Three Houses Supports/Mercedes Ingrid

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C Support

Ingrid: Nightfall? Already? Suppose I'd better wrap up...

Mercedes: Good work with your training today, Ingrid. Here's something to wipe up the sweat.

Ingrid: Whoa, Mercedes? Hi?

Mercedes: Hello.

Ingrid: How long have you been, um-- Thank you!

Mercedes: You're very welcome! I've been here since you started.

Ingrid: That long? Huh. Well, my apologies for not having noticed you. I get so caught up in training, you know. But why are you here? I can't imagine it was too terribly interesting watching me.

Mercedes: I disagree. I just couldn't help but admire your training technique. I have to say, you were very impressive. I'm nowhere near as graceful as you.

Ingrid: Graceful? I wouldn't say that, but thank you. If I'm to be honest, I'm the one who admires you.

Mercedes: Goodness! Me? How so?

Ingrid: You're always so put together� you hold yourself with such poise and have such a keen eye for fashion. I mean, even the handkerchief you handed me smells like...lavender, is it? It's just lovely.

Mercedes: That perfume is a favorite of mine. I'm so glad you like it.

Ingrid: Even the fact that you thought to put perfume on your handkerchief is delightfully foreign to me. I'd never have thought of that.

Mercedes: I'll gladly share some with you. You're welcome to come visit my room whenever you'd like. We can have tea and chat! How does that sound?

Ingrid: Ah, that sounds really nice, yes. Sipping tea and having a chat-- it's unlike me, but it sounds lovely.

Mercedes: From now on, we'll meet up whenever we have time. We can go right now if you're free?

Ingrid: Oh, no need to trouble yourself and rearrange things for me.

Mercedes: It's no trouble at all! You'll never know if you're the type who enjoys chatting over tea if you never try.

Ingrid: Hehe! All right, then!

B Support

Ingrid: Apologies for my late arrival, Mercedes. My duties ran long, as per usual.

Mercedes: There's no need to apologize at all! Please, have a seat. We've met for tea so many times, but you never seem to get used to it, do you, Ingrid?

Ingrid: Not entirely, no. I'm not accustomed to being treated so...delicately. Anyway, what will we talk about today?

Mercedes: I actually wanted to gripe about something that's been bothering me.

Ingrid: You? Gripe? Now that's unusual! I'm happy to listen, of course. It's the least I can do after all the kindness you've shown me.

Mercedes: Thank you. The one thing I really wanted to talk about is marriage...

Ingrid: Oh?

Mercedes: Yes. I received a letter from my adoptive father about marriage discussions with a noble family.

Ingrid: And will you accept?

Mercedes: That's the problem. No matter what I decide, I'll probably be married off anyway. What I really want to do is help those in need. But I think it would be more difficult to do so if I married a nobleman.

Ingrid: Understandably so. Sounds to me like you need a strategy to silence your father.

Mercedes: Sorry? To...silence him?

Ingrid: Don't you agree? It seems the best course of action would be to consider severing all ties with the family and running away.

Mercedes: We don't need to go that far.

Ingrid: I'm sorry, I really just needed to let that out.

Mercedes: I don't need you to worry about solving my problems.

Ingrid: Oh. OK. It's...just a bit personal for me, actually. My own father has brought countless marriage proposals to my attention. He always was obsessed with me carrying on the family bloodline... At a very young age, my hand had already been promised to someone in marriage. But Glenn died young.

Mercedes: That must have been difficult for you. Would you have married him if he had survived?

Ingrid: Hm. That's a good question. It's hard to imagine now. Although I did admire him quite a lot. He held true to the ideals of knighthood, proudly serving the king. Even after all these years, I aspire to be the type of knight that he embodied. But that's just it. I'm not a tool for furthering my family's fortunes. I'm a knight at heart. Regardless of what my father desires.

Mercedes: I see. A very noble cause indeed.

Ingrid: How strange that we should be worrying about the same thing. Even though we are such different people.

Mercedes: It's true. Enjoying a nice chat over tea with you like this makes me realize... Maybe the paths we walk aren't so different after all. Don't you think?

Ingrid: I do.

Mercedes: These tea parties of ours...they really are something special.

Ingrid: That they are.

Mercedes: Ingrid... I would love to get to know you better, if that's OK. I want to know about your childhood, your favorite books, the sweets you like, anything at all!

Ingrid: Hahaha, absolutely! I'm happy to speak with you anytime, and I want to know you better too, Mercedes.