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Sylvain: Hello, Marianne. All done for
Sylvain: Lysithea, I have to say you're
the day?
really impressive. I respect you a lot,
and I thought I should tell you.
Marianne: Oh, Sylvain. Yes, I was just
Lysithea: Uhh, OK.
heading back to my quarters.
Sylvain: Well then, my timing couldn't
Sylvain: It's just, you know, you're
be better. I was just heading into
four years younger than me, but you
town, and I thought maybe you'd like to
work really hard at everything. I mean,
join me?
when I was your age, I wasted all my
time just goofing off and doing
whatever I wanted.
Marianne: Um, I don't think I should.
Lysithea: Doesn't look like much has
changed for you since then. And unlike
you, I don't have time to waste, so
leave me be.
Sylvain: I heard a story once about a
Sylvain: Are you going to do some extra
beautiful maiden who was locked up in a
magic training? I'd be happy to join
monastery day and night. She was held
you, if you don't mind. What do you
prisoner by her own fear of the outside
want to start with?
world. Then a brave knight set the girl
free and took her to town where they
drank tea and talked for hours. So, my
fair maiden...
Marianne: Please, you should not waste
Lysithea: I am absolutely disinterested
your time on me. Besides, my adoptive
in spending any time with you. What is
father requested that I not stray too
it you want, anyway? Clearly you
far from the monastery.
haven't been listening to a word I've
been saying. Perhaps it's because I'm
younger, you see fit to ignore me when
I speak. Is that it?
Sylvain: Margrave Edmund wants to keep
Sylvain: What? No! Age has nothing to
you locked up, huh? I've heard
do with it. You're amazing! You're true
he's...let's call it ambitious. Well,
to yourself. You know what you want and
just tell him who I am. I think he'd
who you are. Not a lot of girls I know
approve. I'm heir to House Gautier, one
can say that.
of the most prominent families in the
Kingdom. I've got a Crest, I've got
money, and I'm stunningly handsome.
What's that face for, Marianne? Was it
the handsome thing? I can see how that
might have been a bit much.
Marianne: I...I don't really know you
Lysithea: Ah, so it isn't my age that's
all that well, but I don't think it
to blame for you breezing over my
makes a difference. I mean, it doesn't
wishes. It's my gender.
really matter to me that you have a
Sylvain: Oh, no-- no-- no. I didn't mean
Sylvain: I-- What? Where did you get
you should find my Crest impressive. I
that idea? I'm just trying to praise
meant your family would, and-- You know
your smarts and hard work and
what? Maybe I should start over.
everything. It's impressive how someone
so young--
Marianne: If you're going into town,
Lysithea: Your lack of self-awareness
please just go without me.
is deeply troubling.
Sylvain: Oh. OK. I've got to get going
Sylvain: What I'm aware of is you
anyway. Places to be, ya know. Well,
trying to pick a fight. Calm down,
this is me going...
Marianne: ...
Lysithea: Look. I'm really busy. Super,
extremely, inordinately busy. I've got
one last thing to say to you.
Sylvain: But remember...should you ever
Sylvain: And what would that be?
need me, I will forever be your knight,
my maiden.
Marianne: I wonder what he meant by
Lysithea: I'm skilled with magic, and
my abilities are finely honed. It's not
like I need someone for target
Sylvain: No, but I do.
Line 74: Line 75:
Sylvain: Hello, Marianne.
Lysithea: Sylvain, I've been looking
for you. Do you have a moment?
Sylvain: Hey, Lysithea. I was about to
grab some food. Would you like to come
Lysithea: Actually, yes. That sounds
Sylvain: Great. Let's go. Hmm... The
dining hall isn't exactly relaxing, is
it? If there's a next time, I'll take
you somewhere with a much better
Lysithea: I don't really care about the
atmosphere. I just wanted to apologize.
Sylvain: Nah, I get why you told me
off. There's nothing you need to
apologize for.
Lysithea: Ugh, can you just shut your
mouth and listen for once? Here's
something you may have already picked
up on... I very much dislike being
treated like a child. I've worked very
hard to be where I am now, and such
treatment makes it feel like all of
