: Which aspect of my character are you referring to exactly?

Rinkah: Umm, all of it? Like I said, you're just talking about yourself!

Azama: Hmm, well I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree.

Rinkah: Ugh, whatever. Can you just tend to my cut, please? It really hurts.

Azama: After insulting and pestering me, why would I ever want to help you? You're going out of your way to say rude nonsense to me.

Rinkah: Because we're allies, obviously.

Azama: Haha, you have a funny way of showing it. Usually your allies don't call you names and make baseless accusations. You should at least be able to trade me something if you want my help.

Rinkah: Yeah, I don't feel like doing that though. Just hurry up and help me already.

Azama: I don't think I could possibly have less motivation to do that. Honestly, even talking to you is making me wish I had a different vocation.

Rinkah: Well fine. Maybe I'll just spit on my cut and hope it heals all on its own!

(Rinkah leaves)

Azama: Hahaha, good luck with that.

B Support

Rinkah: Hey! Heretic!

Azama: You again. Didn't I tell you already that I've never broken any religious commandments?

Rinkah: Oh please. I know a heretic when I see one. I've even got proof.

Azama: Huh? What are you talking about?

Rinkah: You're supposed to be a monk, right? But deep down, you don't believe in the gods. Someone told me that you once said, "all religion is nonsense." Is that true?

Azama: Hmm, I suppose I did say that. It was a long time ago.

Rinkah: Hold on a second. You're not even going to deny that you said it? How in the world does that not shatter your religious vows?

Azama: Faith is a very fluid thing. It can take on many different forms. I'm just the kind of person who points out whatever I find silly. It may be gods or kings. There's no real distinction for me.

Rinkah: Then why are you a monk? That makes no sense at all.

Azama: I fell into it naturally. My family ran a small shrine when I was growing up. The lifestyle suits me well.

Rinkah: That's pathetic. Shouldn't you be driven toward a religious calling? I have to assume that you don't believe in the God of the Flame. Our tribe worships him above every other deity.

Azama: God of the Flame? Oh, you're talking about the ancient dragon that folks pray to. I have a passing knowledge of that god, but honestly it doesn't intrigue me much.

Rinkah: I'll make you intrigued, damn it! Sit down—I want to tell you all about how incredible our god is! We worship him for a reason, obviously.

Azama: I think I'll pass. You can talk all you want, but it will probably just put me to sleep.

Rinkah: Wait a minute. Just listen to what I have to say, Azama!

Azama: Ugh, you're giving me a headache.

A Support

Rinkah: Hello, heretic.

Azama: It's not very nice to go around calling people names. But I know you're too stubborn to change.

Rinkah: Maybe you weren't meant to be a monk. Have you ever thought about seeking out a new vocation?

Azama: Sure, from time to time.

Rinkah: You clearly don't believe in the gods, so why not explore other options?

Azama: I may not have as much faith as some, but I have a gift for helping people. I can make them feel enthralled and hopeful whenever I choose.

Rinkah: That's not a good reason to keep being a monk, Azama. How can you toy with people like that? You're a total fraud.

Azama: You don't understand what it takes to become a monk. I spent years enduring strenuous training in the mountains. After all of my experiences, good and bad, I can't help but have complicated feelings. It's almost like I have a bit of a chip on my shoulder for bearing so much hardship.

Rinkah: That's crazy. Your motives are all over the place, Azama.

Azama: I just want to enjoy living my life. That's all that matters to me.

Rinkah: *sigh* Well, in spite of your strange attitude, people seem to benefit from what you do. And you're clearly dedicated to the training required of your vocation. Maybe you're not such a bad guy after all.

Azama: What's that? Did you say something?

Rinkah: Never mind, it's nothing. Say, you mentioned your experience training in the mountains. Have you ever visited the sacred mountains that honor the God of the Flame?

Azama: Of course. I know them well.

Rinkah: You have to take me on a pilgrimage there! If you do, I promise I'll never call you a heretic ever again.

Azama: I don't know. That seems like too much of a bother to me.

Rinkah: Stop complaining! What if I give you a nice present? Will you take me then?

Azama: What is that supposed to mean? I'm not a child. You can't pay me off with a toy. But, OK, fine... If I head in that direction, maybe I'll take you.

Rinkah: Yes! You promised! Oh, I just can't wait to see the mountains, Azama!

Azama: Hey, wait a second. I didn't promise you anything.

S Support

Azama: Rinkah, can you talk for a minute?

Rinkah: Sure, Azama. Say, is that a map?

Azama: Yes, it details the nearby mountain ranges. There are some that even honor your precious God of the Flame. Would you like to join me on a pilgrimage there sometime?

Rinkah: Of course! That's so exciting. We should head out right away.

Azama: I'd like to be your guide, if that's OK.

Rinkah: That would be a huge help. But why has your attitude about helping me changed? You're being so cooperative. I can't help but feel suspicious.

Azama: That's a fair point. The truth is, I just love going on journeys to holy places. And maybe it would be fun to spend some time getting to know you better.

Rinkah: What do you mean by that?

Azama: I have to admit, I enjoyed fending off your verbal jabs. And it's a lot of fun irritating you. Ever since you suggested it, I realized that traveling with you sounded wonderful. Maybe you'll finally want to sing my praises once we get to the mountain.

Rinkah: You're a very confusing fellow, Azama.

Azama: Rinkah, I'm trying to say that I like you.

Rinkah: Wh-what?! Your logic is completely insane! How could you possibly think that? We've been fighting like cats and dogs!

Azama: Hahaha. Your face is all flushed, Rinkah.

Rinkah: Hey, shut up! Yours is too!

Azama: Maybe I shouldn't have expressed myself in such a complicated way. I was just feeling shy and nervous about putting my feelings out there, I guess.

Rinkah: No, I understand. Honestly, I'm pretty fond of you too. I think that's why I like to try and wind you up all the time. But if you wanna be with me, you'd better study up on the God of the Flame. That's an important part of bonding with someone from my tribe!

Azama: Hahaha, I think I can handle that.