Awakening Supports/Morgan(F) Owain(SS)

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C Support

Let's see here... Birthday? May 5th... Favorite colors? Blue and purple... Favorite food? Probably bear meat...

What are you mumbling about over there, Morgan?

Least favorite food? Veggies, apparently. Don't seem to mind them now, though...


Oh! Owain?! Guess I was pretty out of it to miss my own brother paying a visit! Did you need something?

Just wondering what you were chanting over there... You practicing some all-powerful new magic incantations or something?

Nope! Just going back over my notes on what you told me about myself. I was hoping they'd hold some clue that might help spark my memory. Heh. It's kind of crazy how much you know about me, huh? Like, I really once got five nosebleeds in the same day? I have no memory of that at all. AT ALL! Ha ha ha! I can just imagine...

Well, you're still as cheerful, that's for sure. And as talkative as ever...

I am? I mean, I was?! Hmm, now that you mention it, that does sound...right, somehow. ...Heh. Everything still feels funny. Even you being my brother hasn't really clicked.

If you think it's strange for you, imagine how I feel! My kid sister starts talking to me like a stranger, asking questions about herself... I had no idea how to even interact with you. It was pretty rough, but I got used to it.

Heh, yeah... Sorry about that. But that's just another reason why I'm working hard to get my memories back. Once I do, nobody will have to feel weird or awkward around me again. Pretty noble, huh? I'm such a sweet, selfless girl!

Heh, and so humble as well... In any case, I'm happy to help you get those memories back however I can. Someday soon I bet we'll be able to laugh about all the old times—now included!

Heh, right!

B Support

Whew! Another long day of combat... I'm bushed. Think I'll hit the hay Is someone passed out over there? Wait, is that Morgan?!


Morgan! By my twitching sword hand, what's happened to you?!

...Wha—?! Owain! Wh-what am I doing here? Was I asleep?! I don't even remember feeling tired... Oh, right! I was bashing that huge tome against my head when I blacked out. That explains why my face hurts so bad...

Bashing your... Morgan, why in the WORLD would you do that?! Wait, were you trying to get your memories back?

Well, yeah! Obviously. If you ever saw me bludgeoning myself just for fun, I hope you'd put a stop to it...

I'll stop you even if it's NOT just for fun, you nitwit! Look, I know you want your memories back, but please... Don't do anything reckless.

...But I want to be able to talk with you about old times again.

I know, Morgan, and I want that, too. But more than that, I want you safe. I may just be another stranger to you, but to me, you're family. In the future, with Mother and Father gone, it was just the two of us. You're all I had, Morgan... I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you.

All right. I'm sorry, Owain.

Just as long as you understand.

...Heh, that felt really siblingy just now. Don't you think? Me messing up and you scolding me felt... I don't know, it felt really plausible! Maybe if you keep it up, I'll remember something!

You really think so?

Yeah! Oh yeah, this will totally work! So go on, keep yelling! C'mon, scream at your amnesiac sister, Owain!

I... I'm not really comfortable with—

Hey, why don't you use the tome, too? Come on, don't hold back. Really wallop me with that thing! Maybe the simultaneous physical and mental shock will jar some memories loose! It's gotta be twice as effective as either one by itself, right? That's just basic science.

Good night, Morgan...

A Support

Hey, Morgan. I'm headed into town. Want to come along?

I'd love to! Is there something in particular you need?

I might pick up a couple of things, yeah. But mostly I think there's something YOU need.

It doesn't have to do with getting my memories back, does it?

The opposite, really. Maybe there's no need to worry about your memories.

That...makes no sense.

I'll be honest—it does hurt to know you've forgotten me. But...maybe it's better to build new memories than to worry about old ones.

What do you mean?

I've been thinking about this a lot. Why you might have lost your memories, I mean. And I'm wondering if you didn't have some awful memory you couldn't bear to keep. ...I know I've got a few. I see a lot of faces, you know? People we couldn't save...

...... I'm sorry you have to bear those dreadful memories, Owain...

Look, this is just a theory, and even if it's true, it's not like you did it consciously. But I do think that getting your memories back might not necessarily be a good thing.

Hmm... I understand, and believe me, I appreciate the thought... But I want to remember things, no matter how painful they are. Because I'm sure there'll be plenty of great memories mixed with the bad ones. And the truth, whatever it is... I really want to have that back, you know?

Well, if you're sure, then I'm happy to help.

That's really kind of you, Owain, but do you truly realize what you're saying? I mean, it could be years before I remember anything. Or decades. Heck, there's a decent chance I may never get my memories back at all. I don't want to drag you into something that could last forever.

I'm already stuck with you forever, you goof. I'm your brother! And memories or no, we are united by our shared blood—the blood of heroes! Neither you nor any foul villain could ever hope to keep us apart!

Owain, I... *sniff* Thank you! I'll do everything I can!

Then start by coming with me into town.

Huh? But you said that doesn't have to do with getting my memories back.

Hey, there's no rule that says you can't have a little fun while you try. And there's certainly no rule against making some happy new memories, either. You're young! Live a little! There'll be plenty of time to worry later.

Right... You're right! Thanks, Brother!