Three Houses Supports/Felix Lysithea

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C Support

Lysithea: Mmmm...yum. Mmmm... Ahh, so delicious! I'm so content in this moment.

Felix: ...

Lysithea: Felix!

Felix: Lysithea.

Lysithea: You look mortified. How long have you been there? Were you watching me? You were, weren't you?

Felix: I was, yes.

Lysithea: Ugh, for once I thought I had some privacy.

Felix: Did you say something?

Lysithea: Huh? Nope. Didn't say anything at all. Here.

Felix: What's this for?

Lysithea: I'm buying your silence...with cake. Take it.

Felix: I'm not sure what to be silent about.

Lysithea: If people knew I was shoveling cake into my face by the fistful, they'd think me nothing more than a child!

Felix: Adults eat cake.

Lysithea: You'll never understand. Just take this, will you?!

Felix: No. I don't like sweets.

Lysithea: Does your refusal mean you'll be telling everyone about my cake-shoveling ways?

Felix: I just don't like sweets, that's all.

Lysithea: Nonsense! Nobody can resist something so delicious. Look, I'm giving you this cake whether you like it or not. Eat it, toss it, throw it at an unsuspecting victim-- the choice is yours. Just please don't mention this to anyone.

Felix: What was her problem? And what am I supposed to do with this cake?

B Support

Lysithea: Mmmm! Ahh yes! These are the moments I live for!

Felix: I don't understand you.

Lysithea: You again?! Can't you see I'm busy?

Felix: Trust me, I didn't mean to interrupt.

Lysithea: So, how did you like the cake? I bet you ate it, didn't you? I knew it was irresistible. What was the experience like? I'm curious, from a research perspective.

Felix: I don't know. I didn't eat it. I gave it to some kid.

Lysithea: You...gave it to some...undeserving child?!

Felix: We've been over this. I don't like sweets.

Lysithea: Cake is not a "sweet." Cake is the divine essence of the heavens!

Felix: Everyone has their own tastes.

Lysithea: That's true, but life without cake is no life at all. Your dismissiveness regarding cake is inexcusable.

Felix: I'm not sure why you're so fixated on this.

Lysithea: I simply can't resist the spongy magnificence of cakes. I don't understand how you can be so dispassionate about it.

Felix: I don't know. I just don't like it.

Lysithea: Just try a bite. Come on. Open up!

Felix: No. I already told you, I don't want it.

Lysithea: But I made this one. With care and attention-- love even. Ah, and I went light on the sugar, just for you! Not light enough, I'd bet.

Felix: If I eat this, will you stop bothering me?

Lysithea: More or less. Just don't give it to some silly child this time.

Felix: Let's get this over with.

A Support

Lysithea: Felix! I've awaited this fated day!

Felix: You don't change. Still prattling on about it.

Lysithea: Aw, come on. I just want to hear what you thought of the cake I gave you.

Felix: Uh... It was edible.

Lysithea: If by edible you mean incredible, then yes! I agree.

Felix: It was satisfying and lightweight. I imagine it would be quite useful as a battlefield provision.

Lysithea: Please refrain from lumping delectable cake into the same category as provisions.

Felix: You're upset and I don't understand why. I'm complimenting the cake. You cured my dislike of sweets. For that I thank you.

Lysithea: You have an interesting way of giving compliments, but I'm glad you liked it.

Felix: Yes. Got any cakes on you?

Lysithea: You say that as though I just carry cake on me at all times! Did you want some?

Felix: That's not what I meant. If you've baked a cake, however, I wouldn't object to eating a slice.

Lysithea: If cake is what you want, you can just ask me directly. It just so happens I have a brand-new recipe I tried out, special for you. It's delicious and not overly sweet. Perfect for you.

Felix: OK.

Lysithea: Go on-- take a bite!

Felix: Mmm.

Lysithea: You love it! I can tell. Here, try this one out too!

Felix: Mmm.

Lysithea: See! So amazing, huh? Just keep working on that sweet tooth of yours. Then we can share cake notes and eat cake together all the time.

Felix: That is... It just sounds nice is all.

Lysithea: Mmm? OK. That does sound nice.