Three Houses Supports/Ingrid Ignatz

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C Support

Ignatz: ...

Ingrid: Hey, Ignatz, what are you doing here?

Ignatz: ...

Ingrid: Uh, hello? Oh! You're painting.

Ignatz: Ingrid! What are you doing here? I could ask you the same!

Ingrid: I...did ask you the same. Anyway, I'm just visiting the cathedral. I must say, that painting is looking wonderful!

Ignatz: Aaaaah! Don't look, don't look!

Ingrid: Why not? It really looks great.

Ignatz: Really?

Ingrid: I wouldn't lie. Let me have a look. Oh, it's the statue of Saint Seiros.

Ignatz: I hope you don't think I was ignoring you. When I'm painting, I get totally absorbed.

Ingrid: Of course not. My feelings aren't hurt so easily. Hmm, what if you gave her a more edgy outfit? Shorten up her skirt or something?

Ignatz: No! That would be improper!

Ingrid: Ooh, and how about making her sword bigger? Oh! Oh! Turn her into a valiant knight!

Ignatz: But she's not a knight.

Ingrid: Aw, come on. Just this once? ... Huh... She doesn't exactly look like a knight. More like a maniacal demigod...

Ignatz: Yeah, it just kinda came out that way.

Ingrid: It's...different. Not quite how I envisioned.

Ignatz: It's my fault. I should have stuck to my original idea.

Ingrid: I'm sorry I pushed you, Ignatz. I'll leave you be.

B Support

Ingrid: Good day, Ignatz! So, painting again?

Ignatz: Ingrid! Yes, I'm painting Saint Seiros again.

Ingrid: Look... I'm really sorry about the last time. It's my fault it turned out so...well, different.

Ignatz: No, no need to apologize. I appreciated the fresh input. It made me think.

Ingrid: That's kind of you to say but no need to pull punches.

Ignatz: It's the truth! I'm so caught up in my own mind.

Ingrid: I'd never have thought to try that. Ignatz, I appreciate your attitude, but...

Ignatz: Yes?

Ingrid: There are times when it's OK to feel upset or angry. If you're feeling that way, it's always best to be honest.

Ignatz: But, but--

Ingrid: I understand the weight of what I did. I besmirched a sacred image-- and it was a painting you were pouring your heart into. I got carried away, but I'd prefer if you had told me then and there that my request was uncalled for.

Ignatz: I'm not angry. I could never get angry with you. I'm sorry.

Ingrid: Why are you apologizing? I'm the one apologizing!

Ignatz: Oh! Sorry!

Ingrid: Stop saying sorry! Ugh, never mind. Forgive me. I came here to apologize, and now I'm being sharp with you...

Ignatz: Don't worry. It's my fault, really. I'm not very good at expressing myself.

Ingrid: I never intended to be such a bother. I think I'll leave you to it.

Ignatz: Oh, OK. Sorry.

A Support

Ignatz: Where are you going, Ingrid?

Ingrid: Oh! Uh, hi! I see you spotted me-- um, saw me. I don't want to disturb you.

Ignatz: Don't worry. I just finished my painting of Saint Seiros.

Ingrid: Oh, that's wonderful. May I see?

Ignatz: Of course! Take a look.

Ingrid: Whoa. She looks so different from the other painting. Much more divine and gentle.

Ignatz: She looks so real, doesn't she? So alive. Perhaps it's boastful for me to say that.

Ingrid: Not at all! She really does! She has a glowing vibrancy to her. Looking at this painting, I feel so inspired.

Ignatz: I was going to paint her as loving and benevolent. But then I remembered your idea, and I decided to depict her fighting for her people.

Ingrid: Really? Actually, now that I look closer, I see her sword is rather large. And she seems to be in a battle stance!

Ignatz: That's right. Although, of course, I had to discard some of your more absurd suggestions.

Ingrid: I'm sorry about that.

Ignatz: No, wait! That's not what I meant! I see that if I open myself up to suggestions from other people, new things become possible. And I have you to thank for that realization.

Ingrid: If that's true, I'm very glad I could help.

Ignatz: You made a good point. We can't be blinded by our own thought patterns and ideas. It's important to be open to others', as well. By doing so, we discover new paths for ourselves, and we can even become better in ways we may never have imagined.

Ingrid: Exactly! Thank you, Ignatz. You've reminded me of a very valuable lesson. I'm going to strive to be more attentive and listen to other people's ideas.

Ignatz: Me too. And I've just had a new idea for a painting!

Ingrid: I can't wait to see it. I bet it'll be a masterpiece!

A+ Support

Ignatz: ...

Ingrid: Always diligently working on your craft.

Ignatz: Agh! Ingrid! How long were you standing there?

Ingrid: Only just now. Oh! Is that the new painting you were mentioning? You sounded especially inspired about this one. May I see?

Ignatz: No! I mean... The painting's not ready yet. I don't want anyone to see it before it's finished.

Ingrid: But...we had spoken about how much your perspective can broaden when you let other people in on your work. Had a change of heart?

Ignatz: It's not that. This one is embarrassing, is all.

Ingrid: Come on-- you know you don't need to feel embarrassed around me. Please, show me!

Ignatz: Uh, all right. Just for a second.

Ingrid: This one is even more beautiful than the last! A knight in shimmering armor, fighting in all her glory! That lance looks a lot like mine! And the armor... and the horse... Um, Ignatz... Is...that...

Ignatz: Yes. It's you. The woman in this image-- she's so powerful and regal... I'm in awe. So elegant and refined, but with such a soft air, despite the armor and weaponry... That's how I see you. You remind me of Saint Seiros. Brave and vibrant and powerful, yet kind and gentle. Sorry! Was that too much?

Ingrid: That was too much. Thank you, Ignatz. I'm deeply touched. And also embarrassed.

Ignatz: I'm feeling a little embarrassed myself.

Ingrid: Truly. I'm so moved. I guess now I really need to live up to all your painting encompasses! Please show it to me once it's finished.

Ignatz: I will. I promise. Though I don't think I'll show it to anyone else.