Warriors Supports/Celica Lyn
Lyn: Hey, Celica. I notice you still seem a little shy around me. Why is that?
Celica: I do? Pardon me, then. I don't mean to come across that way.
Lyn: I saw you were bored, but you didn't call me over. I wanted to say I wouldn't mind.
Celica: That's kind of you. But I wouldn't want to be a bother.
Lyn: Isn't that what friends are for? Though.maybe a princess isn't used to that.
Celica: Oh, no, I had many friends in my village and at the priory. Besides, a princess I may be, but you are nobility yourself, aren't you, Lyndis?
Lyn: By blood, maybe, but I grew up on the plains. “Lady” never sat right with me.
Celica: I, too, spent most of my life outside of a castle. The priory was my home.
Lyn: Huh. I didn't know that. I guess we're not so different, then.
Celica: Mm... But you were raised not knowing that you were of noble blood, right? Whereas I knew from the start.
Lyn: And you still didn't go back home?
Celica: It would've meant my life. I only left the castle with another's aid. Afterward, there was a coup... All royals besides me were put to death... That's what being royalty has meant for me. A princess's reward for surviving an assassination is nothing but open war.
Lyn: I can sympathize, believe it or not. My family were also slaughtered. But once I found out about my heritage, things improved. I met my grandfather. And I made a lot of friends. All in all, my life hasn't been so bad. Surely you have someone to live for too.
Celica: Yes... Yes, I suppose I do.
Lyn: Just think: if you hadn't been born a princess, you might never have met them. So don't be too quick to diminish your bloodline.
Celica: You're right...
Lyn: Whether I'm a noble or just plains folk, family is family. The important thing is what you can do for the people who matter.
Celica: Thank you, Lyndis. I see now that I was being a tad selfish. And that self-pity may have brought grief to those important to me... I should have seen the proper behavior from the start. I vow to accept what I am, and to consider what I can do for those I love. I would include you among them, Lyndis!
Lyn: Hey, the feeling's mutual! I already feel like we're fast friends. And friends don't worry about bothering each other when they're bored.
Celica: Haha! Point taken. Thank you, Lyndis.