Warriors Supports/Corrin Celica

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^Corrin's Supports ^Celica's Supports

  • Celica: There were too many injuries in that last battle…
  • Corrin: You always look so miserable after a battle, Celica.
  • Celica: Because it’s all so avoidable. Nobody would get hurt if nobody fought, right?
  • Corrin: Of course. There’s no denying that.
  • Celica: I believe war should be avoided. Cut it off at its roots and find a different way.
  • Corrin: You’re right. I think that same thing whenever we fight. I can’t help but wonder if there’s a peaceful resolution.
  • Celica: I’m glad to hear I’m not alone in my thoughts.
  • Corrin: The thing is, I haven’t been able to find that peaceful resolution. When the time comes, all I can do is fight to protect my friends.
  • Celica: It’s the same for me… But I don’t want war to become such a natural thing. So in times like those I pray for the goddess to have mercy and end the war.
  • Corrin: So you’re pretty spiritual?
  • Celica: I am a princess of Zofia, as well as a priestess of the Earth Mother, Mila. Mila is the goddess who created our kingdom, and she blesses our land.
  • Corrin: So it’s the goddess that fills you with such affection and kindness. But ultimately, the decision of how to act is up to you?
  • Celica: And act I must. I once failed to protect a dear friend due to my indecision. But indecisiveness doesn’t seem to be a problem for you. I’m a little jealous… You always know exactly what to do, and you act with such confidence.
  • Corrin: Well, between you and me, I’m not all that confident. What if there’s some angle I missed? Some option I overlooked? Is the path I’ve chosen the right one? What if it leads to innocent people being dragged into my problems? I worry about these things constantly.
  • Celica: I had no idea you felt that way…
  • Corrin: All I can do is try to make decisions I won’t regret later. If I’ve honestly done all I can, I must accept the results and move on.
  • Celica: You really are strong, Corrin. I could learn a thing or two from you. I will do everything within my power. Maybe then I can solve things peacefully. At least, that’s how I feel after speaking with you.
  • Corrin: I think speaking with you has allowed me to clear my head too. Until the day these wars end, let’s work together to do all we can.
  • Celica: And if we do, maybe one day war will be a thing of the past. Do you think so?
  • Corrin: I do, Celica. Let’s give it our all.