that work is being ignored.
Marianne: ...
Sylvain: But I think you're a genius!
And you work harder than I ever did.
When I was your age...
Sylvain: Won't you at least tell me why
Lysithea: Yes, you already told me all
you're avoiding me? It hurts. It really
of this. Back then you were just as
devoted to goofing off as you are now.
Marianne: I'm not avoiding you. I'm
Sylvain: Ah, so I already told you
just not very good at talking to people
that... What a perfect memory you have.
in general.
Sylvain: I told you I'm on your side,
and I meant it. I'm guessing you don't
much like talking about Crests. Call it
a hunch.
Marianne: Well, um...
Lysithea: And there it is. You're
always so quick to flatter every woman
you come across. I knew that, and yet I
never thought you would direct your
antics at me.
Sylvain: I'm the same way, ya know. The
Sylvain: Heh... Look, I'm sorry, OK? I
value of my life has always been
know how hard you work, and I really
dictated by the damn thing. It's not
wasn't trying to upset you. I just
fair to have your worth determined by
wanted to chat.
something you can't control. Growing up
in House Gautier taught me that the
hard way. What do you believe
determines a person's value? I like to
think it's a person's smile.
Marianne: Huh? Their smile?
Lysithea: I do not mind that you wished
to chat with me. In fact...you might
even say I was happy about it. Just a
Sylvain: A smile, it tells you who
Sylvain: Seriously? It sure didn't seem
someone is. Are they fake or sincere?
that way...
It also makes you feel stronger when
you smile. My smile helps me focus and
set free all of that power I never
asked for. Hm, I wonder... Try it out,
Marianne! Be strong-willed, and put
everything you've got into your smile.
Marianne: Smile. Be strong-willed...
Lysithea: Well, it's true. Your
How's this?
behavior is maddening, but in
retrospect, I realize that was you
treating me as you do all women, rather
than like a child. I wasn't thinking
about it like that at the time, and so
I snapped at you. I could have perhaps
approached the matter with a tad more
maturity. Therefore, I would like to
Sylvain: Yeesh, that's a terr-- rrific
Sylvain: An apology? That is not how
first try...if a bit stiff. Lift the
these conversations usually turn out.
corners of your lips just a bit. Oh, I
There's no need for that though.
know! Try saying, "cheese!"
Really, you'll make me blush if you
keep this up. Listen, Lysithea, I want
you to know that I meant every word.
Even if sincerity is...difficult for
me. You're as lovely as you are clever,
and you have this strange charm about
you. That's what I really, honestly
Marianne: Ch-cheese?
Lysithea: There you go again with your
false flattery...
Sylvain: Hey, that was good! It might
Sylvain: I swear to you, it isn't false
feel a bit unnatural, but you'll get
at all! And it's not flattery if it's
used to it soon enough.
the truth.
Marianne: Cheese... Are you sure this
Lysithea: Say what you will-- you're
will make me stronger?
still going to have to earn my trust.
Just this once, I'll cut you some
slack. Don't get used to it. It's not
like I can change who you are as a
Sylvain: Guaranteed. It's a great
Sylvain: Sweet and tolerant! You never
smile, you know. Let's go to town and
cease to amaze.
show it off. If you lift your eyes from
the ground, you'll see that the world
has all sorts of amazing things to
offer. The more you realize that, the
more you'll smile.
Marianne: I'll think about it...
Lysithea: I'll leave you with this--
don't say things you don't mean. It
makes it impossible to tell the lies
from the truth.
Sylvain: Please, don't let me pressure
Lysithea: Don't come crying to me if
you. If you don't want to go, I
you carry on as you have and end up
with no friends.
Marianne: It's not that I don't like
Sylvain: Heh heh... I have to say,
going into town. I'm just eager to get
Lysithea, your harshness is one of
back to my room. I want to go practice
those things I find so charming about
my smile. If I keep practicing, maybe
someday I'll be ready to go into town
with you.
Sylvain: Oh yeah? That sounds great. I
Lysithea: Ugh, you are exhausting. I
can't wait to see your best smile.
guess the positivity is OK though.

