Three Houses Supports/Mercedes Constance

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C Support

Constance: Am I in bed dreaming, or is that you, Mercedes? How screndipitous it is to see you again!

Mercedes: Yes, and here we are! You were so small when I saw you last. How you've grown.

Constance: I cannot express how worried I was to hear that you had left House Bartels. I was turned away any time I asked about you, and of course Emile would never tell me anything.

Mercedes: I'm sorry. There was so much going on in House Bartels back then... But enough about all that. How are you, Constance? I hear you've had hardships of your own.

Constance: Indeed. House Nuvelle is no more, and I went alone to the school of sorcery.

Mercedes: Oh! You went to the Royal School of Sorcery? Just before I began at the Officers Academy, I was studying there as well.

Constance: You were?! It must have been after my graduation in 1177...

Mercedes: That was the year I enrolled. We probably just missed each other.

Constance: No! You mean to say that if I had stayed a trffle longer, we could have been reunited sooner?

Mercedes: It seems so. Haha! Ah, dear Constance. When we were little, I thought of you as my little sister. But now that you've grown up, I think our roles might be reversed! I'll be looking up to you now, and maybe even asking for your help sometimes.

Constance: You'd ask for my help? I never thought I'd see the day!

Mercedes: And yet you are seeing it. You know, I had another friend at the school. Her name is Annie. Why don't we all have some tea together? I'm sure you two would really hit it off.

Constance: You must mean Annette. Yes, I would welcome the chance to have a long chat with her. I'll prepare the tea straightaway.

Mercedes: Oh, no need to rush! The tea isn't going anywhere.

Constance: Don't be ridiculous! Time is always of the essence/ Why put off for later what I... I could...

Mercedes: Constance? I wonder what's the matter. Did something happen?

Constance: Mercedes...sharing your precious time with me is perhaps more than I deserve.

Mercedes: What do you mean?

Constance: Why sit with me when you could share your teatime with someone else? I shall instead stand and serve the tea. Though if my presnce still proves to be a burden...

Mercedes: Goodness, of course it isn't! Are you feeling all right?

Constance: My feelings are immaterial. Pardon me while I fetch the tea leaves at once.

Mercedes: Until a moment ago, everything seemed all right. Why did she change so suddenly? I'll have to ask her what's going on.

B Support

Mercedes: I see. The sunlight brings back painful memories in you.

Constance: I'm afraid so. Please forgive my behavoir from before. I cannot abide these indiscretions of mine.

Mercedes: That's all right. The way you always work so hard day and night, it's no wonder it's had this effect on you. You work harder than anyone I know. I've always been impressed by that, Constance.

Constance: That means a lot to me.

Mercedes: You know, at the school of sorcery there was a professor who specialized in magical cures. Why not write her a letter? Perhaps she can suggest a treatment that might help.

Constance: I have tried. She could do nothing for me. But I vowed then to the goddess that I would find a way to overcome my trials. I will prove my skills to the goddess and everyone else, bringing me closer to resotring House Nuvelle!

Mercedes: Haha! You're a tough cookie, Constance!

Constance: Naturally. And with your support, I shall grow ever stronger by the day!

Mercedes: I know you will! You know...during the years of political turmoil, House Martritz was destroyed as your house was. But resotring my father's house has hardly crossed my mind. I guess I'm not as tenacious as you are.

Constance: You needn't be so hard on yourself, Mercedes. You have had other priorities since then. Oh! I've just had a grand idea!

Mercedes: What is it?

Constance: You ought to try to reinstate House Martritz!

Mercedes: Oh dear! I'm not sure that's possible.

Constance: Nonsense. If I can restore my own house, then you can restore yours. As we work to further our own like goals, we shall learn so much that we can share with one another!

Mercedes: You make it sound so simple. How would I even get about that?

Constance: That is simplicity itself! You shall become a prodigy at spellcraft, as I am.

Mercedes: Um, all right.

Constance: I shall master the black arts, and you shall master the white. The world will know us as sister sages!

Mercedes: I see...

Constance: Our names shall ring out across Fódlan, earning us the tides we rightly deserve!

Mercedes: I hope you won't mind me saying so, but this plan seems to have gotten a bit far-fetched.

Constance: Oh, no, not if you join me, Mercedes! Were one may fail, together we are bound to succeed!

Mercedes: She has such big plans...perhaps too big. In that way at least, she's exactly the same as when she was little.

A Support

Constance: Ugh, what's the use? Even with all I've learned, I still don't understand!

Mercedes: Hello, Constance. I hope I'm not interrupting.

Constance: Not at all. I was just in need of a sympathtic ear. I found a magical scroll, which, unless I am mistaken, should relieve me of my woes.

Mercedes: Oh, wonderful!

Constance: Not so fast. The magic within this scroll is a type I have neglected to study. It pains me to admit this, but it may take decades of going back to the basics to grasp it.

Mercedes: Decades? That's a long time to spend with your nose buried in an old piece of parchment.

Constance: Why must the goddess dangle a solution before me, only to cruelly pull it away?

Mercedes: There's no need to despair. To tell the truth, I like you just as you are.

Constance: You do? Why? Those low moods of mine have never done anyone the least bit of good.

Mercedes: You're like a little sister to me. Nothing you do will change that, not even a little bit.

Constance: Really?

Mercedes: Of course. You're my sweet little Constance, and I like you just as you are.

Constance: I...I see. Perhaps my moods are not the great burden I thought they were...

Mercedes: Oh, I'm sorry. I didin't mean to pressure you. No matter what decision you make, I support you.

Constance: I felt no pressure, I assure you. It's more that I feel...embarassed. to have been embarassed. I'd put so much effort into finding a magical means to alleviate myself... That it never occurred to me that maybe all I needed was to accept myself.

Mercedes: What will you do with the scroll you found?

Constance: Oh, I'll continue to research it...for research's sake, if nothing else. But I may have no need of it. It's not as if these moods of mine have ever hampered my efforts to restore my house. And I am as a sister to you no matter which face I present, yes? Nothing-no mood, no foe, no obligation-will keep me from honoring my sisterly duty to protect you!

Mercedes: Haha! We can protect each other.

Constance: Good! It is settled! Now we can being the hard work of reclaiming our titles.

Mercedes: Absolutely! We'll become sister sages and restore our houses to their former glory.

Constance: You understand the plan perfectly! If we walk this path can only end in triumph!