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==C Support==
==C Support==
<nowiki>*crunch*</nowiki> <nowiki>*crunch*</nowiki> Mmm...perfection. Yet again.
(Hisame leaves)
Hello, Hisame. What are you eating?
Avatar?! What are you doing here? You surprised me!
I'm sorry! It just looked like you were having a little snack. I was going to see if you'd be willing to share. But now that I see you're just eating raw veggies...I'll be on my way.
Raw veggies? Please tell me you're joking. Are you completely ignorant of the fine art known as pickling?
I...I suppose I must be. What's pickling?
Gods. OK, deep breath, Hisame. Pickling is the time-honored art of preserving vegetables. You essentially brine the vegetables in a broth of vinegar and salt.
Ah, so you preserve them by making them taste even more repellent?
What a dark and desolate life you've lived in the absence of pickles. Listen, I'm going to give you a pickle, and you are going to eat it. You do not have a choice in this matter.
All right. Here goes nothing. <nowiki>*crunch*</nowiki> <nowiki>*crunch*</nowiki> Hey, that's not bad!
You see?
I do. I'm afraid I'll need another bite. And you're going to have to tell me where you got these.
Oh ho! I made them myself, of course. I've perfected the recipe over many years.
Hey, Hisame. Do you have a moment?  
Wow. So while other children were out playing, you were making pickles?  
Oh, hello, Mother. What do you—? Wait, is that—? Why do you have that?!
Yes. Much to the dismay of my father, I might add. But never mind that. Now that you're hooked, we must expand your palate. Shall I stop by with some new varieties for you to try later?  
Aha! I thought it was yours. I just found it while I was going through my stuff. It's a diary, correct?
I'd love that! Thank you!
Y-yes. It is. Why? Did you read any of it?
You're welcome. I'm just pleased to have made another pickle pal.  
Of course I didn't! Or rather, I couldn't. Even if I wanted to. There's a lock.
Do we have to call it that?
==B Support==
Oh, thank the gods! I'd forgotten about that lock! May I have the book now, then?
Good day, Avatar. I've come bearing pickles, as promised.
Oh. Um. Sure!
Mmm, I can't wait to try them.  
Excelle— Mother? You, um...you can let go now. ...Is something wrong?
Well, I hope you have a strong appetite. I've brought three varieties today.  
Well... I just thought... Are you sure I can't read it...just a tiny bit?
This does look like a lot of food. I hope you didn't go to too much trouble...  
N-no! There are some things that should remain private!
It was nothing. I pickle constantly in my spare time.
Ohhhhhhh. I see. Yes...a boy your age would have all kinds of thoughts best kept from his mother. But to fill an entire book with them...
<nowiki>*crunch*</nowiki> <nowiki>*crunch*</nowiki> I mean, these are delicious, but how did you come to be so dedicated to pickling?
Just what are you trying to imply?! Besides, this diary is from when I was much younger! To be honest, I don't even remember what I wrote. I just know it was private.  
Well, you know how some people rebel against their parents? Staying out late? Wearing silly clothing? Breaking the rules? I made pickles because my father hated them.  
Oh, really?
Oh. I'm sorry to hear that.
Yes, really. May I please have the book back now?
It's OK. Ancient history. However, I will say that one of my life's goals is to make a pickle so good... ...that my father will actually eat it.  
...Fine. Here.  
Well. If these pickles aren't good enough, it seems you have a long road ahead.  
Thank you. Now, if you don't mind, I'll be on my way.  
Perhaps. But in the meantime, I will surely get to enjoy many a delicious pickle.
Well, good luck. And thank you again for the delicious pickles.
You're welcome. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must stir my latest test batch.  
(Hisame leaves)  
(Hisame leaves)  
Hm. I know I should respect his privacy, but I can't help but be a little curious...
The man sure loves his pickles...
==A Support==
Hello, Hisame! Thanks again for all those pickles the other day. How's your latest batch coming along?
==B Support==
Ah, Avatar! They're coming along quite nicely. Thanks for asking. I wonder if you're ready to take the next step... Would you like to learn how to make your own pickles?
Really? You'd teach me? I guess I assumed that your recipe would be a closely guarded secret.
Nothing of the sort. One of my goals is to popularize pickle consumption. So, of course, I'm always happy to share.
Hey, Hisame. I had some questions about that old diary of yours...  
Great! It's funny; I never thought I'd be getting this excited over something like pickles.  
What? You did read it, didn't you?!
And I never thought I'd be able to converse so freely with a beautiful woman. I mean, uh...
