Three Houses Supports/Sylvain Hilda

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C Support

Sylvain: Hey there, Hilda! You're looking cute today.

Hilda: Thanks! You're looking quite handsome yourself.

Sylvain: You know exactly how to talk to a guy. I like it. What's with all the books?

Hilda: Oh, these? I was just bringing them to... Ah, ouch. Ouch!

Sylvain: What's wrong? Did you hurt your foot?

Hilda: Yeah... I tripped earlier. But I'm supposed to return these books to the library by the end of the day!

Sylvain: Relax. I'm sure there's a handsome guy around here who knows how to carry books to the library. You rest your foot. I'll take care of this.

Hilda: Oh, no. That's all right. You must have something more important to do.

Sylvain: Nothing is more important than helping you. Just pile the books on that desk, and I'll get 'em where they're going.

Hilda: Aw, you're so kind! Thank you so, so much!

Sylvain: It's nothing. I'm happy to-- Wow. That is a lot of books.

Hilda: I'll just leave them right here for you. Thanks again, Sylvain! You're the best.

Sylvain: Wait a minute. Some of these books have dust on them. She's been holding on to these for months! The professor was looking for this one a few weeks ago! Hilda... Hang on! Did she just trick me into doing something she didn't want to do?

B Support

Sylvain: Hilda! Lovely as ever. I swear when you're around the sun shines brighter and everything sparkles.

Hilda: Sylvain! You're looking superb, as always.

Sylvain: Thank you! Are you going out today? If you do, then be careful. I'd hate to think you might hurt your foot again.

Hilda: My foot? Oh, yes! You mean that time you helped with the books. No need to worry. The foot's fine now, even better than it was before.

Sylvain: I noticed, you know, since I'm always looking at cute girls and you are one of the cuter ones... Your foot was better during the battle. You were running all over, just a regular warrior princess! And less than a day after such a terrible injury...

Hilda: My friends were depending on me, so I just had to fight through the pain.

Sylvain: Hilda, please don't lie to me. I knew your foot wasn't really hurt, but I returned your books anyway. Take it from a guy who does his fair share of pretending to be someone he's not...and I say this as a friend... You are a terrible liar. And those books you left in your room for so long? Teachers and classmates needed those. So stop lying, and maybe stop being quite as selfish too.

Hilda: Huh. You saw right through me. Honestly, I'd completely forgotten that I still had those books. I really was going to return them. Did the librarian say anything to you?

Sylvain: Oh yeah. I got an earful of yelling and accusations meant for you.

Hilda: Huh? Didn't you just say it was my fault?

Sylvain: Nah, I figured the librarian would feel better if they just let loose. No reason to make them wait for you.

Hilda: I'm so sorry. You got a tongue-lashing that should've been directed at me.

Sylvain: Tell you what. All will be forgiven if you promise three things-- stop lying, take responsibility, and fall madly in love with me.

Hilda: Aw, Sylvain. I do love you, you know? I just... wouldn't want you for a husband.

Sylvain: What? Why not? Well, not to offend you, but I can't help but feel that your niceness is somehow...shallow.

Hilda: My brother would probably cut you into pieces the moment he saw your face.

Sylvain: Your brother sounds...terrifying, actually. We're losing the thread a bit here.

Hilda: Evidently, you can see through my act, so I'll just be straightforward about taking advantage of you.

Sylvain: Ha! Well, I'll take what I can get. Just don't go causing trouble for guys who aren't me.

Hilda: It's a deal. Good-bye for now, Sylvain.