Three Houses Supports/Sylvain Flayn

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C Support

Sylvain: Hey there, Flayn. I thought I'd drop by and see if you'd care for a...

Flayn: Now just a moment, Sylvain. If you must speak with me, I implore you to do so from where you stand. My apologies if this comes across as rude, but please do not come any closer to me.

Sylvain: Excuse me?

Flayn: I am sorry-- my brother has explicitly warned me not to go near you.

Sylvain: Seteth said that? I bet he also told you any woman who comes too close to me is... How does he say it? Doomed to misfortune...

Flayn: He used those very words! Is it true, then?

Sylvain: Come on. He's just messing with you, obviously.

Flayn: Of course I would prefer to believe that, but one can never know for certain. Particularly when similar stories are constantly in circulation about you.

Flayn: I have heard that men and women alike have been seduced by your nefarious ways.

Sylvain: I hate to suggest my talents are being oversold, but...

Flayn: I have heard you toy with people's emotions, like a cat toys with its prey.

Sylvain: Do I really look like such a villain to you?

Flayn: Well, perhaps not. You do not strike me as much of a charmer.

Sylvain: When you put it like that, I feel like I should defend-- Eh, forget it. Let's get to the actual point.

Flayn: Did I not tell you, Sylvain?! Stay away from me!

Sylvain: It's kind of awkward talking from so far away. Can I please step just a little...

Flayn: Truly, there are countless terrible stories of your behavior. I've heard that you panic when there aren't women around to flirt with. That you've gone as far as flirting with horses and even chickens!

Sylvain: Oh, come on! Who would even... You should know that your brother has an overactive imagination.

Flayn: I would like to believe that you are a sincere and reputable person, Sylvain. But there is no smoke without fire, or so the saying goes.

Sylvain: I may not be the most respectable fella you'll ever meet, but...

Flayn: Until I can be certain, please refrain from coming too close to me. Now if you will excuse me, I must be on my way.

Sylvain: Flayn! Wait! Come back! ...And she's gone. All I was trying to do was deliver a message. Flayn! Hey! The professor said we need to come to the cathedral! I'll run really far ahead so you don't have to walk near me! There. I tried telling her. The professor can't be mad about that.

B Support

Flayn: Sylvain...

Sylvain: Hi! Why do you look so down? But hey, if you're talking to me of your own accord... Can I assume you've figured out I'm not a monster?

Flayn: I wanted to apologize about my treatment of you earlier, Sylvain. I am not normally one to put stock in such rumors...

Sylvain: Nothing to be upset about. I mean, I've kind of earned that reputation. I've just...I've got this sickness. When I see a pretty girl, I can't stop myself from flirting with her. Like you, for instance...

Flayn: Oh, I am so sorry to hear of your illness! Perhaps my magic will help heal you.

Sylvain: Huh? No, I didn't mean it like that...

Flayn: No? Are you not ill, then?

Sylvain: You know what? Let's just... Let's move on. Can I take this to mean everything is good between us?

Flayn: Of course. Sylvain, I look forward to getting to know you without the falsity of rumors.

Sylvain: Great! Would you like to celebrate our new friendship by joining me for a meal?

Flayn: You would treat me to a feast? That is very kind of you.

Sylvain: A chance to spend time with a sweet girl like yourself? It's a pleasure. Your voice like birdsong, your eyes clear as diamonds, but above all... I'm drawn to your kind and loving heart. I am a captive to your charms, Flayn.

Flayn: I hear that very frequently. Thank you.

Sylvain: Yeah, I... I guess a girl as cute as you would get a lot of compliments.

Flayn: Anyway, what type of a meal were you considering, Sylvain?

Sylvain: I would love some seafood, followed by a delicious cake!

Flayn: Oh, I am absolutely famished, as I often am. Shall we be on our way?

Sylvain: Ha, she's a tough one. Sheltered girls like her usually fall for that kind of stuff. But she's much too savvy...even for a smooth-talker like myself.