No, I didn't. Don't worry. It just got me thinking, is all. When you were little, we didn't get to spend much time together, right? So I was wondering if you might be willing to share anything you happen to find in it... Things about you. What you were like. Stories and stuff... Is that OK?  
Um, what?  
Of course it is, Mother. It makes me very happy to hear you ask that. Hm. Perhaps we could read it together?
Sorry...that was awkward. But that's exactly what I meant. Unless I'm talking about pickles, I tend to get flustered around women.  
Are you sure? You seemed so upset at the idea I'd read any of it before.  
Well, I never would have guessed. You seem perfectly at ease to me.  
Yes, I'm sure. I think it will be fine, so long as I can skip any parts I don't wish to share. I truly don't remember what is in it.  
Well, as long as we keep this relationship strictly pickle-platonic, I should be fine. So, to that end, I believe we were discussing you learning how to pickle.  
Heehee. All right. Let's do it!
Yes, that's right. What do I need?
Right now? All right, let me just find the key... Ah! There we go. Now, let's see... "Today was a great day. Mama came to see me!" "I wonder when I'll get to see her next. Maybe it'll be real soon this time!" "We got to play a lot today. I don't think I'll feel lonely again for a while!" Haha. It appears as though I wrote about your visits on nearly every page.
You will need only the basics. A few jars, a few ingredients, and my knowledge. Come! Pickle paradise awaits!  
Hisame... You were always thinking about your father and I, weren't you?
Pickle paradise? I can't imagine why you'd have a hard time talking to women...
==S Support==
Hey, Hisame! Check out my first batch of pickles!
Oh, well, I don't know about that. I am pretty surprised that there's nothing about my daily life in here, though. You'd think I'd have written about something else. At least a few times... But I suppose those visits were always the things I looked forward to most. They were rare treats, after all.  
Ah, very nice. Very fragrant, and... <nowiki>*crunch*</nowiki> the texture is sublime.  
Yes. I realize now how much of a blessing it is that we can see each other every day. We must appreciate every moment we are given.
You really think they're good?
I feel the same way, Mother.
Oh, yes. It took me years to achieve results this good. I can't believe it's your first batch.  
==A Support==
Aww, thank you. I couldn't have done it without your help.
Well, your success is encouraging. It has encouraged me, in fact.
Oh? How so?
Mother? You don't seem well. Is everything all right?  
This may get awkward. Please brace yourself... But I've found that I can't stop thinking about you, Avatar. Even when I'm mixing my pickle brine, my thoughts drift to you. Is it strange that pickles should have brought us together like this? Am I totally off base? Have I gone too far? You're...you're not saying anything. Oh, gods, what have I done?  
Huh? Oh, yes. I'm fine.  
Hisame...relax. Take a deep breath.  
Then why do you look so distressed? Or...is it something you'd prefer not to discuss with your son?  
<nowiki>*huff*</nowiki> <nowiki>*huff*</nowiki> Avatar...will you go out with me?  
No, no. I'm just still thinking about your old diary. I was very happy you let me read it with you, but...it was hard to hear. You were always waiting for us to come visit you, and we made it so rarely... I'm so sorry, Hisame... We caused you so much pain.  
Please...it's all right. I understand why things had to be the way they were. Besides, I'm happier now than I have ever been. As a child, all I'd think about was when I might see you and Father next. But now I fight alongside you. I can contribute. I have purpose. So do not trouble yourself too much over me. I am content.
You mean it?
Hisame... Thank you. I'm sorry for letting you see this side of me. I have to be strong.  
Yes! Hisame, I've been falling for you since the day we met. I don't care that it took the power of pickles to bring us together.  
I did nothing. But I do hope you're feeling better.  
I can't tell you how happy this makes me. Just think...we could grow old together. We could be that old couple at the park that always smells like pickles.  
I am. And I promise...I will never allow us to be parted like that again.  
Look, I like pickles, but THAT is too far. Let's just take this one step at a time.  
And I pray the day never comes when anything threatens to part us. Thank you, Mother.
You're right, Avatar. I'm sorry. We're still pickle partners, though, right?
Yes. Let's just try to think of a new name for it sooner rather than later...
(Confession Scene)
'''Hisame:''' Our love is stronger than the world's most pungent pickle. Won't you dive into the brine with me?
[[Category:Game Scripts]][[Category:Fates Scripts]]
[[Category:Game Scripts]][[Category:Fates Scripts]]

