Bishop (Three Hopes)

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Stat modifiers

200 _ 3 2 _ _ _ 8 _ _

Abilities & Combat Arts

Type Name Description
Ability Faith Increases recovery amount of healing magic.
Ability Renewal Restores a slight amount of HP at regular intervals.
Ability Battalion Renewal When battalion endurance is at 1/3 or below: restores a large amount of HP at regular intervals.
Ability Res +5 Increases Res by 5.
Ability Luck Catalyst Increases the Warrior Gauge fill rate in proportion to the unit's Lck.
Ability Boost Critical Increases critical hit rate.
Ability Apex Tome Increases critical hit damage when equipped with a tome.
Skill Aura Advanced light attack magic. Assail foes with a column of light.
Skill Abraxas Advanced light magic. Calls light from the heavens down on foes.
Skill Fortify Advanced light magic. Greatly heals allies across a wide area.
Skill Seraphim Intermediate light attack magic.
Skill Silence Prevents an enemy from using magic.
Skill Restore Cures the caster and nearby allies of any status effects.
Skill Ward Magically protects the caster increasing Def and Res and preventing knockback.


1 Star 2 Star Mastered Characters
Res +5 Faith Renewal Shez, Dedue, Ashe, Dorothea, Petra, Raphael, Shamir
Luck Catalyst, Aura Faith Renewal Dimitri
Luck Catalyst, Aura Faith Battalion Renewal Rodrigue
Luck Catalyst, Restore Faith Renewal Felix, Balthus
Luck Catalyst, Seraphim Faith Renewal Sylvain, Ingrud
Boost Critical, Restore Faith Apex Tome Mercedes, Linhardt
Luck Catalyst, Abraxas Faith Battalion Renewal Annette
Luck Catalyst, Abraxas Faith Renewal Constance
Luck Catalyst Faith Renewal Bernadetta, Seteth, Catherine
Luck Catalyst, Ward Faith Renewal Lorenz
Res +5, Ward Faith Renewal Ignatz
Res +5, Seraphim Faith Renewal Hapi
Boost Critical, Silence Faith Apex Tome Marianne
Boost Critical, Fortify Faith Apex Tome Flayn
Res +5, Silence Faith Renewal Yuri