Latest revision as of 01:38, 21 June 2020

C Support

Sylvain: Lysithea, I have to say you're really impressive. I respect you a lot, and I thought I should tell you.

Lysithea: Uhh, OK.

Sylvain: It's just, you know, you're four years younger than me, but you work really hard at everything. I mean, when I was your age, I wasted all my time just goofing off and doing whatever I wanted.

Lysithea: Doesn't look like much has changed for you since then. And unlike you, I don't have time to waste, so leave me be.

Sylvain: Are you going to do some extra magic training? I'd be happy to join you, if you don't mind. What do you want to start with?

Lysithea: I am absolutely disinterested in spending any time with you. What is it you want, anyway? Clearly you haven't been listening to a word I've been saying. Perhaps it's because I'm younger, you see fit to ignore me when I speak. Is that it?

Sylvain: What? No! Age has nothing to do with it. You're amazing! You're true to yourself. You know what you want and who you are. Not a lot of girls I know can say that.

Lysithea: Ah, so it isn't my age that's to blame for you breezing over my wishes. It's my gender.

Sylvain: I-- What? Where did you get that idea? I'm just trying to praise your smarts and hard work and everything. It's impressive how someone so young--

Lysithea: Your lack of self-awareness is deeply troubling.

Sylvain: What I'm aware of is you trying to pick a fight. Calm down, kiddo.

Lysithea: Look. I'm really busy. Super, extremely, inordinately busy. I've got one last thing to say to you.

Sylvain: And what would that be?

Lysithea: I'm skilled with magic, and my abilities are finely honed. It's not like I need someone for target practice.

Sylvain: No, but I do.

B Support

Lysithea: Sylvain, I've been looking for you. Do you have a moment?

Sylvain: Hey, Lysithea. I was about to grab some food. Would you like to come along?

Lysithea: Actually, yes. That sounds fine. Sylvain: Great. Let's go. Hmm... The dining hall isn't exactly relaxing, is it? If there's a next time, I'll take you somewhere with a much better atmosphere.

Lysithea: I don't really care about the atmosphere. I just wanted to apologize.

Sylvain: Nah, I get why you told me off. There's nothing you need to apologize for.

Lysithea: Ugh, can you just shut your mouth and listen for once? Here's something you may have already picked up on... I very much dislike being treated like a child. I've worked very hard to be where I am now, and such treatment makes it feel like all of that work is being ignored.

Sylvain: But I think you're a genius! And you work harder than I ever did. When I was your age...

Lysithea: Yes, you already told me all of this. Back then you were just as devoted to goofing off as you are now.

Sylvain: Ah, so I already told you that... What a perfect memory you have.

Lysithea: And there it is. You're always so quick to flatter every woman you come across. I knew that, and yet I never thought you would direct your antics at me.

Sylvain: Heh... Look, I'm sorry, OK? I know how hard you work, and I really wasn't trying to upset you. I just wanted to chat.

Lysithea: I do not mind that you wished to chat with me. In fact...you might even say I was happy about it. Just a bit.

Sylvain: Seriously? It sure didn't seem that way...

Lysithea: Well, it's true. Your behavior is maddening, but in retrospect, I realize that was you treating me as you do all women, rather than like a child. I wasn't thinking about it like that at the time, and so I snapped at you. I could have perhaps approached the matter with a tad more maturity. Therefore, I would like to apologize.

Sylvain: An apology? That is not how these conversations usually turn out. There's no need for that though. Really, you'll make me blush if you keep this up. Listen, Lysithea, I want you to know that I meant every word. Even if sincerity is...difficult for me. You're as lovely as you are clever, and you have this strange charm about you. That's what I really, honestly think.

Lysithea: There you go again with your false flattery...

Sylvain: I swear to you, it isn't false at all! And it's not flattery if it's the truth.

Lysithea: Say what you will-- you're still going to have to earn my trust. Just this once, I'll cut you some slack. Don't get used to it. It's not like I can change who you are as a person.

Sylvain: Sweet and tolerant! You never cease to amaze.

Lysithea: I'll leave you with this-- don't say things you don't mean. It makes it impossible to tell the lies from the truth.

Lysithea: Don't come crying to me if you carry on as you have and end up with no friends.

Sylvain: Heh heh... I have to say, Lysithea, your harshness is one of those things I find so charming about you!

Lysithea: Ugh, you are exhausting. I guess the positivity is OK though.