Warriors Supports/Corrin Robin

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Robin: Do you have a minute, Corrin? I've been wanting to talk to you... Tell me--do you believe our choices are really ours to...choose?

Corrin: I'm not sure I follow...

Robin: Are our decisions our own, or do you think they're already made for us?

Corrin: Well, that's a terrifying prospect! What's gotten you thinking about this?

Robin: I'm not really sure... I guess the idea of destiny has just been on my mind. And I can't shake the worry that my feelings and impulses aren't my own.

Corrin: Hmm. Well, I've always believed that my choices are mine and mine alone. Like fate is just a series of paths one can take, but it's up to you to decide which. So my future is still guided by will.

Robin: OK... I think I understand what you're saying.

Corrin: And if some godlike being thinks she can tell me what to do... I'm gonna find her and put an end to her high jinks!

Robin: You don't think she'd see it coming? She'd be a god, after all.

Corrin: So it's not a perfect plan... Anyway, what do you believe?

Robin: I would like to believe that I do more than just choose a path.

Corrin: What other option is there?

Robin: To build my own. I don't want to be at the center of many ever-branching paths. I want to carve out a single path for myself, as I go. In short, I want to be the architect of my own fate.

Corrin: I can see how that idea might be appealing. But I can't help but believe that my will serves something bigger than myself.

Robin: And I can only hope that the opposite is true.

Corrin: ...I guess choice plays a different role for you than for me.

Robin: Think about it! I'm a tactician. You're royalty. What can we do but try to play the hands we are dealt?

Corrin: Hah! Nothing, I guess! Though we do agree on one thing--that our decisions have consequences. Your perspective has me thinking, though...

Robin: Well, if you're ever in need of a different point of view, I hope you come see me. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's overthinking outcomes.

Corrin: Excellent! I'll offer you the same service. Maybe I'll convince you to take a premade path every once in a while.

Robin: I guess that wouldn't be SO bad. I look forward to more philosophical debates in our future, Corrin.

Corrin: Me too.