Three Houses Supports/Mercedes Annette

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C Support

Annette: That shopping trip took longer than expected, didn't it, Mercie?

Mercedes: It truly did. You bought just about everything in the place.

Annette: Hehe, you're so good at deciding the best thing to buy. I sort of wanted it all! I mean, not that I was excessive. I think you bought just about as much as I did.

Mercedes: Oh, really? The number of bags you're carrying says otherwise.

Annette: What?! That's... Oh, fine. You got me. I was just having too much fun! I love shopping with you, Mercie. It was fun!

Mercedes: It's nice going into town without having to run errands for once.

Annette: Isn't it? And I'm pretty confident the professor will forgive our little detour. This actually reminds me of going to school in Fhirdiad.

Mercedes: Me too. It almost feels like that time in our lives was a story from long ago.

Annette: So much has changed since then. Oh, but there's at least one thing that hasn't changed.

Mercedes: Me and you, right? We're the same old friends we always were.

Annette: That's just what I was about to say!

Mercedes: I've known you so long I can always guess.

Annette: Mercie, we'll stay friends like this forever... Won't we?

Mercedes: Is something wrong? You sound worried.

Annette: Since our time in the capital, so much has happened. We've had to make new lives for ourselves, and we've seen at least as many hard times as good. If things keep changing like this, I wonder if we'll be able to stay the same people we are now...

Mercedes: I wonder that too. I don't think everything in the future will be perfect... But it's us, so I'm sure--

Annette: We'll figure it out together. Right?

Mercedes: How did you know what I was going to say?

Annette: Oh, Mercie, I can always guess what you're going to say.

Mercedes: Oh. It's getting late. We'd better hurry back before the professor gets angry.

Annette: You're right. Run, Mercie!

Mercedes: What? Wait for me, Annie! You know I'm not as fast as you!

Annette: Run! Haha!

B Support

Annette: OK, Mercie. This time we're gonna be really good and get the supplies with no detours. You're so good at sticking to a plan. I should leave the shopping to you. I'll stay out of your way and just browse.

Mercedes: Hey, that's not fair! I want to browse too!

Rogue: Looks like you girls are havin' a good time!

Mercedes: Uh, Annie? Is this a friend of yours?

Annette: I've never seen this person before. I'm sorry to be rude, but we're kind of busy.

Rogue: Wait a minute. I think you're shoppin' with money you stole! No need to worry your pretty little heads. I'm just gonna have to take it back for us common folk!

Annette: Step back, Mercie. This could get dangerous.

Rogue: Listen here, you! There's no way you can win against me.

Annette: I don't want to fight you, but I will if I have to. So just...back away!

Rogue: You think you can talk to me that way?! I'm gonna--

Mercedes: Oh! The knights are coming!

Rogue: What?!

Mercedes: Annie, run!

Annette: This is far enough. We should be safe.

Mercedes: I hope so...but what were you thinking? That sort of behavior isn't like you at all!

Annette: I just... I thought you were in danger, Mercie!

Mercedes: You're actually blaming me for this? It's like I don't even know you anymore!

Annette: Mercie! I was just trying to protect you...

A Support

Mercedes: you have a moment?

Annette: Is this about what happened when we were shopping? If so, it's fine. Don't worry about it.

Mercedes: Not so fast! I haven't properly apologized yet! So, I'm sorry. I just... I got scared.

Imagine if something bad happened to you because of me...

Annette: Mercie...

Mercedes: You would have just run away if you were on your own, wouldn't you? Instead you acted defensively because I was there. I dragged you down...

Annette: Mercie, you're upsetting me! How dare you say that you drag me down! You know why I was acting so recklessly? Because I wanted to protect my best friend in the whole world!

Mercedes: Annie...

Annette: Do you remember when we first enrolled at the academy? It seemed like everyone was leagues ahead of us and so far out of reach. I felt completely hopeless... But because you were there, I didn't lose hope. So... Don't say stupid things about how you drag me down or how you don't deserve things!

Mercedes: Thank you for saying that... And again, I'm sorry. You're just so important to me. I know I could never find another friend like you. You've stayed by my side through thick and thin... I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything happened to you because of me.

Annette: Mercie, can we be friends again?

Mercedes: Of course, Annie. Friends forever.

Annette: Good! I don't know what I would have done if we hadn't found a way to make up. I'm sorry. I should have said something sooner.

Mercedes: No, I'm the one who should have stopped being so stubborn and said something.

Annette: You know, now that everything's as it should be, I'm suddenly starving!

Mercedes: That's just like you. Come, let's go for tea.

Annette: Ooh, let's! And we should have some Mercie-baked sweets on the side! I think I love you more than just about anything in the world!

Mercedes: You do? Oh, Annie, you're too sweet.

Annette: Not as sweet as your baking! I love your baking more than anything in the world too, other than you.

Mercedes: Well, I'm always happy to bake for you, Annie!

Annette: I'm so happy to have you bake-- uh, back!