Fates Supports/Xander Hinoka

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This content was originally provided by Thor Odinson.

C Support

Hinoka: Prince Xander... Could I have a moment of your time?

Xander: Hello, Princess Hinoka. What do you need?

Hinoka: I wanted to ask your opinion about something I discovered... Ryoma is planning a dinner party for me.

Xander: Oh really? That's very kind of him.

Hinoka: I agree, but there is one small problem...

Xander: What kind of a problem?

Hinoka: You see, it was supposed to be a surprise dinner party. Obviously it won't be now, since I found out about it... How should I behave in this situation?

Xander: Hmm... How did you find out about the party?

Hinoka: Well, I was walking down the hall, and the door to Ryoma's room was open... I heard him whispering about it to another person.

Xander: I see. It definitely wasn't meant for your ears, then.

Hinoka: I have no one else I can talk to about this. As a fellow royal, I thought you might have some insight you could share.

Xander: Do you know what the reason for the dinner party is?

Hinoka: No idea at all... It's not for my birthday... It could be the anniversary of my first victory in battle. I think that's coming up soon, and it's been several years since it happened.

Xander: Well, my advice is to feign ignorance. When the party does happen, just behave as you normally would. Whatever you do, don't dwell on your knowledge of the party. Just enjoy it.

Hinoka: Thank you, Prince Xander. I'll follow your advice.

B Support

Hinoka: Prince Xander...

Xander: What's the matter, Princess Hinoka? You look a little down... You aren't still worried about knowing about the dinner party, are you?

Hinoka: I am. I wasn't before, after we talked—but I am now. You see, the anniversary of my first victory in battle has come and gone... The party I thought was being planned never happened. Maybe I misheard Ryoma after all...

Xander: I see...

Hinoka: I'm such a fool. I bet there never was any dinner party to begin with. It's so unlike me to get excited over something like that. I was so nervous, I was almost shaking whenever I was talking with Ryoma. On the anniversary itself, I couldn't focus on anything at all. I couldn't eat, I couldn't read. I thought that Ryoma would call on me at any time. But in the end, the day came and went.

Xander: I understand why that would bother you... But try not to take it so hard. It's always possible that the party is planned for some other celebration.

Hinoka: I thought of that, too, but I can't think of a single other event that it could be for...

Xander: Hrm... It is a puzzle... I'd be happy to try and help you work it out, if you need someone to listen.

Hinoka: Thank you, Prince Xander... You're much kinder than I thought you'd be.

A Support

Hinoka: Hey there, Prince Xander!

Xander: Ah, hello, Princess Hinoka. You look to be in very good spirits today.

Hinoka: Of course I am! After such a wonderful dinner party, how could I not be?

Xander: I'm glad. You see now that there was no reason for you to worry.

Hinoka: Yes. You were right. I appreciate your help. There are a few things I still don't understand, though... Like... What was that dinner party actually celebrating? I can't think of any anniversaries, it wasn't my birthday... And if it was a Hoshidan celebration, why were you there, Prince Xander?

Xander: Erm...well...

Hinoka: Hang on... Could it be that you planned the whole event yourself? Maybe I really did mishear Ryoma and there was no party being planned originally... But you felt bad when you saw how excited I became, and so planned one yourself?

Xander: Who knows? I suspect that it will forever remain a mystery. The food was good though; that much we know!

Hinoka: You know, Prince Xander, you act like you are unemotional... But you're actually pretty sensitive and considerate to others.

Xander: Hahaha... You're welcome to interpret the party however you like. You may be giving me far too much credit.

Hinoka: Just the same, thank you, Prince Xander. As a sign of my gratitude, would you like to take a ride on my pegasus? I know of an amazing place that can only be reached from the air.

Xander: That sounds wonderful. I look forward to it.

S Support

Hinoka: Hello, Prince Xander. Is something wrong? Your summons sounded urgent.

Xander: I apologize for the rush, but I didn't realize until this morning what today was.

Hinoka: What do you mean? Is there something special about today?

Xander: There is a Nohrian belief that couples who dine together on this day... Well, they say the bonds that tie them are strengthened by eating together today.

Hinoka: I don't quite understand...

Xander: I'm sorry. Allow me to explain. After the last dinner party, I had hoped to plan more meals between the royalty. I thought that by doing so, we could bring our two kingdoms even closer together. But I also realized that you were the one I specifically wished to get to know better...

Hinoka: Prince Xander, are you saying... Do you have feelings for me?

Xander: Yes, Princess Hinoka. That is it exactly. Heh, it's actually a bit difficult to leave myself vulnerable like this. That's not a feeling I'm accustomed to.

Hinoka: You may feel vulnerable, but you aren't in any danger, Prince Xander. I've cared for you for a while now. Even before you planned that dinner you won't admit to planning. That kind act made me think that maybe my feelings toward you were mutual.

Xander: Oh? Was it that obvious? I'll admit that I feared how you would react to my confession.

Hinoka: You have nothing to fear! Hmmm... You said that eating together today would strengthen our bond?

Xander: That's the belief in Nohr, anyway...

Hinoka: In that case, we'd better find something to eat and somewhere to eat it!

Xander: Princess Hinoka, I'm so glad to hear you say that. I'd planned ahead, just in case you did feel for me as I feel for you... Follow me. I have a special meal waiting for us.

Hinoka: I can't wait!