Three Houses Supports/Mercedes Hilda

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C Support

Mercedes: Goodness, Hilda. You look worried. Is something the matter?

Hilda: Oh, Mercedes! I was on my way to the greenhouse, to water the flowers. But I have a meeting with the professor right now, so I'll have to be quick.

Mercedes: It must be urgent to call you at this hour of the morning! Go see what the professor needs from you. I can take care of the flowers.

Hilda: Oh, are you sure? Thank you so much!

Mercedes: It's no problem at all! Let me take the water from you.

Hilda: Thank you again! I'll see you at lunch.

Mercedes: Right! I'm off!

Hilda: Oops, my meeting with the professor was tomorrow. Anyway, thanks, Mercedes! Still no Mercedes. All she had to do was water a few plants. I didn't think it would take this much time. It's almost noon. Maybe I'll go see what she's up to.

Mercedes: And that's the last of that! Perfect!

Hilda: What's taking you so long?

Mercedes: Oh, Hilda! Is your meeting with the professor over already?

Hilda: Um, yes. It's almost lunchtime. What are you still doing here?

Mercedes: Lunchtime? I hadn't realized how late it was... After watering the flowers, I noticed that the greenhouse was in need of some tidying. I must have gotten a bit carried away. It's so pleasant working in here!

Hilda: Oh, "pleasant," sure! You're such a kind person.

Mercedes: No, no. It was my pleasure. Anyway, shall we head to the dining hall?

Hilda: I should have just done it myself. Waiting for her was so exhausting...

Mercedes: What was that, Hilda? Come along, I'm hungry!

Hilda: Uh, coming! What should we eat?

B Support

Mercedes: Good morning, Hilda. Is anything troubling you today?

Hilda: Nope. Nothing. If there was, I don't think I'd ask for your help.

Mercedes: I'm sorry to hear that. Have I done something to upset you?

Hilda: Not exactly. You go overboard helping me, is all. You do way, way too much. So I feel guilty, like I'm putting you out.

Mercedes: Goodness! It was never my intention to have you worry about me!

Hilda: Hm. Can I ask you something?

Mercedes: Of course. What is it?

Hilda: What are you doing today?

Mercedes: Following my morning prayers, I'll be cleaning the altar then caring for the flowers in the greenhouse. Then it's off to the library to help organize and sort, then to the dining hall to wipe down the tables and chairs. The floors could use a good polish too... Oh! And the weather's so nice that I might air out the bedding! After that it's--

Hilda: Wow, you're still not done? There's more?

Mercedes: Well, the dishcloths in the dining hall are all frayed, so I was hoping to mend them.

Hilda: Sewing! Don't you think that's too much?

Mercedes: Whatever do you mean? And why are you speaking so loudly all of a sudden?

Hilda: Ugh! I'll help with the dining hall. But I am not sewing.

Mercedes: You want to help? That would be delightful!

Hilda: Everyone asks you for help, and you always say yes, don't you?

Mercedes: I suppose. I believe it's important to help where you can. If you see someone in trouble, you can't leave them, can you?

Hilda: You're too kind, Mercedes-- literally. I can't empathize.

Mercedes: I'm sure you can. You and I are very similar in that way.

Hilda: Are you serious? How? We have nothing in common.

Mercedes: That may be so, but you thought I was in trouble and you agreed to help, didn't you?

Hilda: Well, I mean, yes.

Mercedes: That's exactly what I do! I'm so happy to have found a kindred spirit!

Hilda: Uh... If that's what makes you happy, OK. Kindred spirits, let's go with that.

Mercedes: Now that I've got you at my side, I can take on even more responsibilities!

Hilda: Not a chance!