Warriors Supports/Marth Tiki
Tiki: Oh, what a strange house! It looks so different from the houses in our world.
Marth: Yes, it is awfully unique. It really reminds me we're in a foreign land.
Tiki: Do you think Ban-Ban's seen this sort of thing before?
Marth: I don't imagine so. No matter how long Bantu has lived, it seems unlikely he's travelled worlds.
Tiki: I wish he would have come with us. I want him to see all this new stuff.
Marth: You'll just have to take a good look and describe it all to him when we get back. I think it would make him happy to hear these stories from you.
Tiki: You're right! I'll look at everything I can and tell him all about it! But...when do you think we'll be able to go home? Do you think Bantu is sad that I'm not there?
Marth: I'm sure he's missing you quite a bit.
Tiki: Aww... I knew it...
Marth: But he has a lot of new companions now as well. Our friends are still with him, so I'm sure he's doing just fine. How about you, Tiki? Are you missing him?
Tiki: Yeah, not being able to see him is sad... But I'm the same as him! I'll be fine because I'm here with you, Mar-Mar! And we'll be together forever. ...Right?
Marth: Of course. Together forever. Bantu is waiting for us to return, along with everyone else.
Tiki: In that case, let's get back to our own world as soon as we can.
Marth: That's the right attitude to have. The enemy is gaining momentum. Battles will be tougher from here on. Let's work with our new allies and finish this fight as soon as we can.
Tiki: You got it! I'll just be like, “Roooaarrr!” and roast our enemies up good!
Marth: Ha! You'll be a fearsome opponent. Let's both give it all we've got. We can defeat enemies of any strength when we face them together.
Tiki: I won't be scared as long as I'm here with you, Mar-Mar! And you're not scared as long as I'm here, right?
Marth: That's right. It's always a great relief to have you fighting by my side. When I heard that you had come to this world as well, I just knew we'd be fine.
Tiki: I'm glad you're here, too. Travelling with you is so much fun! Let's help each other through this strange land.