Latest revision as of 15:47, 19 February 2016


C Support

Hisame: *crunch* *crunch* Mmm...perfection. Yet again.

(Hisame leaves)

Avatar: Hello, Hisame. What are you eating?

Hisame: Avatar?! What are you doing here? You surprised me!

Avatar: I'm sorry! It just looked like you were having a little snack. I was going to see if you'd be willing to share. But now that I see you're just eating raw veggies...I'll be on my way.

Hisame: Raw veggies? Please tell me you're joking. Are you completely ignorant of the fine art known as pickling?

Avatar: I...I suppose I must be. What's pickling?

Hisame: Gods. OK, deep breath, Hisame. Pickling is the time-honored art of preserving vegetables. You essentially brine the vegetables in a broth of vinegar and salt.

Avatar: Ah, so you preserve them by making them taste even more repellent?

Hisame: What a dark and desolate life you've lived in the absence of pickles. Listen, I'm going to give you a pickle, and you are going to eat it. You do not have a choice in this matter.

Avatar: All right. Here goes nothing. *crunch* *crunch* Hey, that's not bad!

Hisame: You see?

Avatar: I do. I'm afraid I'll need another bite. And you're going to have to tell me where you got these.

Hisame: Oh ho! I made them myself, of course. I've perfected the recipe over many years.

Avatar: Wow. So while other children were out playing, you were making pickles?

Hisame: Yes. Much to the dismay of my father, I might add. But never mind that. Now that you're hooked, we must expand your palate. Shall I stop by with some new varieties for you to try later?

Avatar: I'd love that! Thank you!

Hisame: You're welcome. I'm just pleased to have made another pickle pal.

Avatar: Do we have to call it that?

B Support

Hisame: Good day, Avatar. I've come bearing pickles, as promised.

Avatar: Mmm, I can't wait to try them.

Hisame: Well, I hope you have a strong appetite. I've brought three varieties today.

Avatar: This does look like a lot of food. I hope you didn't go to too much trouble...

Hisame: It was nothing. I pickle constantly in my spare time.

Avatar: *crunch* *crunch* I mean, these are delicious, but how did you come to be so dedicated to pickling?

Hisame: Well, you know how some people rebel against their parents? Staying out late? Wearing silly clothing? Breaking the rules? I made pickles because my father hated them.

Avatar: Oh. I'm sorry to hear that.

Hisame: It's OK. Ancient history. However, I will say that one of my life's goals is to make a pickle so good... ...that my father will actually eat it.

Avatar: Well. If these pickles aren't good enough, it seems you have a long road ahead.

Hisame: Perhaps. But in the meantime, I will surely get to enjoy many a delicious pickle.

Avatar: Well, good luck. And thank you again for the delicious pickles.

Hisame: You're welcome. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must stir my latest test batch.

(Hisame leaves)

Avatar: The man sure loves his pickles...

A Support

Avatar: Hello, Hisame! Thanks again for all those pickles the other day. How's your latest batch coming along?

Hisame: Ah, Avatar! They're coming along quite nicely. Thanks for asking. I wonder if you're ready to take the next step... Would you like to learn how to make your own pickles?

Avatar: Really? You'd teach me? I guess I assumed that your recipe would be a closely guarded secret.

Hisame: Nothing of the sort. One of my goals is to popularize pickle consumption. So, of course, I'm always happy to share.

Avatar: Great! It's funny; I never thought I'd be getting this excited over something like pickles.

Hisame: And I never thought I'd be able to converse so freely with a beautiful woman. I mean, uh...

Avatar: Um, what?

Hisame: Sorry...that was awkward. But that's exactly what I meant. Unless I'm talking about pickles, I tend to get flustered around women.

Avatar: Well, I never would have guessed. You seem perfectly at ease to me.

Hisame: Well, as long as we keep this relationship strictly pickle-platonic, I should be fine. So, to that end, I believe we were discussing you learning how to pickle.

Avatar: Yes, that's right. What do I need?

Hisame: You will need only the basics. A few jars, a few ingredients, and my knowledge. Come! Pickle paradise awaits!

Avatar: Pickle paradise? I can't imagine why you'd have a hard time talking to women...

S Support

Avatar: Hey, Hisame! Check out my first batch of pickles!

Hisame: Ah, very nice. Very fragrant, and... *crunch* the texture is sublime.

Avatar: You really think they're good?

Hisame: Oh, yes. It took me years to achieve results this good. I can't believe it's your first batch.

Avatar: Aww, thank you. I couldn't have done it without your help.

Hisame: Well, your success is encouraging. It has encouraged me, in fact.

Avatar: Oh? How so?

Hisame: This may get awkward. Please brace yourself... But I've found that I can't stop thinking about you, Avatar. Even when I'm mixing my pickle brine, my thoughts drift to you. Is it strange that pickles should have brought us together like this? Am I totally off base? Have I gone too far? You're...you're not saying anything. Oh, gods, what have I done?

Avatar: Hisame...relax. Take a deep breath.

Hisame: *huff* *huff* Avatar...will you go out with me?

Avatar: Yes.

Hisame: You mean it?

Avatar: Yes! Hisame, I've been falling for you since the day we met. I don't care that it took the power of pickles to bring us together.

Hisame: I can't tell you how happy this makes me. Just think...we could grow old together. We could be that old couple at the park that always smells like pickles.

Avatar: Look, I like pickles, but THAT is too far. Let's just take this one step at a time.

Hisame: You're right, Avatar. I'm sorry. We're still pickle partners, though, right?

Avatar: Yes. Let's just try to think of a new name for it sooner rather than later...

(Confession Scene)

Hisame: Our love is stronger than the world's most pungent pickle. Won't you dive into the brine with me?