Fates Supports/Avatar(M) Oboro

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C Support

Corrin: Hmm, this is unusual. I've actually done everything on my list for today. Maybe I'll sit back and have a cup of tea before I turn in. There is that book I've been meaning to finish, too...

Oboro: Lord Corrin! What are you doing in here?

Corrin: Wh—Oboro?! Why are you up so late?

Oboro: I'm cleaning. Couldn't you tell by my mop and broom?

Corrin: In the dead of night, though?

Oboro: Afraid so. I have my duties and training to attend to during the day. So this is really the only chance I get. Now stop loafing around, Lord Corrin. You're in the way. Don't you leave that book there! Take it with you!

Corrin: Urgh...so much for a relaxing evening... I suppose the chores must be done, even if it is nearly midnight. Is there anything I can do to help you?

Oboro: ...

Corrin: Oboro...? Did you hear the question?

Oboro: Hm? Oh, uh, yeah.

Corrin: Really? You seemed anguished over something.

Oboro: F-forget it... Now shoo! I've still gotta sweep in here!

Corrin: I'm going, I'm going...

B Support

Corrin: Whew... What an exhausting day. And I still haven't had dinner yet. I wonder if there's anything in the kitchen I can take back to my room...

Oboro: ...

Corrin: Is there someone in here? AAAAH!

Oboro: ...

Corrin: Help! S-s-someone! It's a demon!

Oboro: Oh... Lord Corrin.

Corrin: Huh? Oh...it's only you. Whew. I must admit, it's a little creepy to see you in a dark room with only a single candle.

Oboro: S-sorry...

Corrin: Oboro...is everything OK? You were staring off into the woods for a moment.

Oboro: Yeah. Everything's fine.

Corrin: I'm not convinced. Your attention was wandering last time, too. Is something bothering you?

Oboro: Nothing that Lord Corrin should concern himself with.

Corrin: Don't worry about that. You shouldn't keep your troubles bottled up inside. I don't mind listening, at least.

Oboro: ...All right, since you insist. It's not a problem so much as a bad memory. When I was a kid, my parents ran a clothing shop in our village. We were out trading in Nohr when bandits attacked and killed them both. I hid in the wagon, and fortunately the bandits didn't notice me.

Corrin: I never knew...

Oboro: It all happened on a moonless night, just like this one. I can't help but remember when the sky gets black.

Corrin: Which explains why your face was so stormy. I'm sorry, Oboro. Here I am, notionally a Nohrian, asking you to open up to me. It was insensitive.

Oboro: N-not at all! You have nothing to feel guilty for, Lord Corrin. It's the bandits who are to blame. They're fiends in human shape...

Corrin: Oboro...

Oboro: Oh, um—sorry. I got kind of carried away there, I guess. I'll, uh...show myself out.

(Oboro leaves)

Corrin: That poor girl...

A Support

Oboro: Midnight cleaning time! Let's do this!

Corrin: More late-night cleaning, Oboro?

Oboro: Yes. Sorry to disturb you at this hour, but I'd appreciate your help.

Corrin: A couple nights ago it was repairing weapons and armor. Last night, you took inventory of the whole storeroom.

Oboro: Well, better safe than sorry, they say. Come on, Lord Corrin, don't just stand there. Help or get out of the way!

Corrin: I know what you're doing, Oboro. You're staying busy to pretend that nothing bothers you during the night, aren't you?

Oboro: ...

Corrin: Is it because spending a quiet night alone reminds you of the night your parents died?

Oboro: D-don't be silly! There are all kinds of reasons a girl would spend every night doing chores.

Corrin: But I've noticed you tend to glance grimly out at the forest while you do these chores.

Oboro: Th-that's because...um...

Corrin: Sorry. I wasn't trying to overstep my boundaries. But you seem desperate somehow, and it makes my heart ache to see.

Oboro: Hrgh...

Corrin: You don't need to try so hard. It won't bring your parents back... You have your master, and me, and all the others here to help you.

Oboro: Haha... You saw right through me, Lord Corrin. No matter how hard I try not to be, I'm a mess. I put up a front so I don't fall apart, and I keep people away with my stare... But it was never going to work forever. I just can't do it.

Corrin: Oboro... No one cares if you're a mess! We all have problems. We'll all help you through yours.

Oboro: Lord Corrin...

Corrin: If you're scared to fight on the front lines, there's plenty to contribute in back. If you really want, you can just stay here and do the chores. Everyone knows you as a kind person who always looks out for her comrades. So let us look out for you. Come to us anytime you want.

Oboro: Lord Corrin... You think they'll help me if I ask?

Corrin: I know they will. An army is founded on people not having to struggle alone.

Oboro: ...I never saw it like that before. Thank you...so much. I think I was shutting myself out for no reason. I feel a little better now.

Corrin: Good. You shouldn't hesitate to show your vulnerable side around your friends.

Oboro: Hahaha. What about my scary side?

Corrin: You mean that face you're always making? Maybe keep that to yourself...

S Support

Oboro: Um... Lord Corrin?

Corrin: Hi, Oboro. Doing some late-night chores?

Oboro: No...my past hasn't bothered me as much lately. So no cleaning tonight.

Corrin: That's good. It shows you're growing.

Oboro: Well, I still make that scowl sometimes. I see a Nohrian and can't help myself.

Corrin: Hmm...well, just be aware that not everyone in Nohr is a villain. And I'm not saying that in self-defense.

Oboro: Yeah, I know.

Corrin: I think we should judge people by what's in their hearts, not where they're from. As Hoshidan royalty raised in Nohr, I hope to prove that to you.

Oboro: Mind proving that to me up close, Lord Corrin? It would be easier to see if I could stay at your side from now on...

Corrin: If that will help, then of course.

Oboro: ...

Corrin: Um...?

Oboro: You can be so thick sometimes, Lord Corrin. When I say "up close" and "by your side," I mean...

Corrin: Wait... Oboro, are you saying...

Oboro: You're just getting it now? I love you, Lord Corrin. You've always watched over me and helped me when I needed it. Now that I've put the traumas of my past behind me... I want to help you as you've helped me, Lord Corrin.

Corrin: Oboro...

Oboro: Or maybe you don't want someone as fussy and difficult as me...

Corrin: No, don't be silly! I love you too. I love the way you're always thinking about the best way to help other people. That's why I wanted to help you—to repay all the kindness you've shown!

Oboro: Lord Corrin...

Corrin: I promise to make this world a place you can feel safe at night—or any other time. Until I do, I hope you'll stay at my side and come to me for whatever you need.

Oboro: I'd be delighted to, Lord Corrin. And I'm great at taking care of people— you know that by now!

Corrin: Then I'll be at your side, counting on you as well.