Warriors Supports/Camilla Cordelia
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- Camilla: You know, I've been meaning to tell you this, but I think you're lovely, Cordelia.
- Cordelia: L-Lady Camilla?! This is so sudden! What are you talking about?
- Camilla: I think it's wonderful how you're strong, cute, and conscientious of your surroundings. And you've got such gorgeous, long legs... You should be proud of yourself.
- Cordelia: O-Oh no! I was actually thinking that I'd rather be more like you...
- Camilla: Oh my! Whatever for?
- Cordelia: You're kind, beautiful, and reliable, and above all, you're, well... How do I say this...feminine, perhaps? I mean, I admire your feminine shape.
- Camilla: Hmm, but I think your slender figure is attractive, too, you know.
- Cordelia: That's not true! Lady Camilla, tell me, how did you get them to grow so large?!
- Camilla: Let's see... Really, all I did was eat well and sleep well. I I don't know what else to tell you. I didn't really do anything special.
- Cordelia: What...?! P-Please tell me you're joking, Lady Camilla... If you didn't do anything, that means no amount of effort will do anything, right...?
- Camilla: Oh dear, don't be so upset. Being large up top is a problem in itself.
- Cordelia: I-it is...?
- Camilla: Yes. It's difficult to find armor that fits, and I can't wear the clothes I'd like.
- Cordelia: I worry about that, too. Adult-like clothes don't suit me, and swimwear, well...
- Camilla: But I think you'd look better in patterns and fitted clothes than I do. Oh, I know! Let's go into town together next time. I'll pick out clothes for you!
- Cordelia: Lady Camilla... I'd only feel bad if you were to be so kind to me.
- Camilla: Oh, it'll be fine. You just haven't realized how attractive you are yet, that's all. It's nice that you don't cut corners, but you mustn't fuss too much. There, there.
- Cordelia: You're so accepting and motherly. You've got me completely beat--wait, motherly?!
- Camilla: What's wrong, Cordelia? Did you think of something?
- Cordelia: Lady Camilla, if I were overflowing with as much maternal instincts as you, then...!
- Camilla: Perhaps. They do see that what's on the inside is reflected on the outside...
- Cordelia: That's exactly right! I must find a book about motherhood right away!
- Camilla: How about you experience my motherly behaviour instead? Come...let me hug you.
- Cordelia: Oh, b-but, um... This is awkward...
- Camilla: Heehee... You really are a sweet, lovely girl.
- Cordelia: L-Lady Camilla! Please, that's enough. You're embarrassing me!
- Camilla: Aww... You're so lovely and strong... If you were to be obedient to me... Speaking of which, you remind me of one of my retainers. I might just have to take you back to Nohr with me one of these days.
- Cordelia: Wait, what? You're... you're joking, right? I'm...
- Camilla: Heehee, yes. But I do want to spend more time with you while we're in this world.
- Cordelia: Of course! I would love to spend time with you, as time allows. It's a promise!