Three Houses Supports/Felix Flayn

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C Support

Felix: Hunh! Hya!

Flayn: Spectacular work, Felix!

Felix: Why are you here? You're interrupting.

Flayn: Oh, uh-- My apologies! I simply thought you were doing a great job... Just how sharp is that blade of yours, Felix? Do you imagine you might be able to cut something cleanly with it?

Felix: Probably.

Flayn: Ah, wonderful! I have a special request for you, then.

Felix: You want me to cut this firewood?

Flayn: I do. I shall toss them one by one to you, and you shall make a sweeping blow to slice them!

Felix: Sounds like a chore.

Flayn: I saw a knight do it once, so surely you can as well. Or perhaps you are worried that you are not capable.

Felix: What? I am more than capable.

Flayn: Right! Show me what you are made of. Here it co--

Felix: Doing them one by one is tedious. Just throw them all at once.

Flayn: All of them? If you insist! Here we go! Wow, you truly are spectacular!

Felix: I know.

Flayn: You are undoubtedly the most revered wood cutter in all the land. Now I am intrigued-- next time, let us try an even larger wood pile!

Felix: Why did I agree to this?

B Support

Felix: Flayn. What's that you're hiding?

Flayn: Oh no! My surprise is spoiled! I had brought some fruits for you to cut up, in addition to the firewood. I thought some variation might prove amusing!

Felix: No. I'm not doing that again. I've got better uses for my sword than chopping up fruit and firewood.

Flayn: I cannot imagine what could be better than chopping fruit.

Felix: Chopping up my enemies.

Flayn: You say that as though you have many enemies. So you would rather chop people than firewood, is that it?

Felix: That's not how I'd put it, but a blade's purpose is to kill. To chop wood, use an axe. To chop food, use a knife. It's simple.

Flayn: Surely it is not forbidden to use your sword for other things. Like chopping fruit. Swords that cut inanimate objects are serving a much finer purpose than those that cut living beings.

Felix: What a noble sentiment. But without a blade to cut down your enemies, you cannot win. Those who are weak lose everything, and they die. Those who are strong win, and live on.

Flayn: I understand why you balk at bloodshed, but you must know that it has a purpose.

Felix: And what purpose might that be?

Flayn: A purpose.

Felix: Let's just leave it at that. I'm not in the mood to debate you. I'll continue to wield my sword. And, if necessary, cut down my enemies.

Flayn: He certainly is a stubborn one...

A Support

Flayn: Felix!

Felix: You. What is it now?

Flayn: Do not fret. I have not come to ask you to chop wood. I have other things to speak of with you. You said that for one to live, they must also be prepared to kill.

Felix: This again... Yes, that's what I said. You still have a problem with that?

Flayn: No, I do not have a problem with it at all. I simply want you to live too.

Felix: Oh. OK. Then I'll get back to my training.

Flayn: Excuse me. I am not finished yet. During this time of war, you must wield your sword to ensure your own life. If that is the case, then it follows that we should bring an end to this war. To end the war, you'd have to kill more people.

Felix: Perhaps that is true.

Flayn: But once all is said and done, there would no longer be a need to kill, only to live. Is that not so?

Felix: ... That's pure fantasy. But if it came to pass, there would be no place for me. What would I do? I was raised to swing a sword. It's all I know. In a world without strife, warriors like me would be lost souls. It's tragic in a way. We fight to bring peace and then, if we achieve it, we lose our purpose.

Flayn: I do not think that is anything you should worry yourself over. If the war ends and peace reigns, I shall be sure to have plenty of wood chopping for you to do!

Felix: What a generous offer.

Flayn: And! You will never be short on fruits and vegetables to chop for me either! If you felt like you lost your purpose in life, surely you would find a new purpose. It is not like you to be afraid of losing something, after all.

Felix: Hm. I never thought about it, but maybe there is a path for me in peacetime. I'm intrigued. I might even like to realize this fantasy of yours.

Flayn: Oh, that brings me such joy, Felix! Together, we can make this a reality. I can see it now-- a life where you slice vegetables rather than people.

Felix: I will greatly enjoy the day when we inhabit a world like that.